How do we help the third world?

How do we help the third world?

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We don't.
Why the fuck should we? Why should we give a single shit about the conditions of foreigners?

The question is more how do we keep ourselves safe from that.

By not fucking their countries. It's that simple.

Literally, just leave them be. If you fuck over another country for your own economic or geopolitical gain, you are part of the problem. If you keep sending aid to prop up the country, you are exacerbating the problem. Let them solve their own problems.

By not giving them anything. Helping them hurts them and us.

Looks like conditions in most of Europe until the development of modern sewage and waste disposal. Europeans lived in filth for millennia until they figured it out for themselves.

Why should "we" figure it out for the Third World? If we step in to give them modern sanitary technology, we would be short circuiting their evolution and development. Europeans evolved to become immune to certain diseases and a culture favoring invention and innovation was fostered -- thanks to being exposed to filth for thousands of years.

The Third World needs to figure it out themselves. Europeans didn't have magical, benevolent Ancient Aliens.

Taking them off international aid and letting their numbers naturalize.


We tried.

They didn't want out help.

They wanted independence, let them solve their own issues then.

And all the knowledge is already there, for free.
They can just use the web or order a book.

Stop letting third worlders govern it.

fpbp they are responsible for their destiny not us. it is arrogant to take on their burdens.


They dont need it. They are too stupid to learn how to fucking help themselves. Everytime they get help they do nothing but waste it and ask for more.

We dont

We can't even help ourselves, our wealth has been plummeting for 20 years now.
Kill yourself.

designated cuck poster on duty. are you guys funded by trudeau yet for your hard work or wat

Intervention into these countries fucks up their free market systems. For example, foreign aid workers come in with free food for the people of a nation, the farmers go out of business because they can't compete with free food and there's no creation of wealth within the nation. Foreign aid pulls out and there is a demand for farmers. Farmers start to make money, can reinvest it into land, wealth is created for a nation. Then foreign aid workers come back in to start the cycle over again.

Aside from that, niggers haven't really been independent long enough to make mistakes and work things out. Plus, they have the internet now and can look up how to fucking farm and not be dumbasses.

I think it's a bit of a travesty to have their people die, but I don't necessarily feel bad for them. A people must learn to look out for their own in sustainable ways.

Promote Eugenics

God helps those who help themselves.

The third world literally cut the hands that were feeding them (Mugabe)
Why should we keep this evolutionary dead end up?
>If you ask me we should just cut all forms of aid, Build a massive wall against them and just make sure they stay there.
and if the problem becomes too big we just go in and do some manual population control.

Thanks western hippies for all the african aid you sent in the last decades, now they multiplied and we have to deal with them.

The best would be to introduce border control 3000 and finance it with cuts in the boomers public pensions and medical support. Seize the boomers assets and let them die - its hard, but these people must be held accountable if we want to save Europe.

We don't. Let them figure it out.

>implying it's that simple
Go back to fantasy land.


I'm implying that their own government can buy books and educate their own citizens.
They don't have to start from scratch.

European Welfare - Better you than me cucks

1. Stop sponsoring shitty regimes abroad. In the past several decades, the West has given crucial support to some very questionable characters worldwide.
2. Stop giving unconditional aid for things that can be produced locally and domestically. Free foreign imports wreck any developing markets.
3. Stop persecuting union workers and activists. Bargains and compromise are an integral part of economic freedom.

>leaving a country alone

Your bants are getting weak.

The problem is that those citizens happen to be niggers and niggers tend to lack the information seeking capability and they are severly limited when it comes to logical thinking and running a society in general.
If it was South africa with its European descendant population i would understand your reasoning but the problem is the majority of Africa is literal niggerland and shall be treated as such.

Take all the international aid money, stop spending it on infrastructure development or bullshit programs, and instead give the money directly to the people like dole money. Give them the chance to decide what to spend the money on. Once people in poor villages have a degree of purchasing power, capitalism is a superior mechanism to development funding to bring about improvement in living standards. Roads get built much faster when opening up new markets as opposed to an ngo project

They're not necessarily as ignorant or incapable as you say. There is in some areas a disregard for knowledge, but I'd say it's cultural and not genetic. There are still millions of Africans working in business, the arts, and science every day. Something like 80% of some African countries' populations are literate. Hundreds of millions have cell phones or Internet, and many live in cities or metropolitan areas. Kenya even has a sophisticated mobile finance service called M-pesa.

give them space money. and the local warlords will collect them all.

Send in Iran Man

Intense radiation.

Yes there is exceptions but judging by the fact that wherever they become a majority they start failing as individuals aswell and it dousn't matter where it is Detroit for instance is a great example of just that.
But also post-apartheid South africa.
The pattern is so consistent and exists wherever their genetical descendants are.
This makes me think it is more genetical rather than cultural but obviously culture has a massive impact but i think the key factor here is genetics with some exceptions.

First world born and living in a third world country, I can tell you one thing.

People in the third world, do not deserve help.

Do you keep a dog alive when it should really be put down? No, you don't, because it's a waste of resources in the name of vapid "humanitarianism".

