How do we stop male suicide?
How do we stop male suicide?
talk about our feels on r9k
Make it punishable by death.
Make them into women?
Getting rid of no fault divorce would be a good fucking start.
Kicking normies off of r9k.
god damn that is a good cop.
Arranged marriage
stop caring about sex/women
Euthanasia clinics so there's no mess associated with gunshot wounds, or gravitational splats on the concrete.
Enjoy your lawsuits out the ass from grieving family members
I need a hug
jesus OP you had me going there, I was waiting for the guy to hug him, and then jump off holding the cop
That's the painful truth, but you have to pay with the loss of any ambition.
oh you.
i didnt wake up for these feels
Show them the truth. Depression is caused by a misunderstanding of what makes you sad. Once you learn what makes you sad and how you can overcome it, you will be better.
i'll hug you huebro
where are you
I gotta go poop!
We don't. The weak will die, the strong will learn to be a lone wolf.
with dowry. cause guess where that 50% wealth distribution on divorce comes from bitch, YOUR FAIR SHARE!
By inducing female suicide
Scotty likes beans, dontcha Scotty?
It's going to get better bro. don't worry. we are all here for you.
some one fucking talk to this guy here
>lone wolf
Lone wolfs are genetic dead ends. Be an alpha and take care of your pack.
Stop giving a shit.
make school fun
will never happen.
we just aren't meant to be cuddled
>be suicidal
>get arrested for being suicidal, get sent to psych hospital
>this happens a few times
>become not suicidal
>try to go to work
>these show up on my background checks for employment
>no one will hire me because i was unstable
>suicidal again
just fucking kill me
put up a net under all bridges and buildings with a sign that says: "Danger, do not jump off of tall things. You can get injured or die".
>make school fun
>go into real world
>it isn't fun
>get depressed
>kill self
School needs to be less fun and more real.
pull yourself up by the bootstraps then fashion them into a noose and do it yourself
i was expecting something horrifying, but that was an awesome webm, OP
thanx :)
...and it's great to see a cop doing something good
We don't. Who gives a fuck about Priviliged White Males.
>wahhh becky left me for Tyrone
>wahhhh White Genocide!!!
Cry more cucks
>and it's great to see a cop doing something good
Are you a nigger? Cops are and have always been on our side.
You can petition the court to seal your records. You'd have a good argument for it. It's fucking ridiculous that they treat suicide as criminal.
>get arrested for being suicidal
land of the free
that's not very good advice.
take heart and KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOVED.
Salvation is the free gift of a God that Loves you enough to put on human flesh and suffer and die for you.
Investigate the causes leading towards the suicide.
Why does this make me cry
Typical racist cops. They gun down black men in the street, but cuddle and cry with white men.
While at a base level humans are indeed animals, sentience gives us the ability to search out our best interests outside of biological urges.
It is in man's best interest to disengage from the current courtship/marriage model prevelant in western societies.
>inb4 hurrdurr the jews win that way by having shitskins out breed you
The jews already won, fortunately we won't be alive to see the end result of their schemes. Any children we could have would be however, so why should we be so cruel to bring them into a dying world and a decrepit society?
>Stabs cop in the neck as he hugs him
>"The lannisters send their regards"
Probably because you're a white bitch that thinks about killing himself
That cop has brass balls.
trips of truth
gotta touch your feels together
>Are you a nigger?
>Cops are and have always been on our side.
come move to Long Island and exceed the speed limit if you'd like an encounter with these wonderful, loving folks who are "on our side," Lief.
i think that famous Canadian friendliness has blinded you to the reality that those of us to the south of you live in.
thats what im trying to push for. if i cant get it im going to blow my brains out, this shits too much.
Underrated post
>exceed the speed limit
Uh, just follow the speed limit then?
Subhuman detected.
Maybe don't exceed the speed limit then nigger, or don't be dumb enough to be caught doing it at least.
>How do we stop male suicide?
