Jew York Times writes a piece about liberals needing to be more tolerant of conservatives

Jew York Times writes a piece about liberals needing to be more tolerant of conservatives.

The reason I didn't use Archive? So you can see libtards come out of the woodwork and swarm the comments section with their "progressive" attitudes. It's full of wonderfully tolerant stuff like this:

>I am grossly disappointed in you for this essay, Mr. Kristof. You have spent so much time in troubled places seemingly calling out misogyny and bigotry. And yet here you are, scolding and shaming progressives for not mindlessly accepting patriarchy, misogyny, complementarianism, and hateful, hateful bigotry against the LGBTQ community into the academy....

>You would not believe the conservative b s some of my college English students spew. I just failed a "research" paper in which a student claimed same sex parents are more likely to harm their children and that homosexuality spreads disease. What am I supposed to do with students like this? He is not the first one to drop my jaw....

>Is intolerance necessarily a bad thing? As a liberal, I'm intolerant of many things such as human trafficking, racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-feminism. So I too, confess to being intolerant and am not ashamed of it....

Other urls found in this thread:


Please refer to that paper by its proper title: "The Jew Snake Crimes"

Is that Hillary's bush or some shit?

How are all the spiders crammed in there?

Liberalism does work because the type of people who are liberals are the type of people who literally cant make it in this world without other peoples money


Why would anyone do that to a spider nest?

Daddy Long Legs actually, which are not technically spiders. They ball up like that when they are cold, and for mating,

So they disrupted an orgy? Good. Spider degeneracy has to be stopped.

>which are not technically spiders
yeah they are you fucking moron kek

>failed a students research paper because it hurt her/his/xis fee-fees

Who is this shitty professor?

>Is intolerance necessarily a bad thing? As a liberal, I'm intolerant of many things such as human trafficking, racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-feminism. So I too, confess to being intolerant and am not ashamed of it....

This, next time you speak with an angry liberal or SJW, just remember about this.

Liberals are as much hateful as your average neo-nazi or muslim, but since the frankfurt schoold did a good job brainwashing them out of traditionnal values (which are simply based on a long history of issues with the groups disliked) they needed to find another another target to hate but in the frame of political correctness...
So they choose to hate the white men, the nuclear family, the heterosexual, etc...

The liberals are not more moral than us, they just chose an easy way to spout hate on a group that will not imply repercussions, in fact they even think that this hate make them good people because it is basically virtue signaling, the "holier than thou"/feelsgood mindset.
In fact they are just cowards.

Because they're not a faggot.


literally what

Spiders have a body divided into two parts, and Daddy Long Legs have only one. All spiders are arachnids, but not all arachnids are spiders.

As they say, it's easier to make a Republican accept gay marriage than advocate Republican agenda among liberals.

Almost certainly an assistant professor, I.e. someone who gets paid peanuts to TA intro classes.

You could have stopped him.

>human trafficking
why can't they just call it what it is, slavery? Oh, right - because that would ruin the narrative that de ebil white man de only slabery eber

No, you conservative cunts have too much of a fucking free ride as it is. A couple hundred thousand of you fuckers being shot up w high octane, govt-approved HIV would be... whats the phrase...

>a good start

you forgot to check for the leaf

For all those who don't want to give clicks to the jew york times:

It's true, in fact the camel spider is an arachnid, but it's not a spider at all. Spiders produce silk and venom, while camel "spiders" do not, and also have jaws and chew their food, while spiders do not.

We only fear the unknown until it is no longer unknown.

>I just failed a "research" paper in which a student claimed same sex parents are more likely to harm their children and that homosexuality spreads disease.

do tolerant and open minded

>The truth has a liberal slant

men and women have certain predestined roles which complement eachother

father makes the money, mother raises the kids

>Human trafficking (and the result of it, slavery) are on the same level as "racism" "sexism", and not thinking we should pander to gays and special snowflakes to these people

The only way this shit will resolved is through war.

>we progressives hate ourselves

Not necessary in this case.


