Is it possible for a blue-pilled normie to get red-pilled?

Serious question? Has anyone experienced this?

Has anyone on Sup Forums been a blue-pilled normie and then red-pilled? Do you know anyone who has made this transformation?

Is it possible for people who are programmed into being normies who only care about drinking and post about it on Facebook, to give up on the normie life and instead choose red-pill and become interested in politics?

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Do you know anyone who has made this transformation?

Yes, I redpilled my gf. I couldn't believe that I made it.

Has anyone on Sup Forums been a blue-pilled normie and then red-pilled?

Yes, It's been 2 years now.

Is it possible for people who are programmed into being normies who only care about drinking and post about it on Facebook, to give up on the normie life and instead choose red-pill and become interested in politics?

Yes, but you need to be careful. Nothing will change all of the sudden, so you don't look like a wacko to them, it has to be slowly but surely.
Always remember that it's not them that want the be redpilled, it's you that want to redpill them.
They aren't seeking for truth like we did, so it has to be a smooth transition (can't stress that enough), don't throw at their faces all you know about everything. It will scared them, and push them away from you.

>implying you can only be born redpilled

We were all blue pilled once. We still are considering we're on Sup Forums.

>Yes, but you need to be careful. Nothing will change all of the sudden, so you don't look like a wacko to them, it has to be slowly but surely.

Yeah I know, I've fucked up many times by going full Sup Forums in front of people I want to redpill. I didn't have the patience.

Yeah these people want to continue living their normie lives. Have to give them half redpills. Then when reality gets to them, they will hopefully slowly wake up.

It's easy for me to say that people must wake up etc, I mean I was never part of the normie world, always an outsider, discovering the truth was a lot easier for me.

Blue pilled maybe, but were we normies aswell?

I've fucked up a lot too, but it's ok, the important thing is to plant the idea in their heads. It will slowy grow up in their heads, regardless of their beliefs. You have exposed them to things that they have never experienced in the past, but you did it in a way that harmed you. You just need to refine your techniques so you can avoid being isolated by your own kind.

To redpill normies is to simply point them the way in the horizon. It's up to them if they want to follow it and know to truth, or simply stay as the cattle-heads that they currently are.

You Sup Forumsshits realize that in the movie, a nigger is the one who offered Neo the red pill?

Get this garbage off Sup Forums

i doubt it can be done if the patient does not want to do this on his own. Ppl are lazy as fuck.

One does not simply get red pilled

Working seems to keep a lot of normies busy. They aren't even political at all for the most part. They also just choose to avoid uncomfortable stuff.

They don't really mean anything as a whole, they're just memes tbqh

I've been browsing Sup Forums and taken interest in alt-right for really long and you'd still call me bluepilled because I don't agree with most of the Sup Forums narrative.

What is wrong with drinking with friends?

I don't have a facebook or anything like that, but I enjoy socialising with my friends and gf, but i still my Sup Forums approved redpill policies.

It's not a big deal.

I was under pretty recently. Honestly it's a double edged sword, now I look at my government with disgust and constantly end up in arguments. Maybe I'm just retarded.

you have to be born a skeptic.
if you are not redpilled by yourself, you are a wannabe.

>all these non emerald pill

Just remember, you're planting seeds. You never know when they'll sprout.

Sometimes a person is really resistant to the truth until it bites them in the ass personally. Others reach a tipping point after years of slow, steady argument.

But in general, it's always a good idea to start slow, stay within your own area of expertise, and listen to people's cues. Don't waste your time badgering somebody, if they don't want to hear it, leave 'em alone.

People have to be emotionally ready to accept the truth. It has so much more to do with emotional tides beyond your control than it does with good arguments and solid evidence.

Yup. Send them unaccompanied into nigger/muslim/spic territory. They'll come out red-pilled or not at all.

I went from normie blue pill, to pseudo-intellectual anarchist, to straight up redpilled traditionalist natsoc, so yeah, it's possible, but seemingly rare. My brother made the same jump, but we talk politics a lot, so it makes sense.

Really the transition came for me when I realized that moral traditionalism, Christianity, and good old fascism offered what I sought the whole time, a meaningful, familial existence. When I realized that hierarchical power structures were not only natural and necessary, but expedient to the health of the nation.

In short, I went from le edgy anarchist fag to voting Trump, hoping those rumors about him reading Hitler's speeches are true, and naming the jew in the span of a year.

The best way to get someone to change their mind is to convince them that your views are coming from within themselves, or at the very least serve their personal values and interests.

Shouting at people never works.