Canada has already developed the answer for that by providing one of two options:
1. Men's issues groups can be created on college campuses, so long as all the men of that group are avowed feminists, promote feminism above any other ideology, take responsibility for actions not their own, and as long as they are willing to have a have a female feminist doctrinal chaperon present to make sure wrong-think doesn't occur.
2. Men's issues groups will be allowed on campus, but will be denied school funding. Instead, issues such as the male suicide rate will be represented by other groups, like the trans-persons groups or feminist groups.
You may think I am exaggerating, or may even bullshitting you with this. I am not.
Read the statement by the student council that refused to recognize the men's issues group. You will see clearly that I am not bullshitting you in the least:
There cannot be any real dialogue on this critical issue at the moment, because feminists are holding all of the power in the places where discussion and debate on these issues would do the most good. And they will see men in hell long before they'll let anyone loosen their stranglehold on the reigns of power in these institutions.
>Land of the free
Damn I thought that dude was gonna grab the cop and pull him over edge with him, that's what I would've done.
5th post is best post
who cares what manlets do?
Give men a reason to live.
If you don't want to get in trouble, don't get caught, dumbass.
Help men find a purpose to work towards.
cops are another faction dipshit.
I support suicide.
I cannot think now, this board has killed me inside, and now I feel strange with all these feels.
Drakon please
>make school less fun and more real
>people start to kill themselves at young age
>Uh, just follow the speed limit then?
it was an example. you can also try just stopping one in the street and talking to him. see how "friendly" they are - even if you have jack shit wrong, and are friendly as can be.
see above. you don't need to do anything wrong for them to treat you like you're a "civilian" enemy.
goodness fucking gracious - does everyone on this board live in a hay bail in Idaho or something??
So create informal groups. Be nice to each other. Support each other. How hard is that. That's why "no homo" was invented.
It is worse than that, man. MUCH worse than that.
Everything you said was 100% true, but think about the other half. You highlighted what happens to men that actually seek help, but think about this shit....
Most men know they will be put through the ringer and that they will be fucked over like this if they seek help...... so they don't even bother seeking help. This leads them to quietly suffer until all their emotions finally break forth in a moment, causing them to enter a nervous break down. They know that they cannot get help, because they would get fucked, and they know they cannot remain as they are, because they know how fucked they already are. Seeing no way out, they take their own lives.
The system is designed to incentivize men to avoid treatment, which naturally leads to men avoiding treatment... with predictable consequences.
tongue applied directly to boot as usual. quite a bit of authority worship here, similar to the disdain for libertarians. These faggots wouldn't even join a right wing death squad.
>Half brother killed himself a year ago
>Grandfather shot himself a couple months ago but survived but he's batshit insane now and in a mental hospital after thinking his wife ordered a hit on him.
>One of my aunts is trying to have power of attorney over him since he owns $10,000 in land.
>Brother's best friend hanged himself three weeks ago.
>Guy that was a scout leader when I was in Boy Scouts shot himself a year ago.
Shits getting to me. I couldn't off myself even if I wanted to knowing what it does to other people.
Make anime real with sex robot and embed CNTK in each of them.
Basically give all men the waifu they deserve.
>Most men grow up without male figures in their lives
>Are taught by their mothers it is their job to please women and a woman's happiness is more important than their own
>The few boys who do grow up with a dad are spanked, unlike young girls who are usually not physically abused to the extent boys are
>Boys are feminized by schools
>Boys are taught to dislike competition in games, contact sports are discouraged for violence and possible injury
>Women are given free money for college because they are women
>Men go and wind up putting themselves in a lifetime of debt
>Men eventually settle down with a woman who was whored herself around her entire youth
>Convinces the guy it is "all in my past"
>Girl eventually cheats on the guy or just decides she can't adjust to life with only one man after a lifetime of whoring, divorces the guy and is entitled to everything he has because she is a woman
>"Why are so many men killing themselves?"
Why is the male suicide rate so disproportionately high compared to women's?