Stop globalists from industrializing them before they're ready

I think we should continue building schools and then pass the torch of teaching to natives so they continue education. As for food, would it be possible to buy food in bulk from local farmers to hand out? All foreign aid should go into the economy, if that's possible.

Don't help us. We need to learn how to master our own destinies. People looking up to you as if you were some sort of father figure are the bane of our countries, for all they dream is to appease your nation's interests or live there without caring at all about their own countries, thus killing any sense of nationalism we may ever hold. And without that no nation can progress. You helping us also means your own people will think whatever goes wrong is your fault, feel guilty, and therefore feel that you should "help" more.

Unless there's a huge catastrophe not caused by our people being stupid there is not any reason you should "help". Make your country great again and we'll try to do the same.

The best help to the third world is to stop helping the third world.

You let it wither and die for they are unworthy


You crackas' need to pay for us niggas chillren' and fo' all dem' programs in schoo'!!!

Is that detroit

Honestly, the only way to help them was to Colonize their lands and take control of their natural resources in order to create a functional economy and with that money, improve their infrastructure.

Of course we tried that but "muh black Africa" philosophy caused them to revolt therefore we should just leave them alone to their failed states.

I'm a christian and I struggle with donating to charity helping third world countries, because I know it doesn't help in the long run. should I just try to go the capitalist way and build an economy down there? Capitalism works pretty well in most cases.

Invade and create colonies like the old days.
Otherwise don't "help" them at all. You give them water pumps, they rip them out of the ground and beat each other with them. The amount of aid we give to useless shit-holes could be better spent on our own economies.

I thought he was a pacifist.

Nah. No street corners with drug pushers on them.

Why doesn't somebody just clean the road up a little bit? It wouldn't take long for a few people to sweep the bricks and trash off to the sides of the road and would make it safer for everybody... But instead they probably walk around barefooted on this shit for years.

stop intervening, let the failed states sort themselves out, on their own terms. It will take a lot of time but eventually something will emerge.

Because if you actually look at history you'll find that all of these third world countries full of poverty just so happened to have been exploited by white colonialism and slavery.

It's fucking disgusting how Europeans exploit the cultures and countries of people of color and then fuck off back to Europe leaving us with nothing then claim it's somehow our fault we're poor. Whites are the most violent shits in the history of humanity

Cut all aid and the problem fixes itself.

T. Ahmed.
>cool clock btw

Asshurt nigger detected. Go back to wherever you came from.

Yes as a white man I literally went to africa(as is tradition in a cis white family) and raped and pillaged all of Africa's wealth personally
Pro tip, you can't wealth that was never there. Being a nigger I thought you would understand that

White fucking guilt much? Or are you a shitskin moaning about how da wit ppl b keepin yo welfare stealing ass down.

White colonization.

Kek you fucking cuck. How am I personally responsible for their miserableness? There were more than enough of 'dem progrhams and niggers always found a way to fuck it up.

yfw you realize that these people had nothing before the colonies. 10% of India's population was enslaved as the first brit walked into it. Black people sold black slaves to white people. White people brought infrastructure, law and order, programs to empower underprivileged people and folks. It's actually black people's fault they are poor. Wealth isn't just there, it has to be created. Food has to be made. Fruits have to be grown. The negros resort to violence, rioting and stealing. Believe me, food is a better market than drugs. You don't need to advertise food, people have a natural desire and demand and the more you sell, the more people want and they will also reproduce more. You don't need to invest much in R&D. Food is the best market. BUT: The political climate in Africa makes it impossible to have farms or factories.

He's not a nigger, he's some form of paki.
> what has my country become.

rare flag

Stop bombing them
Lower the trade barriers
Stop giving them food aid, only give them development aid


Stop funding and aiding dictators

literally, you do nothing. if you are ALREADY doing something, you withdraw all personnel and resources contributing to that thing and then never return.

Civilization can't be forced. When you give a community that can't produce food food, they will never learn to produce it - they will never experience the pressures and distillation necessary to feed themselves. The retards that eat dirt will still be around, the lazy who are so unmotivated that they would rather still than build a farm will survive and reproduce. Same with electricity, plumbing, medicine, etc., etc.

You can't bestow civilization - it has to come from within. This is why giving to almost all charities that work with the third world is unquestionably IMmoral.

If you are a Christian, the most you should be doing is caring for the poor, needy in your own neighborhood, those that you meet personally. You are literally doing the devil's work by shipping in huge packages of food to Africa - you're putting farmers out of business, instilling dependence, and tangentially enslaving other people.

stop feeding them and let em die

where they live.


Also, you're right. They don't work enough and always except help


>if you actually look at history
love this meme

>Europeans didn't have magical, benevolent Ancient Aliens.
spotted the shill

AIDF fucking go


How can they ever recover?

Send them Facebook likes



Might makes right.
If you haven't invented the wheel by the time I've invented the gun, you deserve to get fucked up

Singapore and Hong Kong were poor when it was colonized tho

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