Does this mean that high IQ people aren't guaranteed success? I thought IQ was the primary predictor of outcomes. Explain yourself Sup Forums
Nazi leaders had genius IQs, but still failed to win
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This post is bait and a massive strawman.
Really makes you think
> Implying the leaders of all states didin't have high IQs.
People who run countries tend to have very high IQs no matter the ideology. I'd garuantee if you took the IQs of soviet/american/british staff and leaders of the time you would get similar results.
try to kill 6 million people while being a dumbass then
I'm pretty sure genius starts at 144 IQ
Considering the Krauts were literally sandwiched between the allies, they were never gonna win in. The first place lad
Which means that a higher IQ really just equates to 50% chance of winning, or losing (assuming you're against equally smart opponents).
But stop Lithuania. You are being too logical for this troll post.
Literally the entire military strength of the world opposed them. It's amazing they lasted as long as they did.
Holy shit this new meme is gonna really piss me off. Fucking niggers.
Yea I know, it really makes you think doesn't it?
>Explain yourself Sup Forums
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the Pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
You won't win if you obey idiots like Hitler.
It really makes you think... about not attempting to invade the Eastern European plain, a tall order even for Mongolian hordes.
80 million person nation vs 500-1 billion alliance.
There are some situtations no genius can out maneuver.
They had like a 10:1 KDR but they never had the economic means to win the war.
The IQs allowed them to hold out as long as they did.
They were the underdogs though
>The IQs allowed them to hold out as long as they did.
But it didn't stop them from going to war.
Shouldn't IQ have prevented that major misstep?
>tfw 139
>tfw money-less, jobless, loveless, lifeless.
>tfw unable to relate to people, no matter how much I care for them
>tfw getting more and more tired of my failings in life. All I can do is watch it fly by while I fail time and time again.
>tfw so fucking tired I can fall asleep at 11 at night and wake up at 11 the next day, but still tired.
>tfw it's now half six in the evening and I haven't gotten out of bed since waking up this morning because I have literally nothing to get up for. And haven't for at least 15 years.
High iq isn't everything m8.
No shit. I have similar IQ and spend my days drinking cheap beer, masturbating and complaining about niggers on an anime forum.
It depends on the test. Some IQ test equate genuis to 130+.
Jesus you fucking asshole, if you're going to drop genocidal black pills like that, have the decency to put them in a podcast. Don't put them on Sup Forums, this place is already miserable enough.
it's easy to be first but harder to be last
Is this even legit infos?
more like a nazi hiding in a foreign country or his descendant
Soon, user. Soon...
Yeah its true. Most of them did have genius level IQs. Which is interesting because they were chosen by Hitler for their roles. In Mein Kampf he talks about his plan to make sure Competency and skill are the only way to get leadership roles in NSDAP. I guess it worked.
>The IQs of 21 defendants in the Nuremberg trials were measured in 1945 by Gustave Gilbert, an American psychologist who studied the prisoners extensively. The test used was the Wechsler-Bellevue (in German).
Gilbert, the man administering the tests, was Jewish. The average IQ is 128, just short of two standard deviations above the mean of 100. None of these men had below average intelligence.
>black pill
Chuckled user, thanks.
I prefer it here. No one can see who you are. Everyone shows their colours here, via their content. I like that.
...... Well fuck me...
If Gobbels was around today he'd definitely be shitposting here.
>tfw you will never find your own hitler-kun who comes to your house in a cute yellow shirt and gives your life a meaning
I have a 121-139 point IQ (measured three times) and my life is shit.
>Hjalmar Schacht had the highest IQ
Not surprising, that man was a fucking genius. Hitler would have been nothing without Schacht and his economic policies rescuing Germany twice, first from hyperinflation in the 1920s and then from the Great Depression in the 1930s.
Conversely, if the Weimar idiots had kept him in office we might not have had a Hitler at all.
>fat white retards think they are high IQ and relatable to high performing individuals
>but I am just unmotivated and an alcoholic/drug addict!
No. All of you are fat white trash and it's laughable that you can't see it. You are Jew slaves and there is nothing that you can do about it :)
I've read it over and over. Lol, not sure how to feel about the similarities. That can't be real?
If it is then thank fuck I've never gone for "help". If those white coat cunts managed to get my political views out of me, I'd be institutionalised for life...
Same. I've been measured twice, once when I was a teenager, and again as an adult. 127 when I was 14, and 140 six years ago on a Raven's Matrices. I've had a lot of ups and downs economically. Made a lot of money (briefly) in private business, but barely above poverty since 2010. Not sure what to do in life now. At least I still have my house.
