There are people on Sup Forums right now who aren't vegan. I guess evolution left you carnists behind, huh?
There are people on Sup Forums right now who aren't vegan. I guess evolution left you carnists behind, huh?
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I am vegan but you are obviously a troll because that pic is trash
falseflagging carnist detected. Eat shit and die.
>we shouldnt fly because we cant fly naturally
I eat what is tasty and meat is tasty. I don't give a shit what your opinion on the ethics or health issues with the meat industry are. We're all utterly insignificant in the face of the cosmos and with that said I'll eat whatever I want and it doesn't make any difference.
Humans are only suppose to eat meat through the desperation of harsh winter conditions. Chase down a squirrel, and use your hands and teeth chew through the hair and skin to eat the meat raw.
There is nothing you can't get on a vegan diet (yes that includes vitamin b12) meat only has it because they have the bacteria that produces it, I'm not missing that bacteria so my levels have always been good
If we go vegan we will kill nature faster than we can feed every single one...
What is this autistic shit?
God damn, I cannot wait for "tho" to die...
This is dumb. Humans CAN eat meat so that's the end of it. Argue that it's bad for the environment or that it's bad for your body in the long run - but this is retarded
That argument is so retarded I have to assume you are shit posting
Did you know, every herbivore is a opportunistic carnivore. The reason a deer doesn't eat meat is because they don't have the tools. Leave dead game out and a deer is the first on the seen. Even cows eat baby chicks. Every animal naturally want's meat, some even need to to survive.
Thanks for contributing to nothing!
By this logic OP you shouldn't even be on Sup Forums, as Sup Forums and the internet aren't part of our natural eveolution
>*is an
>Chase down a squirrel, and use your hands and teeth chew through the hair and skin to eat the meat raw.
We developed our brains in part due to the discovery of cooking large animals and making the protein and fats more easily digestible. A plentiful and nutritious food source.
Neither are you,the bacteria b12 supplements are derived from can only be cultured in animal products, namely blood. A true vegan would be a dead vegan.
I'd like to be vegan but I need proteins
But we are naturally the greatest hunters. We are built for persistence hunying. We can chase shit down like nobody's business.
>implying we didn't evolve to be omnivores
>implying you aren't a limp-dicked sissyboi if you're afraid to eat meat
>I cannot wait for "tho" to die
To bad it won't user, the faggots got it in the scrabble dictionary. It's now a fucking approved spelling, I blame lazy burgers.
Yes, but with our technology and abundance it's pretty retarded to go feast on a dead carcass. We should eat what is the healthiest for us and our environment. Pig farmers spray the feces in the air and dump it in the ocean for Christ's sake. The runoff infects nearby crops and causes outbreaks
No it doesn't include b12, other sources of b12 aren't biologically active.
Which was good back then, we needed the extra edge. But now it only holds us back
>value animal life more than human life
>inb4: bigot anthropocentrist
Wouldn't be surprised if you are a furfag too.
Are you stupid?
>you shouldn't even be on Sup Forums
We shouldn't
>b12 can only come from animal products
It's from bacteria retard
You can get all of your protein needs from brown rice alone. There was a point I was getting 120 grams a day enough protein for a 350 pound man
y tho?
>c carnist
>channel my inner venus (Auther's notel: im a guy btw but theres and woman in all of us tho!!)
>bzzzzzt vegan superpower ACTIVATE
>run 2 the smelly and ugly carnist
>he says: hahaha hey u green fgt (sorry for the offensive word, i have nothing against gay and trans folk!)
>i say: what u say??? i cant hear u bcuz of the meat in your teeth
>he says: hahaha fgt (before he finish his words i interupt him)
>*teleports behind carnist*
>*unsheathes my katana*
>*slash carnist in three halves*
>he say: b..but..meeeeeeaaaaat
>pssh..nothing personell kid
No, it really doesn't. As with most things a mixture of many things in moderation is probably healthiest. A vegan diet is only possible due to globalization and bringing together a variety of crops that would never have been feasible to eat before and even with that it's difficult to get all the nutrition. Veganism is a product of overwhelming excesses of food and time.
The issue with muck spreading is if it is near a lake / pond, algae multiply at a fast rate. Apart from that, pig / cow shit if full of nitrates required for plants growth.
I was taking in live bacteria cultures to make sure, I forgot the name of the species though
if you want to put the entire burden of feeding human populations on plants only you have to do a few things
use more pesticides and industrial fertilizers to achieve the best humanly possible yields imaginable
when that will prove insufficient you will have to look into genetically modifying crops to yield more and then you will need to lace them with more crap
organic methods of farming are not viable to sustain our current numbers
they are cost ineffective and they produce less
so you will now be producing crops to feed only those who can pay for it
you can equalize that to some point by expanding the fields but that will lead to more deforestation
so if you want to make the world vegan here is what you are looking at
1)severe poisoning of the drinkable water supplies
2)GMO crops that will fuck up local bug life variation
3)large scale genocide of humanity to reduce numbers and as such demand for food
4)large scale genocide of economic classes below the low-middle class by virtue of not being able to feed them
>large scale deforestation or other forms of animal habitat destruction
gratz though you saved the cows
There is a case to be made for vegetarianism.
