Multiculturalism for Israel: We need to help them!

Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think niggers and ISIS are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Niggers and ISIS are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Niggers and ISIS will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive

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Start by convincing the Ethiopian Jews that they are descendants of Solomon, the We Wuz Kangs culture will do the rest for you.

Who wants to start a "TIL there are Jews in Ethipoia" thread on plebbit? ....Sliding into a nice discussion how they treat this people in Israel?

This failed before, remember? Stormfaggots tried to do it but they had zero subtlety so the first google hit about the group was a link to a neo nazi site.

I think it could easily trend on twitter, but it would need to be done without the epin merchant memes at all. One whiff of satire and it's stillborn.


you really dont get it do you, do you know how many times that narrative was pushed 4 times 1948, 1967, 1973 and 1993. the kebabs of the middle east thought that they could remove jews from their sacred homeland, 4 times they were proven wrong. face it jews are the ultimate kebab removers of today.

t. actual kike on Sup Forums

Israel accepted like 150k african shits. considering Israel only has 7 mill thats a big sum.

I think you need another 1 million Somalian niggers.

They're all doctors and lawyers I hear. Isn't diversity a good thing? I'm trying to help out! Don't view it as a sacrifice you fucking racist...

And so. Would you accept 150k refugees each month or are you a racist?


Im a racist.

You need more, and you need interacial marriages, remember mulato will bring an end to racism.

You realize israel accepting 150k is a higher % than Germany accepting 1 million?

Wow 10 years old stormfront sarcastic joke so funy and originl guys so random lololol

Ethiopian Jew-Niggers have thick meaty cocks that fill up native Israeli women. Their seed is the seed of David and Solomon. Every Israeli woman should want the pure Ethiopian seed. Race is a social construct...

...but Ethiopian cock size and the fact that they were all kings was not.

Who wants to make a Youtube video of Israeli women kissing Ethiopian men for the first time?

I mean COME ON
It's [current year]
Why are the jews so xenophobic and bigoted?

Hey look another obvious kike posting.

That just means you'll reap the benefits of diversity even better! You're so lucky!

It's the only way to sustain the local workforce.

>TIL there are Jews in Ethipoia

TIL there are humans on Earth

We have to sneak into Ethiopian social media, twitter would be the most obvious platform, get some Ethiopians followers and start brainwash them with cultural marxism and feminism.

Also as previusly said. Tell them that israel belongs to them. And make them angry at the jews.

There are literally millions of starving refugees that just want a peaceful place to call home.

You must accept more. You must accept your fair share.

Some kind user keep posting this thread with some of the best ideas in the OP. I have to step out for the day, but it's amazing how much this thread gets under the kikes skin.

Here have a rare Gondola for stepping up to the plate.

Israel is afterall a country of immigrants. They have no excuse to stray from their roots and close their borders at this point!

Good luck you glorious bastards

israel =/= jews. I date whites.

Israel is already majority non-white asian/african, 2bh senpaitachi.

There are Jews in India too:


make Palestine great again

we never asked for this
oy vey disgracing us online is a hate crime

Are you even trying? Aren't you Jews supposed to be good at lying?

Israel is already multi-ethnicity you moron.

In Sweden arrived over a million immigrants in last couple years and yet Swedes were barely 9 million people in total.

More than 50 ethnicities and sub-ethnicities. One the most diverse countries in the world. What are mumbling about, idiot?

Let these fucking cocksuckers get a piece of their own god damn medicine.

Someone post this shit to plebbit too.

I decree Sup Forums should now be detected to opening Israel's borders and ensuring every Jewish woman enjoys a nice pure African husband and has many Negroid children.
Israel will not be the homogenous community it once was! The Jews need to display tolerance for Muslims and MUST MATE WITH AFRICANS.

this. a bunch of autists tried to slip in "subtle" jokes and ruined it

> only lets Jews in
> officially a jewish nation
> diverse

get in the oven.


Judaism and Islam should share religious houses.

They are both the same way back. No need to keep them apart.

even better:

Most Jews in Israel aren't pushing the multicultural myth. It's mostly the diaspora.


Because Indian Jews are the same as Ethiopian or Russian or French.

Fuck off, achmed.


But we do have interacial marriages. Lots of mixed Ashkenazi-Sifardic couples.

your sister and a nigger, you frozen pizza