What exactly is stopping eastern and western Christendom from reuniting?
What exactly is stopping eastern and western Christendom from reuniting?
nothing really
they barely talk.
each sect practices something in a certain way, and that the other sect calls it heresy.
Like? And if it isnt core to the theology, does it matter if people in different nations practice it slightly differently?
Don't get it either, but I think serbs and croats can answer this question the best.
The pope is an anti-Christ
The Pope is a cuck.
>The Pope is a cuck.
basically this. It's a sad time to be a catholic.
The papal primacy.
Also, russian orthodox Church is cesaropapism.
The others are mostly from theoligical differences
Orthodoxy is sysmatic, but not heretic according ti the catholic church
I believe the orthodox think the same about catholics
Take one look at the pope and modern catholics. That's why. Catholics are the biggest pussies on the planet.
If you are not yet converted into orthodoxy or baptism at least then please kys asap, your church has failed you and has failed god
Filiquoe, Vatican II and pope Francis being a commie heresiarch.
>quotes a book written in a day and age where a wall could stop entire armies
>quotes it in a day and age where a wall cant even stop a guy with a ladder and a rug
Stop the memes.
Serious, it just make Sup Forums look as a board for dumb people that know nothing about history
maybe but he was the first pope to meet the Orthodox Patriarchs in a very long time
Fuck off nigger I am not participating in your African Dark Magic
Couldnt those things be compramised on though?
it could have been funny
St. Mark of Ephesus understanding that Rome is mystery Babylon.
What a retarded statement.
Religion, like most ideologies, NEVER reunit, hell even orders in the catholic church will never fusion.
The destiny of every ideology is to be divided in new ones until the end of humankind.
I dunno, the Roman Church just made peace with the Syrian Catholic Church
Orthodox cucks should simply convert back to the path of Jesus (catholicism)
Both of them being pagans religions, that were subverted for political purposes to be another outlet of state power.
if you don't care about the pope what the fuck is the point of you being christian?
The Fourth Crusade
It's Christian, not Popian, you sperglord
Patriarch Bartholomew is also an pro-immigrant shill, so cuckness isnt what is keeping the Churches separate.
BTFO Protestant fag
The pope is just an ordinary human, that other humans have elected to that position. He is not the divine creator of the universe and all things in it. He did not die for humanity's salvation. There is literally no reason to care about him.
i think the fact that he's been the word of god since before your 'denomination' existed means he should be part of your christianity and if he's not then what you're doing is some other religion.
>american education
I'm still weighing out whether I want to become Catholic or Orthodox. I don't want to remain Protestant. But yes, it is possible to follow Christ without the Pope, just not in the traditional manner.
I think the traditional manner is the better way.
On catholic Easter, literally nothing of significance happens.
On Orthodox Easter, the masses gather around the grave of Christ in Jerusalem where miracles happen and Holy Flame descends from the ceiling and lights up a cotton ball in the priest's hand. It doesn't burn him and he walks out with it and starts lighting candles. The lit candles containing the Holy Flame are then transported across the ENTIRE GLOBE to Orthodox Churches where people can light candles from it and pray.
That's the difference.
Says the protestcuck
The Pope is an SJW, to start.
Westerners being modernist cucks for one
>On catholic Easter, literally nothing of significance happens.
>advertising miracles that don't let themselves be strutinized as true
disgusting subhumans
Catholics hate us.
this i can confirm, on orthodox easter theres this 1 special candle in the church where ppl light their shit and the scented stuff and shit. im not even religious :\ only visit the church during special days coz im from an assyrian environment
Be quiet, heathen.
Convert now, lest ye face judgement before God for your ignorance.