Yes, I was a blue pilled normie once, but i somehow ended up on Sup Forums and then i slowly became redpilled by going more and more on Sup Forums

>Mother's Day
>call her up while browsing Sup Forums
>she asks what I am doing
>"Reading" (pic related)
>"Reading what?"
>without hesitation begin talking about it
>I can tell she is getting more and more uncomfortable
>but I am in full sperg mode and cannot stop
We managed to move on to Trump, PC culture, and SJWs ruining things, as well as informing her of some of the finer points of the migrant crisis, all of which she was more receptive of.
Still, sorry ma. This is what you get when you [spoiler]racemix[/spoiler].


It had to be the media, with the blatant and obvious way they filter nigger crime through the cheese cloth of white guilt.

Check out the latest animal control shooting of that NBA jigaboo who kicked down TWO doors in someone else's apartment and got shot like the dumb animal deserved. CNN tries every single linguistic bit of fuckery to of course make it seem like he's a good boy victim of an Evil Racist White Man With A Gun. The Media is the biggest redpiller ever, you just have to be receptive enough to see the real message.

this gif makes me vomit internally

>you just have to be receptive enough to see the real message

Only 5-10% of the population are people tho

Normies I know don't bother with politics. Their stance is usually unstable and based on their feelings.

Soon she will be cuntsplaining to people why voting for Trump is a second holocaust.

i know a blue-pilled cuck who had a massive hardon for sanders become somewhat redpilled by just staying educated on trump, my influence and sublty neo-nazi opinions swerves his views quite a bit, however he isnt as dumb as most commies so that might be it.

And that 5-10% of the population will be the inheritors of the Earth, when shitskin evil and white guilt lies finally reach critical mass and we can start this experiment over anew after some... adjustments to global demographics.

>starting by denieing the holocaust

For fucks sake, brother, that´s a really bad entry point.

I used to be an annoying liberal during the Bush years. Only a few regrets about it since that fag really was terrible. Then Obama kept all of Bush's surveillance policies, kept interfering in shit that didn't concern me, and generally niggered up the place. Zim Zam trial and realizing that the Left hates white people were the absolute last straw for me. Niggerriots and Rapefugee crisis really hammered the point home.

Agree, it can take months to years to truly redpill somebody. The first thing I always try and redpill people is on gun control. It flips people's perception 360

Do you have sources on gun control you like to share?

Anyone who can be swayed that easily will revert just as quickly.

Truly Redpilled people are immune to propaganda because they are intelligent enough to see though it, to dig deeper and learn the truth. Not simply believe what they are told.

what's the deal with liberals and trying to dox you?

what else can they do.

you seem based

all of us you fucking dickhead

I have. I used to be a moderate liberal on the libertarian side then moved down and right a bit after having my redpilled apifiny.
If you know who MisterMetokur is his Justice4JarJar streams was a big part in me being redpilled. It started when they started throwing shit on the highway. It slowly continued throughout the weeks and went into San Bernardino. I felt really confused and sad. I didn't know what I was but I wanted away from liberalism. When Jim lost his shit on his fifth stream it made me really happy. For a while beforehand Jim was constantly joking around, wich lead me to believe I wasn't dealing with it right. But when he lost his shit I realized "he deals with it too!" I THOUGHT it peaked when I heard the neighbor of Farooq say she wanted to report him for suspicous activity but was afraid of being called racist!
With the recent event of the 211 in California I realized that New Niggers were part of the problem. (I knew that before but it didn't really hit me until just now. And then you go on Sup Forums and get people lashing out at you over dumb shit. And now I feel displaced and unsure of what to do.

Let me tell you a story of the hardest redpill that someone had to swallow. This happened about 4 years ago.

Here in brazil, we dont have carry permits for anything bigger than a .380 and even then theyre expensive as fuck. My ex wife and I used to live together and sometime later she brought in her mother. I used to be a security guard at a small bank agency, she worked as an accountant for a canned goods processing plant, we lived about 4 blocks from my job so I had lunch at home every day.

My wife disliked that I had a job which gave me the ability to wield a gun since she came from a sheltered life. She often asked me quit my job, and always tried to push the leftist crap that armed thieves are a byproduct of harsh society blah blah blah.

One day, I am going home to eat when I decided to pick some bread on the way, in the bakery I meet my wife and her mother. As we're waiting on the check out line, two little shits come in, theyre armed and theyre going thru the cashier and anyone who looked like they had money.


I already hated mudslimes when I got here, but I had no idea about black IQ and criminality, or the kikes

Is it possible to get bluepilled again after taking many redpills?

We were pretty far back in line so I think they didnt notice me in full security garb, otherwise they would have fled. I hid and told them both to not make a move or look at me too much, my wife kept pestering me to not do anything, not shoot any of them since they were young, they needed counseling, etc.

It didnt take long for them to reach back where they could see me, I had a clear shot (nobody behind them) and decided to take it.

My wife held me back, the little shits panicked and started bickering with my wife and me, grabbed her mother by the arm and threatned to shoot her if I made a move. My wife tried to approach them and talk, all she managed to do was make one of the niglets shoot her mother in the chest and the throat.

