What is Sup Forums's opinion on the death penalty?
Death Penalty
Pedos go straight on it.
Necessary to maintain order an to keep the prison population stable.
Public executions should return
For it, but I dont like the current American system where tax payers pay hundreds of thousands of dollars, maybe even millions, just to kill a person. I realize it is mostly through appellate courts and this is how you keep innocents from getting the death penalty, but surely there must be a more efficient way
Only for terrorists and traitors.
Everyone else can work away their debt to society in hard labour camps.
This though.
Never acceptable..
Your government should never have the legal authority to kill its citizens, when those citizens are defenseless and in its custody.
100% in favor, and it should be applied a lot more liberally* than it has been.
>*No pun intended
As a staunch conservative, I recognize that it's both fiscally prudent and frankly ethical given it's reserved for murderers.
However, as a Christian who isn't carrying political office, I can afford to hypocritically put my personal views behind my religious ones and passively withhold support for the death penalty.
Reeducation through work.
Stalin did it and everything worked very well
Acceptable only as a last resort. Rehabilitation should always be preferred, but some people simply cannot be rehabilitated.
Also, a convict should always have the right to be executed if they so desire.
no fuck off
Agree with toothpaste.
We should also use it for heinous crimes like particularly brutal murders.
And only use it when we're 100% sure of the person being guilty.
Also this, we should just hang or shoot them, much cheaper.
so you then?
I used to be against it - and I still am to an extent - but for the upcoming war in Europe, I'll be willing to make a few exceptions.
>legal authority to kill civilians
>implying it's just any random person
>not realizing that this is meant for serial killers, terrorists, serial rapists, any heinous act of violence etc
Your type of person is the reason society is shit.
I'm not a UK Mason.
So, the answer is:
I don't know. I have no problem whatsoever with executing the truly guilty. It's the innocents that get railroaded sometimes that give me pause.
As long as it saves money compared to keeping them in prison and as long the crime was terrible enough, sure, why not.
>highly ethical/philosophical question
Are you a fucking jew?
>lets waste money trying to rehabilitate seriously fucked up murderers
>we want them back in society :^)
>implying there wouldn't be loopholes
>implying the death penalty is just given here and there
Uh huh ;)
did you killed someone?
electric chair
did you stole something?
electric chair
terrorism, corruption?
electric chair
we need more electric chairs in our lives
I know this is bait, but it would make sense in Mexico. Your country is filled with disgusting people.
It's just a disgusting tool of revenge, if they really want to keep it at least strip away the pretense and give the victim's family, or whoever is on the other side of the glass, a gun and a bullet.
You want him dead ? The state approves, now dirty your own hands and bury the corpse over there, leave the law out of this mess.
Fucking hypocrites, and spare me the bullshit about some people being a permanent danger to society because nothing is stopping you from putting them into forced labor until they become too old to ever be a threat to anyone.
I'm sorry if that's the way it works in your country. Sounds like you have a serious problem with corruption.
Dutch-bro has the best answer here. I think we should seriously hesitate to use it for other crimes because it can be a seriously slippery slope.
We have no death penality in our country.
And considering you literally have the victims and their parents watch, yes in america the death penality is a tool of revenge not justice.
A bullet to the head would probably be cheaper
So you'd execute the entire Vatican city Luigi?
waste of human resources, these people could be put in hard labor camps or experimented on for scientific knowledge
What's the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter?
one is an enemy of your country
I don't think the state let alone a jury of my alleged peers should be able to to deprive anyone of life. Let them rot in jail and appeal their innocence for the rest of their lives, but too many innocent men have fried for crimes they didn't commit. It's not like private prisons don't need to maintain capacity so it's a win win. Unless the convicted person I'd like "go ahead and kill me" I don't think it's justified
It's not a waste. It can be economically justified.
There is a probability p that a given prisoner can be rehabilitated and made a productive member of society. Assume that, as a member of society, the former prisoner generates value v.
There is also a cost c of rehabilitating said prisoner.
Rehabilitation is justified if p*c >= v.
