"We are the world’s fifth biggest economy. " - Brits, how

does change anything?

Why should the other 27 EU states, all with their own vested interests, end up giving more to the UK than to Norway and Switzerland.... despite a LOT MORE being at steak for each of those EU states?

If I were Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, France etc., I would insist on the free movement of goods, the free movement of people, the free movement of capital... and resist British banks to have access to the single market except if they end up being regulated from the EU.

What is the UK supposed to do if the EU states demand this? Walk away and rely on WTO rules? Well, fine with Germany! Because under WTO rules, Germany can continue to sell its cars and machinery, while the UK cannot sell its financial services.

All we've got to do is put tariffs on French wine and German cars and you'll give in faster than our women do in Spanish bars desu senpai. You seen how the farmer frogs riot? It's beautiful. How are they going to react when they've got to lay off their daughters fuckboy because the crumpet master race ain't drinkin their nonsense anymore?

Tariffs?! But that would be starting a trade war! It's much better to let the rest of the world rip you off, import the third world, export your businesses, and then give money and military aid to them while apologizing for being such a huge dick.

Then everyone in the UK will be so fucking rich!

That's what everyone tells us burgers anyways.

>All we've got to do is put tariffs on French wine and German cars
You would have to leave the WTO for that. I doubt your government would be as foolish as you think they would be.

Trump's trade war ideas do not work in practice, they just make up great talking points, but in practice they never work.

>All we've got to do is put tariffs on French wine and German cars and you'll give in faster than our women do in Spanish bars desu senpai.

Top fucking kek

>Top fucking kek
Exactly. Tariffs on French wine and German cars are never going to happen. This is a fucking joke. The British government even resists on putting tariffs on Chinese dumping steel ... it is the EU who is trying to put tariffs on Chinese steel.

The British government would never as in NEVER EVER put tariffs on anything coming from anywhere.

World trade organisation rules would force us to treat the EU like any other nation if no free trade agreement (FTA) is signed. This means "most favoured nation" tarrifs on EU imports, just like the tarrifs that already exist on no-EU imports.

Read up on WTO rules craut. Your carmakers would be on their knees begging for a FTA.



that means no more imf help and the ecb was so desperate for any kind of help because all of you faggots have been cut from the bank sector globally

the ecb tried to extend lines of credit when the last round of the greek debt crisis happened and only 2 banks didnt bat that shit away. 1 in africa which top kek and the other was in japan and they didnt give them a limitless tab to draw from

it was a test and the ecb failed. to desperate. the imf has also been blocked from extending lines of credit. the dif is the ecb drops tons of money one every one in the eu and the imf gets paid more often by countries they lend money to

>Read up on WTO rules craut. Your carmakers would be on their knees begging for a FTA.

I know the WTO rules, Tommy. French wine may have relatively high tarrifs of up to 30% under WTO rules, machinery and cars can only be levered up to 5% (depending on the product). What actually would happen is that British consumers would see increasing car prices due to the falling pound, the tariffs would just be a bit on top. Germany's cars and machinery will continue to be needed in the UK, British financial services can be replaced by the same people rendering them now from London rendering them in the future from Paris or Frankfurt.

You = A commodity to be exploited
Economy = Best national slave/profit ratio
Economists: Corporate propagandists
Money = Paper. Fucking paper!

So, the UK is the 5th best slaver. Britcucks need to be more uppity and ornery. Massa hates that!

>that means no more imf help

You do know that the IMF is actively torpedoing the Greek deal, even though it only provides 5% of the bailout, while the EUrozone provides 95% of the money?

Germany is still trying to keep the IMF in there, in order to further pressure Greece.

The IMF is an institution which provides small loans to small countries in Africa, Asia and South America. Greece was a fucking mistake and was 50 times larger for the IMF than the average other loans it ever provided in the past. The IMF will never ever again provide any loans to an EU member. NEVER EVER.

We will both prosper again after trump and brexit

We give over 300 million GBP a week. We aren't taking from the EU just giving.

>We give over 300 million GBP a week. We aren't taking from the EU just giving.