>You are Jew slaves
lol if you think i work
Schacht was not a Nazi though.
Nope. The last thing I have left is my discipline, thank fuck. Very little drinking, no smoking, no drugs, no porn, and no fapping. Not that it's helped, but still, no one ever fought a fire by pouring petrol on it...
They only care about your "mental health" to the extent that you can function in the backwards society we have.
that's a meme
Germany had annexed territory for more than 100 million people. Italy also had its share of population, and they had plenty of other allies, such as Hungary, Romania, Finland, and the territory they occupied.
And Japan had a big population and some allies.
The Axis probably controlled at least 200 million people. Still less than the allies, but it's not true that Germany fought singlehandedly.
Göring also achieved very high scores on the style meter.
And that was part of why he wasn't punished at Nuremberg, but he was at the highest levels of government. Some say he might have been working for British intelligence, but it sounds like another myth.
How old are you and what have you tried to do in your life so far?
If you're young then it shouldn't be too bad. At least you were born and live in a first world country. You have opportunities most people in this world do not possess.
But yes, i've seen pretty dumb people getting quite successful in life. Because usually they don't overthink things, they just do them. More sophisticated people tend to spend too much time contemplating and fighting with themselves.
I'm pretty sure that it's an arbitrary threshold that changes depending on who you ask.
Also, genius is usually in reference to a subject, such as politics or playwrighting. An IQ genius is a genius at inference of rules.
If you were smart you stay on welfare and surf 4chans till you die.
i call bullshit.
who tests the IQ of a defendant while on trial?
That's the fucking truth right there, Britbro. I'd rather die sharp and alert than simply exist in a dull haze.
I really hope Trump wins. It looks to me like he wants to reset capitalism to it's original, production based form. Not the finance dependant bullshit keeping everyone down today... If he wins, then for the first time I'll actually want to emigrate to America. Something to work for, other than generating tax revenue, and seeing the taxes you do pay going to actual, useful projects. Christ that would be nice...
Unless the right consolidates first here, but with shit like this:
It's unlikely.
I'm also pretty sure I'd be hopeless in a war kek.
Theatrical trials do.
Why do you think they held it at Nuremberg of all places?
>who tests the IQ of a defendant while on trial?
Gustave Gilbert, genius. They tested them to establish that they were competant to stand trial.
It means Germans are still inferior to the Jews.
Just like when they test capital murder defendants, and if they're below 70, they are deemed "incompetant"...sometimes at least.
26, m80.
>If you're young then it shouldn't be too bad. At least you were born and live in a first world country. You have opportunities most people in this world do not possess.
Trust me, I know. I'm 100% aware I was pretty much born with a silver spoon in my mouth, compared to say, someone in Ethiopia, but that's what actually annoys me most. That I've been plonked into a nice world - even if it's held up on precarious strings - and I've never been able to do anything with it. It's an affront to people less fortunate.
This made me think. Now I am a #Cruzmissile.
Birthplace of the Nazis. Ouch...
>tfw i live in Nuremberg
Man, really drives home how little I've achieved with what God has given me.
>I thought IQ was the primary predictor of outcomes.
untrue. there are smart people on Sup Forums, but they are on Sup Forums, so they are losers.
I don't think 138 is a genius IQ. I hover just over 140, and all I consider myself is a very skilled critical thinker. We're inherently good at noticing patterns, and false conclusions... but we're still limited by the weakest links in the chain.
Someone who can circumvent the chain completely, and contribute knowledge to the human race that is undiscovered, or previously lost, is in my opinion, a genius.
Regardless, whether or not the Nazi's truly lost depends on which realities you're open to entertaining. And should you choose only to accept the reality of complete defeat, then there are dozens, if not hundreds, of other variables that likely had a greater impact than officer IQ. But, I concede that although these men were great at analyzing situations, they were likely as human (and ultimately fallible) as you and I.
nuh uh
Pretty sure Americans use different standard deviations and it always fucks up the discussion because no one ever ementions the used standard deviation even though it's pretty fucking important. 140 with 15 SD is 1% tier and the tests that Finnish Mensa uses don't even go that high.
Contributing to human race in big ways requires much more than just intelligence, even if you are genius level. Most succesful people apparently have IQs in the 120 range.
Bait, but w/e
Most German Generals had it right all along, Hitler made some critical mistakes his staff warned him about. Most were well respected by the ally commanders as well.
If top Generals had their way, Soviets would have fallen.
eyyo senpai, i went back to uni at 28 and i've turned it around a little bit. 36 now and i have money at least.
Changing my diet helped my depression turn from existential angst and despair into a mild fustration. -stop eating the sugary jew
wow really makes you think