Ywn have a qt nazi gf

>ywn have a qt nazi gf
why live


>yellow teeth

Absolutely PERFECT.


ITT: Evalion compliments herself

More proof fgt

Is she underage?

Am I allowed to fap to those nice tiddies without feeling remorse?

>Claims to be redpilled
>Draws Hakenkreuz backwards


if you think that's nice, you should see her bait videos

It looks like its hairs falling out.

This board is for 18+ only.

She's 18

Fill me in. Is she trans? Not a fan of dickchick.

nope, 19 IIRC

>that voice
>that physique
how could that ever be a trap mate

Whats legal age in America 31?

Probably should format your computer before NSA comes.



>tfw your queen is a jewshillwhore

>implying she didn't already have a bf who made her say all those things

>tfw traditional natsoc waifu whores herself on the internet for shekels

>that jew face and nose
Pick one, think with your brain not your dick you dumb fuck. This is why the jews control everything. What the fuck you want a girlfriend for anyways?

doubt that's real

>english is fucking shocking

all neonazi girls (other than roleplay porn stuff with still is weird) are probably paranoid mentally unstable schizos