Used to be that we kept animals so they can turn not-food, like grass or shitty throwaway grain, into food - milk, meat, so on.
It was very practical, you basically created food from useless material.
Nowadays though this useless material costs more than the food. Furthermore, farm animals are fed with actual human food. They are given corn and soy. So the moral case is that we should just eat corn and soy ourselves, instead of transporting it to the farm, feeding it to animals, butchering them and eating the result.
More food goes into creating a kilo of meat than the actual kilo of meat gives back.
So I've had people argue with me that its energy inefficient, and of course the usual argument about ethics and cruelty.
I like the energy inefficiency one better, it makes sense when you look at it. Still not going vegetarian myself, since I am a lazy and a prick, but I hate vegetarians less because I see that at least part of their argument is reasonable.
if you can get so much protein from rice, then why do East Asians look like small boys even when they are adults? They don't have muscle at all
Veggyfags btfod. Meat is our natural diet. Enjoy 0kcal sallad you faggots
>eating leafs
>There was a point I was getting 120 grams a day
You were eating 24 cups of brown rice a day?
>raising an animal from birth, loving it, caring for it, only to senselessly slaughter it for inbred 75 IQ carnists to enjoy
Pretty illogical.
We eat a fuck ton more meat than our ancestors. Look at the diets of people in poverty in Peru and the world, eating even a chicken is very rare, they are damn near vegan by default. Our meat consumption is a product of overwhelming excess of resources. It takes 2500 gallons of water and a fuck ton of grain for one pound of beef. It's cheaper to grow plants than raise animals
>There is nothing you can't get on a vegan diet
>eating plants from all the continents that our ancestors had no access to
>all essential amino-acids are present in any kind of meat, but muh feeels
We're omnivores, idiot.
We invented tools that made it easier to hunt larger and different game, but we've been foraging and scavenging for bugs, eggs and shallow-dwelling sea creatures like oysters and clams since the fucking dawn of time.
Apply yourself.
We don't eat dogs. In fact, we usually dont eat any carnivorous animals
When I was a child and we'd have to kill a goat my grandfather, who took care of them, always decided to take a walk and some back a few hours later. Couldn't stand to look at it. I was actually very excited, been using the big butcher's knife to end lives since I was 8 years old, and all the way until I moved out at 19.
I like to think it didn't impact my mental development. Much.
Vertical farming with US light support
>We eat a fuck ton more meat than our ancestors.
We also eat a more varied amount of plants that originated from around the world than our ancestors. We're having a dickwaving contest via the internet. What's your point?
>It's cheaper to grow plants than raise animals
It's cheaper to not grow anything than raise animals. What is your point?
This is so fucking obviously bait, why are you guys falling for this?
Because they don't exercise, look at Bruce Lee. If protein from meat is so great why is everyone a fat fuck
Not from brown rice from everything
Bacteria which is cultured in animal products because that's the only way to grow it. How can your reading comprehension be that bad?
You're a sociopath. I expect to see a headline about a mass shooting with your name front and center.
At least then you'll be killing some carnists, maybe make the world a better place.
I got some meat for you, op.
>You can get all of your protein needs from brown rice alone.
Only due to historical reasons. See what I wrote here We started keeping animals to turn trash into food.
Carnivores don't eat trash. What they eat, we'd eat too.
A cow on the other side turns grass, which you wouldn't eat, into food.
A pig turns anything into food, eats green branches, leather boots, rotten meat, bones, fucking anything.
Our ancestors didn't have access to computers either yet here you are
>It's cheaper to grow plants than raise animals
then why arent veggies cheaper than meat?
if it was like that the free market would solve it
>humans never hunted anything before we invented the ar-15
pretty sure early hominids practiced persistence hunting since we figured out how to run
Yes, you can. I was saying you can get all your needs from rice. But I was also saying the volume I got from my whole diet
Been living among my fellow men in a busy capital city for 8 years now.
Other than a few sissy fistfights ending in a hug and apologizing, I've never physically harmed another human.
I was just raised to treat human life and feelings different from animal lives and "feelings".
Threading rice like a bead necklace, so pigeons can bite it and then get stuck on my threat, as it gets inside them, what a laugh.
Cutting off a hen's head and looking at it run around in circles, big smiles.
They aren't sophisticated enough to be miserable, they don't comprehend it. Its like a video game NPC getting glitched.
and fish is rape and chicken large scale fraud.
what kind of tool is that neanderthal using?
I bet it wasn't invented for hunting grass
what the fuck does that have to do with anything?
I dont shitpost to live, but I eat to live
And my body requires aminoacids to sustain itself
You said you could get all your needs from brown rice, then you gave an amount. You left out that part.
and now you have created an even bigger demand for energy than before and we are already hurting for that
we could use more nuclear energy but I get a feeling you are against that as well
you seriously want to make the world vegan?
alright here is the solution
go full blown Nazi,genocide the populations of all countries with a reproduction index above 2.5until you force it to that threshold and then reinstate actual slavery for the lowest economic classes
your cows are now saved
>I was saying you can get all your needs from rice.