Thus we would use statistics to determine what value of c is appropriate for a given prisoner, taking multiple factors into account when estimating p. A "seriously fucked up murderer" might then not justify rehabilitation, if the probability of success was deemed sufficiently small.
Mk, so why are you speaking on our behalf faggot? That's not how our death penalty works here.
That's funny you see it that way because that is the purpose of the death penalty. Deterrence and retribution are the justifications for the the death penalty.
Every great example involves a measure of injustice, but wrongs done to individuals are counterbalanced by the common good.
All for it. It is not applied enough.
>too many men
Wanna add some evidence to back up that claim? Last time I checked, the amount of innocent put on death row wasn't even close to being comparable to those who have been put on justly.
When it's proven that the person cannot recover to live in society, death penalty would be amazing. Killers, rapists, even burglars. They repeat their crimes, they should get killed.
Sad it's a unchangeable clausule in our constitution here in Brazil, so we will never see death penalty here in legal terms.
>Thus we would use statistics to determine what value of c is appropriate for a given prisoner, taking multiple factors into account when estimating p. A "seriously fucked up murderer" might then not justify rehabilitation
so its completely subjective, you can say people already do that and they just turn out to all deserve death
>Wanna add some evidence to back up that claim? Last time I checked, the amount of innocent put on death row wasn't even close to being comparable to those who have been put on justly.
maybe 1 is too many for him
and certain murders the likes of serial killers.
>using arbitrary math to try and come across more credible
>baseless statistics
A death sentence should be 5 rounds of phase 0 or 1 clinical trials. If they survive they get life in prison.
Or you could just keep testing on them.
Moors murderer Ian Brady actually had a pretty good idea, he said they should get death row inmates to have gladiator style fighting to the death.
Cases without the death penalty cost $740,000, while cases where the death penalty is sought cost $1.26 million. Maintaining each death row prisoner costs taxpayers $90,000 more per year than a prisoner in general population
Should honestly be abolished if not completely revamped to expedite the process - but that will never happen so should just go away to save money.
I like the idea of giving them a choice between the two options.
auction off the right to experiment on humans
Don't know about the laws in the UK, but I think that would violate the Eighth Amendment here.
Of course it's subjective. The whole legal system is subjective. That is, you trust a jury of your peers to arrive at a fair verdict. For a society to function, you need to stomach some degree of trust in strangers.
Not an argument
Ok, for some reason I thought you were thinking it would be some more objective or valuable method of determining a punishment
It's cool but process needs to be streamlined. Instead of expensive and potentially cruel punishments like electric chair or lethal injections, introduce execution by shooting someone to the back of the head.
That should cut some costs.
Death is instant, it's painless, only a bit messy but who cares?
Serious question here, people are saying Saudi's execution method (beheading - one clean and quick swipe) is inhumane, but isn't US's execution using electrocution and injection much worse?
Oh yes I imagine it will be covered in the EU Human Rights Act. The way I see it just pedo's should just get experimented on until they die. Murders should be taken straight out of the court and electrocuted using an electric floor like in slaughter houses.
Man, fuck injections and the electric chair. Why not return the firing squad? Still legal in Utah.
>no guilt for shooters, one blank
the only reason it is so expensive is because how the appeals process works for people on death row
Well the UK constitution is pretty fucking malleable but generally cruel and unusual punishment is a no as it stands.
Lethal injection is a waste of taxpayer money and death row is pointless people given the death sentence should be killed by shovel in the courtroom
I know that, but that's a must if you want a properly working legal system.
What's also contributing to cost is execution itself. Those chemicals, medical staff, people who administer them, and so on are all expensive.
The liberal public doesn't give a shit about how quick, painless, or cheap an execution is. When it comes to execution, what they desire most is that it *not look like a person has been killed.* With lethal injection, there is no flailing about, no signs of distress, even though internally the person may be in enormous pain.
Why is this important? Because brutal death reminds us of our own mortality. And we will do anything to avoid thinking about our own imminent death.
Should be never applied to a pure blood European. Acceptable for mutts and untermenschen.
