3.Arabs/Middle Easterns
5.Native Americans(Inkas or Aztecks)
Personal ranking
Where's the joo?
in the furnace.
>3.Arabs/Middle Easterns
you must be >6.Niggers
1. Whites
2. Non-muslim middle easterners
3. Asians (lose the fucking Yellow fever)
4. Latinos
5. Indians
5. Native Americans
6. Abbos
7. Muslims (any race)
8. Niggers
9. Jews
Jews are at -1
You're not quite ready for pol. Back to /b with you.
Abos up on nigger?
Babilonians, Assyrians, Jews etc...
So shut up and end your burger!
Abbos are retarded and ugly, but at least they don't burn down cities when their favorite drug dealer gets shot. Niggers are violent, which puts them a step below abbos.
1. Germans
2. Levantines
4.Southern Europeans
5.Northern Europeans
6. East asians
7. SE asians
8. Blacks
9. Abbos
1. Whites
2. Chinks
3. Non-muslim arabs
4. Indians
5. Nigg noggs
6. Arabs
7. Slavs
Top kek!
1. Humans
5.Non-mud Arabs
No non-humans therefore Abos excluded from ranking
one people one civilization amen
1. Whites
2. Italians
3. Iberians
4. Latinos
6. Arabs
7. Shiny beads
8. Niggers
What the fuck Dima
Thank you fellow Canadian :)
Too much hatred on this subreddit lately.
1. Indians
2. Whites
I've got yellow fever/asian persuasion. Sup Forums please help me.
And being roasted together with
>Ostmark education
1. Yellows
2. Whites
3. Subhumans
thats about it
1. Whites
1. Jews
2. Khazars
3. Goyim
1. Asians (e.g. Indians, Pakistanis)
2. Middle Easterners (e.g. Arabs, Persians)
3. Whites
4. Jews
5. Latinos
6. Orientals (e.g. Chinese, Japanese)
7. Indians (i.e. Red Indians)
8. Blacks (inc. Aborigines)
Fellow persuasion?!
Same as you user
Middle easterners above whites lol
Your hilarious man
Sweden: The Post
Fellow *Asian persuasion
1) Whites (of Nordic Descent)
2) Whites (of Non-Nordic Descent)
3) Asians (of the "Big Three" Nations, China, Japan, South Korea)
4) Spaniards (of Spain)
5) Whites (Nordic, Non-Swedish)
6) Latinos (Non-Spanish)
7) Asians (Jungle/Island/Snow)
8) Blacks (Civilized)
9) Indians (Feather)
10) Blacks (Non-Civilized)
11) Indians (Snake Charmers)
12) whatever Turks are supposed to be
13) Sandy Desert Dwellers (Money)
14) Sandy Desert Dwellers (Allah)
15) Aborigine
16) Whites (Swedish)
Yeah fuck the Swedes
Historically, they were.
Agriculture, civilization and wall. They brought that to europe
Id make arabs number 5
1. Mongols
2. Uyghur
3. Turks
9999. Horseless Plebs
Hi Ahmed
Yellow is # 1 sweetie
3,000 year old civilizations highest IQs
1: Jew
99: Goyims
Claiming the people of ancient Babylon are in any way equivalent to modern Arabs is KANGZ-tier retardation
#1 in terms of women.
But only the Artificial Goddesses of Lust created in South Korea
Fucking canacucks.
Arabs are a bit less evolved than other middle easterns, but they arent the only ones
2.East Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.)
4.Other Asians
6.Native Americans
As a white, Arabs are second on the list.
I'd much rather racemix with an Arab over an East Asian anyway. Arabs are the same race as whites.
Asians are Mongolians
God tier:
Estonian gf
Great tier:
Acceptable tier
East/SE asian
Put it in the oven tier:
Everything else
This is a list of humans
My wife is Asian.
For some reason, these Japanese / Korean pop stars don't excite me in the slightest. The way they look, the way they move, and their robotic facial expressions all seem eerily off somehow.
t. 5'3 shitskin Malay 3.8 inches
Estonians are inbred in a non-memetic way. A tiny population that didn't marry out for centuries and their genetic diseases are off the charts.
>Arabs are the same race as whites.
still better than gooks though.
Nah, 6'2 5.7 anglo Indian, ya' slanty eyed zipper head
You better be asian too you race traitor
1. Humans
99. Jews
>posts "indian" woman
>she's like 3/4 white
>not acknowledging race at all.
You're racist mate.
Smart Tier
Asians / Whites (including jews)
Dumb but at least kinda peacefull tier
Native americans / Non muslims non white people
Dumb and aggressive tier
Muslims and other kind of savages (abbos, some black people)
How can this thread be going with no one posting pictures?
I'm a Boer, but have always preferred spanish or spanish.portuguese redheads.