Needless to say, she did not survive. She was one cranky old woman but didnt deserve that.

After what happened, my wife's view of gun crime took a complete turn. In fact, she got so jaded over it, she started blaming me for not overpowering her and shooting them anyways.

I left her 3 years ago.

continue then m8, we're eagerly waiting

Good on you leaving her, that situation seemed all around shitty.

>My wife held me back
this is so fucking typical for a women. They always try to interfere even in a fist fight.

>drinking has something to do with being bluepilled

What the fuck is wrong with you straight edge retards?

Thanks, swedebro. Stay strong and Godspeed on your perennial quest of redpilling your loved ones.

That's fucked up. I'm sorry for you.

Ive taught almost all the guys I know how to play the trumpet girls can't even work up to courage to argue with me any more and they all hate me , but I'm gay so I still win ;^]

For a while we had long talks about her newfound redpilled views but in the end it just felt like lingering hate and reminded her of the fact she fucked up and her mother paid the price with her life. Our relationship wasnt bad but she annoyed me endlessly with leftist crap some days. After her mother's death, she became increasingly numb and distant, and I couldnt take it anymore. Her family gave me untold amounts of shit for leaving her, but after a year of that I just couldnt muster the will to tell her I loved her, and she herself felt that she couldnt live with me anymore, the memories were too strong.

So we went our separate ways, last ive heard of her shes working in the accounting department of a nearby university. As for me, I'm doing fine, got myself a nice big bunda for nearly 1,5 years now and we're to move together and marry the next coming years.

why someone want to get blupilled again?
are you a bernie supporter?

Drinking with friends every now and then or having a cup/glass during a meal is fine.

What OP is referring to is the culture of "party all night" that is plaguing our society and exacerbating the spread of other degenerate activities.

I don't think so. I've been fully red-pilled since 2008, never going back.


I was a social democrat fanatic, human rights activist obsessed in 2013. My activity was based on the internet and facebook (I managed large leftist pages on facebook Brazil). I really believe, really, that nation was an outdated concept of humanity, and this, together with religion, were part of the childhood of humanity. Now we are living in the twenty-first century, and for this reason we should all break down walls and borders and holding hands. I was very influenced by films like Fight Club and the Cosmos series of Carl Sagan, who between science topics insists on the idea that we are all one species only, and for this reason we have to stop dividing us.

in 2014, I experienced depression for personal reasons, and in my free time spent studying world history uncompromisingly, and saw that there were many things I did not know. in 2015, I saw that I was changing my mind, but still did not believe that this change was happening to me.

Today, I am redpilled, or at least beginning to be one. I will vote in Bolsonaro (Brazilian right-wing presidential candidate) and I think we have to start accepting that this is the reality of humanity, whether we like it or not.

Competition can be bad, and a cooperative world can be beautiful, but let us not forget that if nature were not cruel in its natural selection, we would not be so perfect, and we would still be a damn bacteria. The competition to death made us perfect, and only this. We can cry about it, but nature never allowed, or never will allow, the survival of the weaklings.

Probably, but once get a red pill in life, never the world would be the same.

Long ago I was 15. I browsed the chans. I typed nigger a lot. Offensiveness humored me. Then I graduated high school. Didnt go to college and instead went straight to work.

I stopped browsing the chans, they no longer entertained me as much. I somehow, around 2010, got sucked into reddit. I do not know how exactly it happened. Over the next decade (before reddit included) something changed. I stopped looking to offend as my source of humor. I simply interpreted it as growing up.

But there was a difference. It wasn't just maturing. My vocabulary changed. I started actually thinking that maybe saying retard and faggot wasn't something I should say even among private company. I crawled down this rabbit hole unknowingly for years.

Then 2015 happened. And Bernie Sanders started running for president. Donald Trump, a person that seemed everything I thought I was against was also running. And he was winning on his side. Bernie seemed to potentially be the next Barrack Obama.

Bernie sang all the right songs. He said everything I wanted to hear. But as the months wore on, the magic, upon closer watch, seemed to fad away.

Things I had felt for quite some time were starting to bubble up in me. Questions were coming back. The uneasiness I had felt for what seemed like my life was emerging hard. I was told by the side I thought I was on, that I was on the side that had all the facts. That the other side thought the world was flat and everything else they thought was equally insane. Liberals were always right, conservatards were always heartlessly wrong.

Bernie tore all that down. He reveled himself, and through his adamant rioting followers, how full of shit everything was. These lazy pieces of shit are exactly what people say they are. Bums looking for a hand out. 20 year old twats wanting me to pay more taxes so they can take insane gender studies classes and other useless degrees.

This election has freed my mind in many ways.

>wimps don't become top dogs

Pretty much this. People tend to forget that we're still part of the Nature.

