How would the modern world be different politically, economically, and scientifically if the Nazis had won WWII?
How would the modern world be different politically, economically, and scientifically if the Nazis had won WWII?
how the fuck should we know
Absolute shit.
no jews
so... a LOT better
Depends entirely on what terms the Nazis had won, how Europe looked geopolitically, etc
Almost exactly the same, only Germany would mass import white refugees insted
I daresay there'd be less niggers around
Probably no jews and no mumslimes
No jews
Everyone would be brainwashed and the world would be an absolute police state
People would probably decry the holocaust, and other German war atrocities, just like we decry some of our war crimes, such as the egregious and unnecessary firebombings we did, and the internment camps for Japanese, for example.
But they would probably acquit Hitler of direct involvement. Indeed, we can't even prove today for certain that Hitler knew anything about the holocaust.
Other than that, I suspect that the world would largely be the same as today. The forces that seem to converge us continuously leftward, in the long run, would probably still exist.
I'd but that Europe would still be face being overrun with third world savages, for example, exactly as they are today.
Continental Europe would have a much heavier German influence, the continent as whole would be right/center right as opposed to the far left/left shit hole it is today.
far better off, but there would be a lot of upheaval right now about the wealth/income gap between the Germans and the rest of Europe, but that wealth/income gap wouldn't be much larger than it is today. Everyone except Britain has a stronger economy, eastern Europe are greatest beneficiaries.
No change. The German populace largely becomes the degenerate lazy help-less lot they are today despite their higher privileged. There are less Jewish nobel lauterates and a few more eastern/southern European ones.
Mark Twain's mustache.
>a kike gets hitler dubs
Things in my country would be just as shit, so I don't care
No more Jewry
I honestly think Hitler's regime would not have lasted very long - kind of how Napoleon lost his steam at the end there and the French empire completely collapsed. There were already many known assassination attempts on him from his own inner circle and it was only a matter of time word got out about the 6 billion.
Imagine cold war, but with extragenocidal commies spread over whole Europe.
But the six billion only happened because of allied bombing. There would have been a fraction of the deaths had the water, food, and medicine not been bombed out of existence. Thats why they went out of their way to construct the lolohoax narrative, to cover their fuckup.
Wed all be dead
are you Jewish?
Quads of truth
In an AU I've looked into where Nazis won, it's a fucking paradise. Everyone contributes positively to society, there is no need for welfare, technology is so far ahead, right now there are two fully functional, self sustained space colonies. There is no more suffering, no more wars, no more famine or disease. I mean sure there are strict laws in place but people live with the laws and are quite happy. There has been much nature restoration as well. The best thing is there are no cucks, no SJWs, no feminists.
it would be
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Unfortunately, as soon as the victorious Nazi Germany became fat and happy from a generation of peace and victory, there would be a social upheaval of massive scale, and it would all fall apart. There's never been an Empire that lasted without an enemy to define it. The kids would rebel, the old guard would overreach maintaining power, and the whole thing would implode.
The only hope is that by that point all non-Aryans would be exterminated. But Hitler didn't want or call for world conquest, only for a greater Reich on the aryan homelands.
No russians. Look up Generalplan Ost
>Generalplan Ost
>Believing Nuremberg myths.
Long debunked, not one document exists to verify it. How could that be, for such an elaborate, large-scale plan?
Bullshit testimony from one witness at Nuremberg is all you got.
prove me wrong