See example (girl from "the lion" video..have been trying to find her name to look for modeling photots and no luck).
Fair, can't be fucked to find decent photos atm
Except that Sweden doesn't consider mudslimes to be idiots.
I don't care about your wife.
Any white man could storm into your home and claim her after dispatching you, and she'd willingly follow him, for that is Asian custom.
I don't want real women, I want robotic female monsters who never eat and spend 90% of their off time doing yoga and cardio.
Here's a "perfe"t German girl (we're talking normal girls you might actually get a chance to date, not models)
Too bad there was probably shitskin semen dripping down her inner thighs while that picture was being taken.
amazing cute Swede named elen krantz, raped and murdered by a nigger (also a member of FB group "we love diversity).
What fun is this thread with no pics? Come on fags, at least give example pics.
>I don't care about your wife.
I don't expect you to.
I just included the fact to indicate that I'm not generally averse to Asians, just their robots.
Enjoy your monsters.
1-north africans
2-levant people
5-south &south east asia
7-latin americas
8-south europe
9-any one else
?.the eternal anglo
She was "groped," but according to what she said at least, she had on pants and a thick jacket so the never got inside.
Look at how long and perfect her hair is. I didn't think there were any girls left like that anymore.
pic related, it's the official Sup Forums flag
1.Germanics,Latins,Ashkenazi Jews and Anglos
2.North East Asians
7.Native Americans
>Ashkenazi Jews and Anglos
At this point, you won't find any full-blooded wagon burners. The ones left who call themselves wagon burner (e.g. "pocahontas") are usually not bad looking (warren the exception, she's gross).
She was a race traitor and was dating the nigger. Her death was a good thing, just imagen if she had gotten some racetraitor offsprings.
The nigger saved us the job from doing it ourself in the future.
>Above native Americans
I get it that you hate America but at least redskins won't blow you up
1) Whites
2) Asians
3) Christian middle easterners
4) Slavs
5) Indians
6) Blacks (only mistake we made was letting them think they were equal. With proper discipline and control, they make good manual laborers/soldiers)
7) Natives american (annoying but pretty harmless)
8) Muslims (any race)
9) Abos
I have a preference for Mediterraneans in general (SE/Oriental Mediterraneans), but looks fair enough.
1. Southern Europeans
2. Oriental Mediterraneans (Levantines/North Africans)
3. Arabs/Mestizos
4. Slavs/Baltics
5. Central Europeans
6. Nordics
7. East Asians
8. Blacks
9. Aborigines
7.Sand niggers
I do.
Define """"humans""""
1- Levantines/Persians
2- Europeans
99- Asians
1000- Blacks/India
That's pretty much it. I'm 100% Lebanese, and it would be bretty gud if I could find a Lebanese qt for me.
Christian or mudslime Lebanese? The Christian Lebanese I've met have always been pretty nice people
Even the Muslims are, from my experience. Syrians also, both Muslims and Christians.
Nope, sorry. All fucking mudslimes must fucking hang. Nothing personal.
Muslim family, but identify myself more with Catholicism.
Lebanese muslims sometimes go full Arab, and this annoys me in an extent you can't even imagine.
1. Non-Anglo Whites
2. Asians (China, Japan Korea)
3. Good Latinos
4. Jews
5. Anglos
6. Top-tier Blacks
7. Native Americans
8. Top-tier Indians
9. Asian (Other)
The rest are equally fucking terrible: Shit Blacks, Shit Indians, Shit Latinos, Muslims, Abbos.
Pois é, libaneses e sirios pra mim são os mais civilizados do Oriente médio, eu particularmente gosto do pessoal. E no Brasil os libaneses muçulmanos são bem civilizados, e costumam ser "patrões" nos negócios.
Que bom que alguém reconhece.
1. Whites
2. Near-whites (brown people not far from Europe who apart from being brown behave and look white)
3. East asians
4. "Natives" (Indians, Sami, etc.)
5. Cancer
6. Cholera
7. 3rd world shitskins
8. jews
>some black people
Syrian here. Yeah, it would be nice if I found a qt levant gf whose also a second gen American or at least fully integrated.
Sure, whites are good when they're young. But finding a white that's not retarded and also one that ages well is very hard. Their genes are mostly crap.
1. Sami Master Race
99. whites
10000000. Jews, Arabs, Shitskins
1000000000000000000000000000. Darkies.
what's wrong with jews ?
1. Whites
2. Whites
3. Whites
4. Whites
5. Whites
6. Whites
7. Whites
8. Whites
9. Farm Animals
10. Anything with a fuckable hole.
11. Niggers (light skinned)
12. Kitchen Blender
13. Niggers (dark skinned)
e d g y XD
And I forgot, tinkers/pikies/gypsies belong in trash tier along with the rest.