Even 10 years ago as a teenager I thought most things my peers did were retarded and that the world was getting fucked up..Didnt take a lot for intuitions to get articulated with the internet. Normies need a big shock for a red pilling to happen.

As long as one is willing to stick to the facts and throw away their old perception, anything is possible.

The truth will set you free.

topkek, this video

Sup Forums is only redpilled on what suits them though.

So what are you half black?

of course
i was bluepilled af all my youth (loved "multikulti" and hated anything related to germany)
But although redpilled i need to hide a lot of my opinions from my friends and my family and im sure that many anons know that feeling

Before I visited Pol, I was blue pilled. Not a click, but pretty degenerate as a person. Hated death penalty, thought of minorities as true equals, never suspected anything about my government.

That was 2 years ago. And 2 years ago I started browsing pol. Slowly but surely been awoken to the truth. Trump, dindus Jews, cucks SJWs and so on. Thanks pol.

And to OP, when you are being transformed from blue pill to red, you don't notice until someone points out.

Mother is white. Father was a Costa Rican here on a student visa, and they met in high school. I am positive he conceived me to keep his visa.
We eventually moved to Costa Rica when I was 1 (making my birth COMPLETELY POINTLESS) where my brother was born. Moved back at 3 when she left my father, and my mother eventually gave me my full-white sister.
Shame my sister decided to coalburn.

>Is it possible for a blue-pilled normie to get red-pilled?
Some people are nothing but empty minded drones.

I know friend, as I know.

in Brazil, nation and race does not have the same values that you have in your Germany. We are mixed here in principle, and even to the fascist movement in Brazil, integralism, assumes that the racial variety is part of the Brazilian nation.

I do not even been a full supporter of fascism, the simple fact that I do not see it as demonic already makes me be condemned by friends and family. if some of my acquaintances just saw some memes that I have on my computer would be enough to never talk to me, and is just memes! imagine my opinions.

still, I know many people who also think the same, but also hide, even better than I do actually

at my university, I had a problem of homophobia (people accused me of that just because I have used a black humor meme). although it has created many enemies with this act, many other people came to me secretly and just said to me that they agreed with me, but did not want to commit.

this liberal wave eventually create a censorship of opinions.

I feel you
Society is now so cucked that conservatists are the new political rebels how need to fight the establishment
I noticed me slipping further to the right when i started questioning what we learn about ww2 (i would consider myself nationalist/conservative though)


Sup Forums really change people.

This won't last here, don't worry about it. At least in my university (UFSC), things are starting to change for good.
No more post-modernism bullshit. No more leftism crap and culture of victimhood. We've had enough already.

We've reached a point where not being degenerate is now a politically incorrect behavior.

Something went really, reaaally bad at some point of history.

Came here from Sup Forums for Baltimore riots. This place fucking changes you. I can confirm.

This is the decisive point. either we get ourselves together and save the west or we all go down
And are you alse unhappier since you were redpilled?? (all the sjw shit being accepted ect)
And also huehuehue

Yes, but once you know that your perspective was wrong, that it was a lie from beginnig then you have to change it. To get rid of it all, you don't know what is true and what has been built on a lie. Real truth isn't as sensational as people make it so

>And are you alse unhappier since you were redpilled??

No, actually I'm more serious (and angrier) now, but not unhappier.


no u

I sort of redpilled a friend of mine, but he was such a good "candidate" that he probably would have redpilled himself soon anyway, I just sped up the process.

Rape helps usually

That theory (the pic) is fucking true

I wonder how much conditioning should be your school teaching about the Second World War, with Merkel as leader, hahaha I just imagine

>The Allies are the liberators of the world
>The Second World War was a war of good against evil
>Studying the German side make you a Nazi

But it seems that this time we are entering will experience a shift in global right. The left is giving its last legs in South America. Hope that soon start to take their time in Europe. It seems that Bernie Sanders is the Social Democratic prophet come in the wrong time.

But, just for curiosity. You hate Hitler?

Man, I study physics at UNICAMP. I said UNICAMP!! Here is the central leftist stronghold. It's hard to survive here. Para você ter uma ideia, o pessoal por aqui fala em ter cotas para travestis no vestibular. Além do fato de estar tudo em greve agora por estarem lutando contra o golpe kkkkkkkkkkk

Everyone knows I'm right wing, but simply if the information that I like Bolsonaro spread, I think I never caught any girl here kkkkk

this will not be the flag of the European Union!

does not make sense the West get all a "conscious about humanity," if the Islamic world and Africa do not give a damn about it and use this weakness to destroy us. And meanwhile, the Chinese became the superpower of the century.

I was happier when I was bluepilled, because I saw a great future waiting to be built. I inspire people, people loved to know me because I was motivating. Now I am no longer so: S