Not enough equality?
you need a hue
>quite a bit of authority worship here,
surely you're not referring to me.
and... yeah. i am consistently surprised at both the level of authority worship and the level of anti-libertarian hatred on a board that was once notorious for being all-out for Ron Paul.
these assholes will tell you that cops make the sun rise, and do nothing all day but heroically stop rapes and murders, and pull stuck kittens out of trees. and if you say otherwise, it's "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER"
I'm just to damn stubborn to do it myself personally.
If they hate my existence so much, I will make them deal with it until the world takes me. I will not make it easy on them by offing myself.
just a little bit longer and we'll have VR
please for the love of god, I hope this doesn't flop like it did with the Virtual Boy
It's kinda funny how women talk about how they live in a society that tell them they're worth nothing, that they can't do math or science and that they have to housewives.
My experience is the polar opposite. For as long as I've been alive, the media, the politicians and the schools have all said that women can be whatever they want and that men are to blame for all of their shortcomings, while also praising them whenever they do... anything. It doesn't matter what they do, they get praised for it, even if it's a negative, like being called brave for taking a picture of their fat bodies. If women fail, there are also thousands of organizations that cater to their specific needs, and the entire world rallies behind them.
Meanwhile, I've never heard men being praised or encouraged for being men, ever. Men grow up being told they're to blame for the world's problems, whether it's minorities or women. When they accomplish something or do better than women, they're never lauded for it, but are actually criticized for being men, as if their accomplishments were handed to them.
In other words, it's the polar opposite of how the feminists see the world. Women constantly get praised and encouraged, while men are constantly demeaned and ridiculed from birth. And still men are performing better than women.
Anyway, to get back on topic, I'm guessing this might have something to do with male suicide rates. When you're told you're evil from birth, never get any kind of encouragement from society and the safety net is solely dedicated to helping women and minorities, some white men might take it to heart and feel there's no way out.
i don't deserve these feels
>So create informal groups.
Men are socialized and raised to "be men" and "man up" from birth. This indoctrination has several sinister outcomes.
1. Men are raised not to express their emotions.
2. Men are raised never to share their feelings.
3. Men are raised never to seek help for anything, emotional or otherwise.
4. Men are not even taught HOW to show their feelings, how to share them, or even what kind of help they can seek if they wanted to learn these things.
5. Men are taught to loathe and despise themselves if they are not "manly" enough, because if men do not conform to traditional expectations of masculinity they are taught to hate themselves because they are "unmanly."
This comes full circle when society itself reinforces these problems by holding men to these standards, and then shaming them when they do not conform.
>"Dude, why the fuck are you crying for? Jesus, man, you are such a fucking pussy!"
>"What the fuck do you mean you are stressed out? What the hell does that even mean? Just be a man and put up with it!"
>"You want me and several other guys we know to get together to talk about our feelings? What are you going to ask me to do next, suck your dick?"
These problems are ingrained in the social atmosphere and young men are indoctrinated at birth to suffer all their lives for not being able to attain the "appropriate" levels of "manliness." Also, as you have seen in my earlier post, some men are trying to form groups, only to be shut down by feminists and the powers that be because men are not allowed to discuss their issues in any setting unless they are feminists or have a feminist chaperon on hand to make sure they don't stray into wrong-think.
Something on the level of feminist is needed for men. Right now.
By killing all the jews.
>misunderstanding of what makes you sad
Depression has absolutely fucking nothing to do with sadness anyone who says they are sad are merely fishing for attention.
Depression is caused by lack of purpose or sense of self, people who are depressed harbor very little emotion and feel empty inside.
faggot deppresion is caused by fucked up chemicals in the brain nothing more nothing less
More feminism.
the same way you solve everything else
>if men do not conform to traditional expectations of masculinity they are taught to hate themselves because they are "unmanly."
and ironically, women can act like whores or dykes and it's totally ok!
Why didn't he just shoot him in the leg?
>believing jew pseudo-science
>ssris barely more effective than placebo, only in the most severe cases
and still, that's far different from normal sadness
>Why didn't he just shoot him in the leg?
>killing yourself
that's not how you enjoy the show
>not shooting 6 warning shots in his back
slacker cop.