£12.9 billion is around £35 million a day. That’s less than the £55 million-a-day figure that a lot of people campaigning the leave the EU cite.
That’s because the £55 million figure is based on the EU contribution before the rebate is applied. Brexit campaigners use the phrase “£55 million is sent to the EU every day” to suggest that the gross sum is paid to Brussels before a portion is sent back to the UK.
In fact, the rebate is effectively deducted at source, and so not actually sent to the EU at all.
Using the post-rebate figure, it’s more accurate to say the UK sends £35 million a day to the EU.

How does it all add up?
Taking account of the money that comes back and the aid spending, Britain last year gave almost £6.5 billion to the EU that would otherwise not have been paid out if we were not members of the club. That’s almost £18 million a day.

18 million a day! Damn, that is 28 pence per day or 1 pound 93 pence a week! Damn that is nearly a double cheeseburger, is it not?

And the UK would have the opportunity to STOP all these payments during the next negotiations by eliminating the CAP - something all of the EU wants.

the German cuck wanting to keep the strangle hold on the UK. if the UK leaves that will be the end of the hegemonic power of the EU in Europe and that is what Germany is afraid of

>the German cuck wanting to keep the strangle hold on the UK.

The point is that per week, each Brit only pays 1 pound 92 pence to the EU net, but gets access to the free market for it. For most Brits who vacation in the EU, the removal of roaming charges alone saves more money than their personal per capita contribution in 6 months or so.

Trump and Brexit is too much at once. Makes me literally horny.

The debate is over though, 'Stay' won already. Didn't manage to get enough momentum in the campaign about an issue that is emotionally less involved than the Scottish independence.

On the plus side - we'll see the Tories go at each other, one half blaming the other. Boris will gather some backbenchers and try to wolfpack Cameron. Entertaining times.

The EU was created to keep Germany in check and profit from it in the first place

>not enough emotional investment
Not in the remain camp there isn't, just a handful of increasingly desperate globalists

>The debate is over though, 'Stay' won already.
Correct. Finally a Brit who follows the debate.

> Didn't manage to get enough momentum in the campaign about an issue that is emotionally less involved than the Scottish independence.
Also correct. Scottish independence was a matter of national pride. EU Leave is a matter of "we wuz xenophobes" vs. "we fear for jobs" and it is always the latter that people really care about.

>On the plus side - we'll see the Tories go at each other, one half blaming the other.
Only until June 24. Then there is the summer pause and things will be forgotten.

>Boris will gather some backbenchers and try to wolfpack Cameron. Entertaining times.
Boris will end up out of politics for good post June 24. He will be some consultant or corporate shill next year.

> pays 1 pound 92 pence to the EU net
> gets access to the free market for it

Don't think you know what a free market is Hans
We live in a global world economy, why the fuck should we limit ourselves to Germ-cuck business

That's not even why we're voting to leave here.
Everyone talks about the economy side.
But we all know we want to leave because the rest of Europe is dedicated to genociding all whites from the continent.

You know the EU hasn't actually removed roaming charges yet?

My provider already removed them anyway.

>Not in the remain camp there isn't, just a handful of increasingly desperate globalists

In the Brexit camp, you might have 25% desperate Brexiters. The other 75% of Brits are emotionally uninvolved and care more about their jobs than whether Britain remains "all white"... as Britain is already shitskinned.

After Austria got fucked up and Brexit polls show "in" and "out" neck and neck I'm afraid that the undecided cucks in the UK will go for "in"

The "out" campaign needs to step it up

>Britain is already shitskinned

London and to a lesser extent Birmingham are shitskinned, the rest of Britain is not.

>We live in a global world economy, why the fuck should we limit ourselves to Germ-cuck business
You should not. Germany is not doing it either - 2/3rds of German exports go outside the EU. Only 53% of British exports go outside the EU.

Germany has encouraged other EU members for 15 years to export more outside the EU. Unfortunately Brits had killed off all their manufacturing and needed to slowly rebuild it.

