Hello Sup Forums!

Hello Sup Forums!

I just coughed up an alien, merry christmas

you want a medal?

do you smoke?

see a doctor fool

Enjoy your slow, painful death from lung cancer.

You should probably just be an hero now.

literally just looks like what happens after i have a bloody nose and hack it up. this is dumb you're dumb this website is dumb

Tuberculosis has evolved to a creature

Do you have ovaries in your sinuses?



Santa face fucked you

fuck youuuuuu fuck you fuck you fuck youuuuuuuuu raaaggggggeee

Only if you insist

nah, never ever, breathed in some fiberglass insulation though

Thanks dude

Yes, that damned thing!

Not that i know of

>Thanks dude

You're welcome. Now make an exit bag.

Yeah you're probably going to die before new years, OP

You might as well get super fucked up now while you still can

Fiberglass can cause mild irritation but is not dangerous. You'll be fine.

G, are you alright?

Please go see a doctor.

Ask God for forgiveness for your sins, in Jesus' name, and I will pray that God heals your body and your lungs, in Jesus' name.

Please don't die, user. I Love you.

yeah bro you need to see a doctor. the blood is congealed-like and that means blood is clotting. it can be serious. if you notice a frog in throat type feeling, go to the er asap

She loved it

Yeah it was worse before, i'm confident about it

I live thanks

Thanks dude,
though i don't think i have that many sins, i'm not a mass murderer, and i am less than 35