You're retarded, m8

if this kid used sources and placed them in the footnotes or endnotes, this teacher is a total cunt

Isn't that required for a research paper?

should be, it was for mine

Makes me wonder if the student addressed the opposing (muh feels) argument. Personally, If this happened to me I'd be livid. Any time I write a paper with an unpopular opinion, I always make sure it's perfect. So if I got failed for the side I argued, I'd dig into the grader for being unprofessional, anti-intellectual, and generally stupid.



>Ideas so self-evidently true, we'll ruin your life if you don't agree

kek, what a joke. that comment reeks of "look how smart I am"

>homosexuality spreads disease
Unprotected sex spreads diseases. Homos just happen to have a lot of unprotected sex. One could write an interesting paper about how gay men basically ignore every precaution about sex because they know they can't get pregnant. However, with the attitude that this asshole has you could only parrot his opinions back to him.

>I'm intolerant of many things such as human trafficking, racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-feminism.
This sad, pathetic argument where he lists some of worst things out there in order to justify his hatred of garden variety conservatives is the crux of liberal intolerance. This asshole basically thinks that anyone who disagrees with him is evil.

To make matters worse, he is a college professor and people will be looking up to him as some kind intellectual superior. Meanwhile in reality he's just an insecure bigot and is going to turn his students into the insecure bigots as well. They will graduate colleges as brainless idiots who can't think critically and don't even really know what they believe. They'll just parrot whatever stupid shit their professors told them.

The end result of this are just mindless zealots no different than the religious right. This dumb asshole seriously misses the point of questioning everything. If what you believe is correct then you really won't have a problem with it being scrutinized and if what you believe is wrong then you shouldn't be believing it.

Either way it's a positive process and this stupid asshole wants to get rid of it because he's triggered by some stupid shit his students occasionally write.

The irony is that the progressive tolerance movement based completely on "groundless beliefs".

May or may not need one of those.

This is the Neo-liberal begging his friends to tell their children to cut out the white privilege and trigger warnings.

They think they'll be fucked if that becomes mainstream.

If they're so secure in beliefs and are so certain that they're correct...why do they flip out whenever anyone has an opposing view?

>Daddy Long Legs

Why would you call them that?

Are you even human?

Daddy long legs are spiders, as the have both a thorax and abdomen.

>That traditional male domination and misogyny are the answers to society's prayers ?
i read this in a comment and thought about it for a second. of course christianity doesn't enforce either of these, and then it dawned upon me...
unless you include "no sex before marriage" and "no homosexual bestial phedophile orgies" as putting a stranglehold on women everywhere and brewing humongous misoginy, and then it dawned upon me...
they literally think these two things are the epitome of misoginy and male domination, wew fucking lad

Because nobody knows what opiliones are, Jurgen.

I'm triggered by the OP gif

My aunt is a nurse and she hates kids that are in college and coming out of college because they are more focused on having a safe space than learning how to save lives in a hospital

Not if it agrees with a liberal professor

Because they've convinced themselves that their ideas are objectively morally righteous so the only way someone could possibly disagree is because they are evil.


I don't know if that beautiful thing is practical or not, but I approve nonetheless.

Why? What do you call them? I think everyone west of the Mississippi calls them Daddy Long Legs.

>teacher fails student for writing a conservative research essay
Shit like this pisses me off. Liberals have too much control in schools. I was going to write a research paper about the immigration crisis in Europe but I knew that my classmates would despise me and my teacher would be extra sure to take points off if I did.

Read this.

No matter what you do in life, there will always be someone who doesn't like you. So which can you live with: be a likable liar, or being honest and hated.

Everyone east of the mississippi does too

and east.

sorry, but I had to

Spiders don't have a thorax

Everyone here calls them that too

Most of the NYT comments seem to to think that the right is still full of hillbilly bible thumpers. They are going to be in for a huge surprise on the day of the rope.

believe this Australian, he knows what hes talking about

speak when you're spoken to nigger

What do the abos call t


or we can ensure repercussions

What do you call Daddy Long Legs in your country?

No idea. They never bothered to invent a written language.


I always called them Grand Daddy Long Legs.

>You would not believe the conservative b s some of my college English students spew. I just failed a "research" paper in which a student claimed same sex parents are more likely to harm their children and that homosexuality spreads disease. What am I supposed to do with students like this? He is not the first one to drop my jaw....