>Hans getting angry because Britain is about to wreck his dream of an empire for the 3rd time.

> Herr durr its good for the economy goys!!!

Yeah, it's great for the economy to get replaced by low IQ shitskins that will work for their masters for £2 an hour.

Good for the economy doesn't mean its good for the people.

The economy, and how much money you have, isn't the be all and end all of what life is.
More and more brits are realising that.

Fuck the EU. Fuck the merchants in charge of the EU.
Fuck your EUSSR.
I'm British, I live in Britain. If you want Britain to be renamed EU.State.3 then come and fucking kill me with tanks and guns, if you think you can.

>You know the EU hasn't actually removed roaming charges yet?
It has passed the law - it just becomes effective next year.

>London and to a lesser extent Birmingham are shitskinned, the rest of Britain is not.

No, look at Cambridge or Oxford etc. Not white at all any more.

And you cannot contain the shitskins in the big cities, they will eventually also move out to the countryside.

>France ruined the first empire
>then the UK ruined France's first empire


>Yeah, it's great for the economy to get replaced by low IQ shitskins that will work for their masters for £2 an hour.
Then increase your minimum wage, idiot. It is your government that can do that.

>We want to redistribute your wealth surplus to take care of the shitskins

Socialism folks, works like a charm, certainly won't piss of the producers.


I live in Cambridge desu. The vast majority of people who live there are white

> Increase minimum wage
> Get flooded by all of Germany's "new Germans"

>I live in Cambridge desu. The vast majority of people who live there are white
I have lived there as well, and trust me, you got more non-whites there than in most German cities. I was shocked during the first few days after I moved to Cambridge - truly shocked.

lets not kid ourselves Hans the price of being in the eu is gonna keep rising especially as germany is flooding it with shitskins that merkel will want the eu budget to pay for and when we leave guess who is gonna have to fill the gaping hole in the budget the german people
england will get a good deal also as you import twice as much to us as we export to you
not to mention how independently trading with the commonwealth will boost our economy
we export less and less to the eu every year while our non eu exports grow

Dig up that same plot for other countries. You might be able to understand that graph better if you do.

Where abouts did you live? I'm assuming some shit hole like Mill Road?

this is too close they WILL cheat you need more around 60% convince your women or they will vote remain.

ha ha ha wait till you go home desu



BREXIT then FIXIT, please.

>> Get flooded by all of Germany's "new Germans"
There are no "new Germans". Germany has many years ago changed its citizenship laws and it is pretty hard to get citizenship now.

In contrast, in the UK you can get British citizenship in 4 or 5 years, right?

Not to mention that currently, there are more Germans leaving the UK than moving to the UK.


>I'm assuming some shit hole like Mill Road?
I studied. I lived at Downing college.

Whites make up like %80+ and Asians are the second biggest groups in Cambridge. I have no problem with Asians there. Most of them are smart and are just there to go to Uni.

>ha ha ha wait till you go home desu
I am home. All whites around here. Lately I tried to count women with hijabs... after an hour I gave up, as my count was 2 out of 600 or so. I also had seen 2-3 blacks and several mixed race / shitskins, but 95% whites.

>Whites make up like %80+ and Asians are the second biggest groups in Cambridge.

Yes, that is what I said. 80%+ - lots of Asians. It was frightening how non-white it was. Not as bad as London, but still horrifying initially.

Cambridge is still very white, I've lived there my whole life, its just full of Chinese tourists constantly, who to be fair are starting to buy a vast amount of houses there. (also full of foreign students)

Just stay away from shit areas like the Grafton centre and you're good.

the outsides of the colleges too, so hard to get to work through the wall of tourists

You count women in Hijabs? ...

not really any in Cambridge

well at current migration levels within 5 years muslims will be the majority in every age group up to 35

Because of the lowest recorded birth rate of any country in history, less than 4 million German men between 20-35 are left alive in Germany
Germany expects 2-3 million migrants in 2016 up from over 1 million in 2015 as Angela Merkel refuses to put any upper limit on immigration whatsoever and guess what they will be mainly male in the age bracket of 20-35

your fucked mate
and england wants no part of it
watch how many people come out of the woodwork to vote out
you underestimate the importance to people of sovereignty in this country

if we dont brexit we intend to take the eu over

simple plan hans

>All we've got to do is put tariffs on French wine and German cars and you'll give in faster than our women do in Spanish bars desu senpai.

