Be norwegian

>Be norwegian.
>Born and raised in the capital, Oslo.
>Every year, less and less white people, more and more shitskins.
>Right-wing party elected into government.
>No change.
>Norwegian women with niggers and arabs everywhere in the city.
>Demographics changing the rest of the country.
>No sign of anything stopping it.

Remind me why I should care about this country anymore, user?

Do you even lift?

Every person in the government is not there for us. They need to be purged of their impure thoughts. They're bidding the EU jews at any possible moment and are willing to sell our country to them for better positions in their power hierarchy.

It's fucking sickening but it's been like this for far too many years.

I propose we start killing the jews. They're the ones that want to abolish the borders, import shitskins and destroy white countries. The politicians, brainwashed and corrupt like they always are, are in the end just as much of followers as the common voter is, and could just as well follow Hitler if he had the loudest voice.

I have nothing to add.
Gronland, Grunnerlokka, Alna, Grorud, holy shit.

It's not the color of their skin, it's the way they behave. The way their kids behave. It's their 'culture' and ignorance.

They should stop shitting where they eat.


>"I propose we start killing jews".
What a serious proposal, GCHQ.

I grew up in one of those areas, and let me just tell you. They are only the beginning. It will get much worse, and much larger parts of Norway will look like the parts you mentioned. Grunerlokka is now overtaken by hipsters though.

Hit the gym, learn how to defend yourself, try to get a gun license and practice.
If you don't care about your country, who will?

Gronland worries me the most.
A purge is required, but if you as much as raise your voice on an immigrant, you get buttfucked by the paolis.

Honestly, gentrification will run the foreigners out of Gronland in a very short time, just as what is happening at Toyen, and what has already happened at Torshov and Grunerlokka.

The problem is that they are all moving to places like Groruddalen and Holmlia: Segregated, far from the city center, clustered there. It will in not too long create a ghetto-situation similar to Sweden. Remember these words.

Move to Sunnmore or Nordland you cuck. Oslo has always been a shithole.

that gif what the fuck

Man, cruise ships these days are enormous

Not as big as my dick, though.

Literally as big of a shithole as Haugesund
Alcoholics, wannabe gangsters and faggots
Shit weather (really shit weather)
Shit dialect
Hillbilliest like the entire western coast
Go fuck a sheep

What are the opportunities for job and pay like in Ă…lesund? Also, what are the housing prices like?

So what's your favorite city then?

They have these behaviour because they are shitskins. Their skin colors or their orgins are the problem

yes goyim do the white flight

Prove it AT ONCE

no homo :^)

t. Guy living in white homogenous area.

>Go fuck a sheep

Great, you've just summoned New Zealand.

Nice try, Gaymany. But it's not black though, so you wouldn't be interested.

actually in the most multiculti neighborhood in finland, my gommieblock is about 50% arab/nig

Maracaibo in Venezuela

Confirmed for white micropenis.


> 50%

Come talk to me when they're 85%.

Still one of the richest countries in Europe with some of biggest royalties there is.

>Huge housing bubble on the rise.
>Oil prices dropped from over 100 to less than 50 dollars.
>Russia(who buys 25% of our fish) are sanctioning our food products.

Yeah, we'll see how long everything lasts.

I hope that gene edits that increase IQ will be possible soon. Some simpler human gene edits have already been done (google Liz Parrish). I don't see white Europeans kicking all immigrants out.

Sell your cum, buy a nice PC and play games until you die.

It's definitely their skin. Not feeling at home in your own country isn't a good feeling.

>>Norwegian women with niggers and arabs everywhere in the city

DAMN Do you have a gf at least?

Yes keep running away from the problem