MOAR Feminism!

FACT: women only get paid 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.

Hillary needs to correct this horrible injustice by only having women on her campaign staff.

Her war chest would go further, plus it would send a brutal message to the patriarchy that strong women don't need no man.

Just think of it!
A Hillary campaign staffed ENTIRELY by women.
What could possibly go wrong?

All she needs is a little social media push.

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you start a thread like this?

It's time to redefine what it means to be diverse.

Because he's a shitposting faggot. There's a reason the government hasn't done anything to "fix the wage gap". It doesn't exist and they know it. Obama went on to say it exists over a year ago yet hasn't done anything about it. Anyone who uses knows it's fake and a lie unless they are legitimately retarded.
Women are not oppressed.
People who aren't white are not oppressed.
Whites privilege doesn't exist.

Imagine a world where you don't have to work, you are mantained by your wife and she does all the work for you. You only need to take care of the children, and be there for her when she needs to have furious sex with you. Would you be mad about this life? no? then why are women so mad?

Board room disaster incoming.

OP it is illegal in the US to pay equally qualified people less based on gender. Also if the 78 cents on the dollar thing were true there would be no men in industry.

Because women are biologically programmed to hate their lives. Even if you're a 10/10 with a huge income, any woman you stay with for 10+ minutes is thinking about if she has better options.

I work with a female. She has shit for brains and complains constantly. I vote she gets raped and beaten

I'm quite confident this stat is misused, but is their any info-graphics anyone has that specifically identify the source study of the statistic and explain why it's being misapplied with reference to said study?


>FACT: women only get paid 78 cents for every dollar a man makes.

So what, they earn what they earn.

Maybe they should take a degree in engineering instead of gender studies if they want to even that gap then.

You people are all fucking morons.

Re-read the fucking OP and try again, you useless inbred fucks.

Use your fucking brains and read the fucking subtext of it, you derps.

Master trolling of shilldawg via SJW bullshit.

only if they don't find out about it user

>Millennials are incapable of reading more than 140 characters or comprehending any idea not spoon fed to them

Read my OP again.
The whole thing, not just the first sentence.
Think about it for more than 2 seconds.

The women at my company are paid very well. I work in IT and we have many women working as developers who are smart, driven, and are paid fairly. A woman recently got a promotion to a managerial position and one of our most hardcore managers is also a woman.

They are also all native Asian.

Makes you wonder how much modern feminism is helping women in the west.

Maybe you shouldn't write like a fucking retard

I like the way you think

OP is a pretty devilish person.

>that strong women don't need no man
Didn't get a thing. Is it a double negative?

Here's a spoon he's saying that hillary should have all women bc they would obviously fail and saying that financial inequality is the rallying cry that should be used to organize this all woman campaign

You should look into that.
Hillary actually pays women less.
She won't help your goals, because she's a YUGE part of the problem.

I'm still astonished how many dumbfucks stopped reading after the first sentence.

It's a golden idea. If she doesn't make her campaign all women, SJWs will go nuts. If she does make her campaign all women, we all know how that will turn out.

It just needs a push.

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day

In 99.999% percent of all threads OP is a faggot, yet people still post, why should it matter how much of a faggot OP is when we post in the thread. We can still talk about the subject regardless. You're probably new if you think no one's realized the 'subtext' of OPs post.

Fact: women make 78% of what men make despite contributing only 50% of what men contribute. Fair wages now.

post you killing yourself. If you need to go to an image board to garner our sympathy or respect, you have problems. Here's a tip: nobody cares.

>You're probably new if you think no one's realized the 'subtext' of OPs post.

Ok Nigel. What do you think the subtext was?




They'll never know what hit them

But the wage gap is a myth:

You sir, are full of shit.

FACT: Its been illegal to pay women a lesser salary
>for the same work as a man
since passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963

This really made me think :)

OP was a faggot who felt lonely and wanted to be the architect of a discussion that gave him some small semblance of meaning to his life. That's the subtext.

He successfully did this by choosing a topic that is controversial and presented a typically naive yet mainstream belief, in this case a belief held by a Clinton supporter that holds the feminist movement dear.