Hilarious and true.

>You count women in Hijabs? ...

Yes, you don't? What are you doing when you walk through a town center?

>Hilarious and true.
Are you saying British women are frigid and never put out?

Poor Brits... I heard even your prostitution is banned.

>Are you saying British women are frigid and never put out?
You really are as thick as my cock aren't you? Impressive.

>Poor Brits... I heard even your prostitution is banned.
Prostitution is legal here, hence why your move moved here to work.

man, dat is one saur kraut

fuck off cuck

No, guess what fuckboy, we're leaving next. Stick your euro up your ass.

Germany is a mistake

You never managed to completely pacify the British Isles and now you want to try and take on the whole of Europe?

A simple plan for a simple mind I suppose

i guess its because we didnt lose the war get invaded and have our women used as entertainment for foreign soldiers

No, delusional. As far as France is concerned, it's the number one wine exporter in the world. Even if you stopped to buy french wine, you'd barely make a dent.

>i guess its because we didnt lose the war get invaded and have our women used as entertainment for foreign soldiers

Yes, that is probably it. Poor Brits, only shitskins are probably putting out.

we pacified half the world faggot including your shithole country


stopped buying*
That said, I don't care if brexit happens or not, won't make much of a difference at street level.

Austria desu-senpai, you nailed it.

Poo in the loo was invented in Britistan!

>Coming from the nation that invented Scat porn


Bad colouring in skills, faggot. I can still see the light pink edges

>Listening to rules
Maybe for Germans, but us Anglos couldn't give a damn what people tell us to do, hence why we're leaving.

Anyway it's fine, like you said our financial services won't provide for you.

>Increase minimum wage
>Every Eurofag on the planet moves to UK for free shekels.
Nice one faggot

who,s women do you think are helping the shitskins with there sexual emergency

your women come out of them refugee centers like slugs leaving a trail of Muslim spunk in there wake

>>Listening to rules

We are making the rules, so we are fine with listening to our own rules :).

All your graph proves it that immigration rates have decreased in Germany. Well done for making jumps in your logic.

Ignorance is bliss.

The toilet was also invented in Britain.

>your women come out of them refugee centers like slugs leaving a trail of Muslim spunk in there wake

I am not denying that, Tommy.

Still sorry that you can't get any because your women are uptight.

>All your graph proves it that immigration rates have decreased in Germany. Well done for making jumps in your logic.

There would be a 10 year time lack from entry to Germany to getting a passport. We actually got a shit ton of migrants in the middle to late 1990s, but still passport issuances decreased from 2000 to 2010.

>My shithole country
>isn't filled up with your richer class retiring

'You' didn't pacify shit. More of our natives fought for the crown than the 'free tribes'.

its none our your damn business what UK does you fucking shady kraut keep your fat nose out of our affairs

>its none our your damn business what UK does you fucking shady kraut keep your fat nose out of our affairs

It is our damn business, a lot more than yours. You are trying to get out of the Fourth Re... I mean EU. We are not happy that you leave. You cannot leave. We will make you stay. Better you stay voluntarily, or otherwise we have to find other measures.

You are a fucking disgrace to our nation.

'You' did nothing of the sort. It was our ancestors. Never disrespect what our ancestors did for the sake of you trying to big yourself up online.
People like you make me fucking sick.

This is why I'm losing faith in my country(men/women). Less than half our nation have this lovely word called 'respect'...

You too.

>I would take this and demand that and we wont give you anything

That's why we want out of the fucking EU. You're a bunch of leeches who take everything and give nothing.

how will merkel react when we leave eu on the 23.. will she reveal her true power level and go full hitler mode?

bit scared desu lads

fuck off cuck

Is it that time again?