Barely any fat, you most definitely can't live on rice.
Traditional chinese farmers have fish living in their rice paddies, for fat, and they also collect crayfish and even dry or fry insects to eat.
No culture in humanity lived just on one staple plant crop.
Cows WANT to be eaten. Its their purpose. Depriving them of their destiny is animal cruelty
best post
Very low energy demand actually, a lot lower than the machines they hook up to a cows tits. Which bleeds and has infections from over milking which is supported by hormones and forced pregnancy
The livestock sector is the leading source of water pollution.
The livestock sector is the leading cause of antibiotic resistant bacteria and viruses.
The livestock sector is the leading cause of deforestation, because it accounts for the largest land use.
The livestock sector is (allegedly) responsible for much of our greenhouse gasses emissions.
USA Department of Agriculture numbers:
>to produce 1 kg of meat requires up to 15,000 liters of water.
>growing crops for farm animals requires nearly half of the USA water supply and 80% of its agricultural land
>animals raised for food in the US consume 90% of the soy crop, 80% of the corn crop, and 70% of its grain
It is a proven scientific fact that in order to produce X amount of meat energy, you need many times X amount of plant energy that humans could consume.
You even feed the animals more protein than you get back out of them.
Its not that there is no reasonable argument here. There is. Most vegetarians just ignore it and go for MUH FEELS instead.
I'd personally like to reduce the "factory farms", the ones that cause most problems, but also keep meat prices low. Go back to higher quality, more expensive meat. It is almost always the cheap, affordable meat that is produced in wasteful, inhumane ways. Grass fed free roaming animals aren't as big an issue, they are just very expensive to keep.
Think of the poor plants that are forced to get pregnant again and again only to be cut down and killed for their reproductive organs. :...(
He mentioned proteins, if you are a third worlder eat that fish, which wasn't chemically altered or lived a horrible life.
But if you are a first worlder your meat is full of Jewish chemicals and isn't economic to do
Fish isnt sophisticated enough to be able to tell it has a horrible life.
You are projecting your own emotions onto what are essentially biological machines.
They lack the capacity to feel that way. You feel that way for them.
look at that, what a quick and clean kill
Much better than how Muslims do it where they stab its neck and force it to bleed to death
I wasn't arguing that they could or did. But cows do, pigs do,
>not valuing plant life
You are a bunch of heartless bastards
No, they don't. They feel that their body is violated, they feel that their flesh is thorn.
They don't feel pain, or misery, or depression. They can't comprehend those.
Their feeling when killed is like your car alarm feeling that the door is being opened.
wait they use the brain for that?
The meat industry is heavily subsidized by the government
milking machines are not that high in demand for energy fαm and generally farms are not as power hungry as you've been lead to believe
the rest of the stuff you said is sentimentalties
no the product you get is not of inferior quality or bad to YOUR health
if it were it wouldn't even make it to your table in first world counties
and since you brought up other animal products other than meat here is one more factor to consider
you would have to replace any and all animal byproducts with either artificial or natural alternatives
artificial alternatives are inorganic and they would put an unsustainable strain on various natural resources while natural alternatives (see:plant based alternatives) would only put a greater strain on the volume of classic and alternative crops needed thus further exasperating the problem of crop space and yield
bottomline is you will never be free from using animals no matter your greatest efforts
nature has created entire food chains or systems of symbioses and parasitoses for every single thing alive
you are part of that chain and you will always need the exploitation of other animals
it is not your fault don't feel burdened about it
it is just how things work with or without you
Why would I fucking care? You're just spewing retardation at retards.
How can you possibly argue for the life of some animals when Sup Forums wants to genocide billions of people. You aren't even playing chess, you're playing kick the can while we play checkers with chess pieces and no one knows how the fuck the horse is supposed to move, but we want the black pieces to die.
That's how fucking retarded all of this is. Just sage these slides and be done.
I guess to you dogs don't either. I don't think I will convince you otherwise.
I'm not a vegan but still
>not inferior or bad for your health
Look at Dr. Campbell's research into the China study, and know that it's not even factory meat that had chemicals forced into it or tumors bigger than my thigh that produced the results he found
>apex predator
>top of the food chain
>eyes oriented to give overlapping vision, perfect for hunting
>not meant to eat meat
>I guess evolution left you carnists behind, huh?
How's Mt Everest treating you?
No, dogs don't either. Their facial structure just looks human enough for you to be able to imagine them being sad or happy, even if thats them being sleepy or horny.
>digestive tract can extract essential nutrients from meat
>not meant to eat meat
> says 17 billion on all plant crops
> USDA 2006 Fiscal Year Budget says 8022 million on all plant crops
Hmmmmm... which one should I go with here?
Also feed grains contribute to subsidizing livestock.
I can't read the entire book but I have one question
was the entirety of their research conducted in China?