Injection is painless if administered properly, but fuck-ups happen. Electric chair is totally inhumane and should be dropped.
Guillotine is actually pretty humane. Despite memes, death is instant.
>What's also contributing to cost is execution itself. Those chemicals, medical staff, people who administer them, and so on are all expensive.
pretty minuscule part of it, it would still be cheaper to imprison them for life
Except it is an argument. It's an argument for how pseudo you come across.
Yes, people should fear that if they do bad things then others get even
I also think that murderers should be punished by getting their organs transplantated to the neady before death
this, although I'd include deranged people and particularly heinous crimes on there
i.e., murderer is declared insane, just zap 'em
also eliminates a get out of jail free card that a lot of niggers use
also caught trying to escape once should put you on death row
Should be instant and public.
>giving the government the right to execute people
Kill yourself
I partially agree, but I think it should only be used on people without anything to put back into society. Besides hard labour for life is almost the same.
I know it's cheaper, but there's always a danger of convicts escaping.
Pretty minuscule, but who cares? The way I see it, for those who deserve a death penalty, life itself is suffering. They aren't really human, more like rabid dogs.
>is against human executions
>is okay with suggesting self harm
Why are there so many retards in this thread?
I agree with that too. Problem is it's in contradiction with mens rea.
Also, slippery slope, if you start executing lunatics who commit crime, why not execute lunatics who don't? They are still a threat, aren't they?
Touchy subject since you're giving the government the power to murder anyone and everyone by allowing it
Not that there already isn't the police, but still...
I helps with the nigger problem.
>saying kill yourself is the same as allowing the fucking state to execute people
Oh holy kek
that's part of why the death penalty is something the jury decides on
>is against the government killing people
>is alright with people killing themselves
I don't see the problem
yeah, I guess
you can hardly put them to work, though
>murder Anyone and everyone
>murder anyone and everyone
>anyone and everyone
>murder anyone and everyone
>murder anyone and everyone
>not from the United States
>doesn't understand that there can be requirements to even suggest a death penalty
I'm almost speechless at how fucking dumb you and a couple of other people are
No idiot, it's the fact that you act against violence yet are okay with instigating self harm/violence. You're a fucking hypocrite.
It should be reintroduced to be used on "refugees" and other subhumans that seem to be swarming in.
Like hey, we want to adhere to their cultures, might as well make them feel at home.
>>doesn't understand that there can be requirements to even suggest a death penalty
Money speaks louder than morality, that's why you're 60% white and declining
I'm not always against violence, I would use violence if necessary. I don't like the state being allowed to do such things.
>you're a hypocrite
Nope, starting to think you're a bit slow.
>getting baited this easily
State being aloud to what? Flush out people who are unfit for society? Flush out people who murder others and deserve to continue eating and breathing? Flush out people who serial rape children? Flush out people who have committed terrorist acts? People who have intentionally murdered someone close to you?
>state flush out people who are unfit for society
Yeah the other poster was right this is bait.
>can't come up with a proper argument so you resort calling it bait
As far as punishment goes, there is none when one is dead, aka not even able to give a fuck about anything.
Of course that's different when you believe in made up shit like hell.
death penalty for all niggers and sandniggers
if its a government of the people then its the the people who doing convicting and killing
Muslim terrorists should be crucified Roman style. Tie them to a fucking pole in the middle of the desert and let them die slowly
Should be an option for prisoners that have a sentence for life.
Shouldn't be a penalty at all.
Nah they should bring back firing squads. However pedophiles and serial killers should be slowly impaled
It should be more quickly carried out, and applied more often. Even if you make a mistake, who suffers? The person killed isn't around to care anymore.
Only for people who:
-Commited multiple (3 or more) crimes;
-Are found guilty on those crimes;
-Have commited crimes that can be deemed dangerous for society (murder, rape);
-Refuse to rehibalitate after the first 2 sentences.
So basically only in extreme cases, yes.
But in our country that's not the case. Our "legal" system gives murderers and child rapists 10 years with 5 at home but actually lets them out in 11 months for good behaviour and when they reoffend society is blamed