I've been secretly sleeping with sluts without telling them I have hiv

I've been secretly sleeping with sluts without telling them I have hiv.
I mean, it's legal now in california. So why should I be the only one.

Merry Christmas, also pic unrelated

oh yah, oops

Well it’s a misdemeanor now right? Like it’s still illegal you just don’t face as stiff of penalties

oh no what are they going to do, kill me?

You're a hero. Plz dedicate your life to fucking sluts m/f and spreading them with gods punishment for whoring! You have a great responsibility now youve earned the virus.

>oh poor me I got dealt a shit hand and now I am a sarcastic asshole who's taking his frustration out on innocent people

I am not sure I am a fan of who you are as a person, my guy.

Blow your whining out your ass.

It certainly doesn’t help when you apply for jobs and they see you’re a weird freak that gives people HIV intentionally

Under the assumption that you are not baiting this must be the biggest asshole thing I have heard someone do in a while. Thanks Op makes me feel better about last nights drunk adventures.

>innocent people
>promiscuous whores
user is doing society a favor.

Just do me a favor and shoot me now. I hate everything about this mentality.

user you wanna talk about your god complex now or later?


thank you user, mostly going to whore women thanks. Deus Vault
Gives my life a purpose again

Sounds like you got cheated on. Only if you had a bigger dick.


I mean you're a massive cunt for doing it so ya

Just a heads up that's not op, I'm op from here Also Being that I lure whores with just that, a big (bigish) dick
Let me tell you, women will whore around regardless of who they are with.
Women want to try out as many different cock shapes and styles etc. etc. as possible because they're shameless animals.
That's why I do this

merry christmas/happy holidays

Incels is calling you back.

>Only if you had a bigger dick

Not that guy, but my ex cheated on me and I'm the biggest dick she's had since she only dates white guys (non-white here).

>inb4 that's just what she told you

I could tell I was her biggest. Also I'm user, why make up lies on here?

Anything that punishes whorishness is good for society

You know what'll make your HIV spread faster? If you inject your dick with a formula of carborane acids. It'll make the aids better

>why make up lies on here?

why not?

I am 17 feet tall, what's up. Bet your gf cheated on you cause you're a midget.

Who hurt you?

merry xmas to you too, bro

AIDS and HIV isn't real, you are fooling yourself

Whores hurt society as a whole. I don't want to pay taxes for half-breed mongoloids who will spend their lives in prison.

>why not?

Because it's stupid & pointless

no, it's hiv, with enough treatment if I can get out of it (even if that isn't just bullshit) I could still recover and laugh at the whores
Whores mostly, seeing a pattern here?


No one. But in terms of the greatest happiness for the greatest number, punishing whores is totally defensible.

You're probably a nigger for believing in a disease that is less old then the Grateful Dead.

>greatest happiness for the greatest number
>punishing easy pussy

Boy you fucking retarded as shit, don't talk to me.

dude, you want to fuck a bunch of whores you are no better, stop jerking off your ego and notice you are a shit person

No, you should really inject your dick carborane acids.

but he could very ez make more of them

I’m just saying OP don’t let those sluts get you a charge that could fuck up your future. If you dislike them so much, then why are you gonna let them control your life to this degree?

Also happy holidays Sup Forumsro

Deus vult my brother. May he hold his hand over you and watch your life for fullfilling his mission.

OP needs to set up a website where he catalogs every girl he's fucked, so I dont accidentally fuck one of em.

Cut yourself and touch everything in a buffet


You speak as if any woman is innocent. Pls user


You should inject your dick with carborane acids too.

fucking yes, but probably not
fuck'em that's why

>imagine being this manipulated
They have so much control over your life and how think, even though you hate them

Idiot i win lmao


win what?

Holy crap so many backwards degenerates in this thread. Since when has liking sex regardless of gender automatically made you a whore who deserves HIV from some prick who wants to ruins someone else’s life? Not only is it still illegal to not disclose that ( misdemeanor still means ILLEGAL), but now that person can no longer: donate blood or organs and will probably unkowningly transfer the disease since the first two weeks of infection aren’t usually detected through tests.

you’ve got a point tbh

There is a special place in Hell reserved just for you...

but the thing is why are you all so mad, no one actually cares lol

yo your immune system is compromised and you choose to fuck std infested whores because YOLO? so you can experience death from siphilis like they did back in the good old days?

Good point, maybe karma will act swiftly so we have one less asshole on this earth LOL

no the hate does, they don't. If they did they wouldn't be getting hiv from me