If I were the student and could back up my paper with a few facts, I would sue the living shit of this fucker.

There's a lot of articles like this popping up. A lot of them are similar, but 2016 seems to be the year things are breaking apart. I think a few rogue leftists are realizing that they're going to lose literally everything if they don't compromise and learn how to actually get conservatives on their side.

The majority won't have it, though. They learned everything they know from Daily Show. If they lose, the right will pummel them in the ground as revenge. If they win, Islam will kill them all and establish anti-leftist theocracies.

The Left is dead.

Fuck you, day of the rope pussy.

Why dont you man up and



>a scorpion is also a spider! I'M CEREAL ON THIS GUYS

Canadian education.

>As a liberal, I'm intolerant of many things such as human trafficking, racism, sexism, homophobia and anti-feminism.*

*only when done by a white man


Here is a picture of a daddy long legs. It is a spider. However the name "daddy long legs" is also used to refer to two other athropods. The crane fly, which is an insect, and the harvestman, which is an arachnid but not a spider.

This is a harvestman

It is also referred to as a "daddy long legs".

It is an arachnid, but not a spider.

>cellar spider
>amerigan daddy long legs

This a cranefly

Also apparently called a "daddy long legs", although I usually refer to them as "giant mosquito looking bastard"

That is not a Daddy Long Legs. You can clearly see that its body is divided at its 'waist' into two parts. a head and an abdomen which, along with having eight legs makes it a spider.

A Daddy Long Legs has eight legs but the head and abdomen are fused into one body part, which excludes it from being a spider.

The guy wrote an article in response to the comments being intolerant.
The comments to the response is just people doubling down.

Over here that's what we know as "daddy long legs"

Reading the comments, its amazing how so called ‘open minded’ liberals are stereotyping conservatives as science denying bible thumpers.

Others cherrypicking the point about a conservative prof being akin to a gay person in the 50s. ‘Well that point is problematic; therefore I will refute the entire article’. Open minded…

However, we should remember that the commenters are the vocal minority it’s very positive that this article exists at all. I’m not sure this article could’ve existed as recent as last year.

It’s a sign (perhaps a hope) that things are starting to normalize.

never seen that before
that's a dady long leg
we call those mosquito eaters

People who study spiders have a hard time finding Pholcus spp. in the 'wild'. They are very common world-wide (as are their webs) in houses however.

> I’m not sure this article could’ve existed as recent as last year.
>It’s a sign (perhaps a hope) that things are starting to normalize.

Trump is bringing balance to the force

Well over we call "cellar spiders", daddy long legs. I've never heard them called cellar spiders. Maybe because cellars/basements are virtually non-existent here.


topkek, apparently comics didn't used to be as cucked as they are now

I wonder if it's possible for the bullets to collide with one another mid-flight.
I mean, it's not like the explosions are perfectly uniform. They're not all going to fly out perfectly parallel to the rest, are they?

>I just failed a "research" paper in which a student claimed same sex parents are more likely to harm their children and that homosexuality spreads disease.

She should be fired for this.

Been off Sup Forums for awhile. I keep seeing this "leaf" phrase. What's it about anyway? Short explaination if necessary

Leaf refers to Canadians. Because their flag has a leaf on it. And that's pretty damn sad.

Got it. Just hadn't seen it in the past. I got ya.

This is in direct response to the debacle at DePaul the other day. The left is shitting their pants now that their veneer of righteousness has been peeled away and they have been revealed as the goose-stepping thugs they are.

No, Milo is not necessarily the catalyst for all of this, but his is representative of the attitudes that are beginning to pervade the spheres of academia, governance, and the private world. That is, that people are sick of this leftist shit and the cultism it is breeding. Once people actually learned that leftists were toothless paper tigers, and actually saw people survive and thrive under their persecution, the jig was up and the world because to unite against them.

Yes, you old lefties, shit your pants in fear.

lol. you must respect and honor the mighty maple tree, giver of shade and syrup.

NYT itself isn't always that bad. their reader-base is far worse. half educated leftwing idiots believing they know better and are more intelligent than anybody else.