No shit.

You poor dumb bastard.

Good lord, bongs are thick as fuck.

And for every $ spent by a man bitch spends 25 $. Tell me about injustice.

sure thing buddy, are you having a nice day?

>I won't show you my tits
I'm ok with feet Tbh


>"muh its illegal to do that"
People on both sides of arguing the wage gap are fucking retards. There is no sekkrit hand taking money out of womens pockets, its purely a societal thing. Women don't go for higher paying jobs, they go for careers that involve more 'feminine' traits like nurturing etc. Teaching, nursing and the like. These jobs aren't well payed. They are more likely to drop out of a career when children are involved, and they value having lives outside of their careers much higher than men, and as such will go for careers with more flexible schedules, less hours etc.

This isn't living womens fault, or any living mans fault. It's just how things have been, and currently are. Punishing men and hiring less qualified women for high stress, high pay positions for no reason other than 'muh diversity' is only generating spite on both sides and dumbass posturing that does nothing to affect real change.

A solution to the wage gap can only be achieved by long term plans, teaching anyone they can give anything a shit. But if they are bad at it, they won't be getting the job.

What does all that blather have to do with trolling Hillary?

Three or four people got the point of the OP, everyone else got triggered.

>mfw America the next Sweden, but even worse

How could you fucked even THINK about voting for this shit?

Women don't get paid less. They just have shittier jobs thanks to biology.

You can't make men and women the same. You just can't

Also, women in general do need men. Men built civilisation, men lead, women follow, men give, women receive. Women follow the trend. As one of their min goals us to get attention.

If men accept degeneracy, women will follow and accept degeneracy. If men accept hanging gays, the women will too.

Also, Hillary is a shill for Israel.

She's also provide mass immigration. Do you rely want Muslims in your country? Your women's rights will get btfo desu.

You fucking mong.


Women like yourself can be comparable to men, but women in general can't, and a matriarchy can never exist.

Good luck on your business, whatever you do. I'm a businessman too, and it's a great and unpredictable ride.

Meeh I'm fucking drunk right now, ya cunt. Shits a blur

>nearly finished 3 bottles of red wine

Where's Australia?

We need to have a chat about putting dad into a home.

That's just too bad OP.

What's too bad?

Who is this jizz wizard?

shit thread

She probably did that in the start and noticed absolutely nothing got done.
Now she has enough to keep things rolling but not too many so as to not appear hypocritical, how could she?
After all the gig is about equality, isn't it.

>Nobody destroying this meme FIRST POST
Women EARN 78 cents to each dollar a man EARNS.
Not make, EARN. They work lower hours, in shittier paid jobs.
Get redpilled farquads


> yfw Kasia turns 30 this year

>want to get married and have children
>all women are entitled liberal cunts with a mountain of baggage

Maybe my standards are too high, but I refuse to play this dangerous game where I end up getting fucked over by a terrible wife who is liable to cheat on me, divorce me, screw me over with alimony, and take away the kids.

Any woman who was raised by a single/divorced mother or who has daddy issues or any number of red flags simply isn't a viable option. They're too risky an investment. And it fucking sucks. I haven't met a single goddamn woman in forever who wasn't some combination of slut, SJW, and/or damaged goods.

>just go to church and you'll meet a nice christian girl :^)
bullshit. Fucking bullshit. I go to mass every goddamn sunday. It's all old church ladies (the conservative equivalent of old cat ladies) as far as the eye can see. The _only_ young women in church are either underage jailbait there because their parents make them, or they're recently married or pregnant/mothers and therefore already taken. THERE ARE NO SINGLE YOUNG WOMEN AT CHURCH. THEY DON'T FUCKING EXIST


I think Shoe explains it best.

>three bottles of wine.
You fucking lightweight.

Also those religious women are the most sluttiest ever.

In my highschool it was the catholic girls who had slept with numerous men by the time they graduated.

You gotta explain it more clearly though. I understood.

With a little nudge on twitter, we could get SJWs to push her to go all woman.

If she does, her campaign will be a mess.
If she doesn't, the bitching will last till November.