Cameron 2010: "We will limit immigration to the 10s of thousands"

Was the Pigfucker lying, Britbongs? Why did you vote for him again, even though he was lying?

Lel the same cuckmaster who successfully got Cameron re-elected worked for our PM as well (but failed).

I'm guessing Cameron's campaign back then was full of bullshit to scare and divide Britons.

Yes, but at least he lies. Our conservative leader said 250k immigrants was not enough and they will boost the number to 300k over the next ten years.

We're not in the EU so we don't have to give preferential treatment to let people in unconditionally but it still blows chunks. I live in the outskirts of Vancouver and housing prices are 20% more expensive here than in downtown Manhattan.

Fucking retards voted for him 'tactically' because >if we don't it will be a labour-SNP coalition!!1

Brexit or bust, fuck this place

whatever happens in the eu referendum he,s gone he,s lost all credibility half his cabinet and 70% of tory voters want him gone
although if we stay in the eu i,m hoping half his party and a lot of his voters move to ukip

Will be interesting if England votes OUT by say 50.5%, but the UK overall votes IN because of Scotland and Northern Ireland voting IN 60%.

I assume Farage will go all "England nationalism now" on the UK.

Because the alternative was a Jewish communist that choked on a bacon sandwich as a publicity stunt to 'prove' he isn't Jewish.

Why did you vote for Merkel?

>Why did you vote for Merkel?
Because she is anti-immigrant, lolol.

>Why did you vote for Merkel?
Because she was pro-free market, anti-immigrant and pro-German until she was replaced by the Jews with a robot last summer.

Of course he (and more importantly May) were lying. There is no way that they could limit EU migration at all, and they did nothing to limit non-Eu migration. PLUS accepted 20k Syrians.

He was still a better alternative than Labour, wh would have opened the doors wide.

Do remember that the Tories are only trying to clean up Labours mess.

The alternative other the UKIP are far worse as far as immigration goes.

>Why did you vote for Merkel?

Merkel was at least up-front about loving immigration, has been all of her 11 (eleven) years as chancellor and all of the years prior to her being initially elected to the position.

>There is no way that they could limit EU migration at all

1. He could have limited immigration from the EU just the same way he says he is doing now (with the "concessions" he achieved from the EU in the negotiations).

2. He could have handed in an Artikel 50 "we want to leave" notice without a referendum and then negotiated an opt-out from free movement of people

3. Only 2 years ago, if Cameron had limited non-EU migration to say 20k a year, he would have been close to a total of 100k net migration maximum.

>Merkel was at least up-front about loving immigration
What? No!

She was pro EU immigration, but very much anti refugees and anti low skilled non-EU immigration. That was why a lot of people voted for her in the first place!

Actually, Germany had a net loss from people leaving Germany until 2010, and then low immigration until 2012 when in 2013 it picked up massively (not refugees, but from Eastern Europe).

Well there we have it....


It was him or we turn into Greece.

Upperclassmen don't know what honesty is. It's their blood that makes them bad people.

Seems to me his negotiation was absolutely worthless. Limiting benefits is a band-aid solution.

How could he limit EU migration at all to 20k? All EU people are free to live and work in the UK. Maybe there is a stipulation to limit (?), but it was never used.

He couldn't say the UK wanted to leave without the approval of the people of the UK.

Why did she change her mind then, do you think?

If the labour party is supposedly for the common worker, then why do they support increased immigration, which would be detrimental to the common worker?

If the tories are supposedly for the elite class, then why do they apparently support decreased immigration, which would be detrimental to the elites who want cheap labor?

>Why did she change her mind then, do you think?
People have wondered for 8 months now. Some believe she is just stubborn, she wanted to take in maybe 20k or 50k etc., but she didn't anticipate 1 million or 2 million. But then it happened and she wasn't man enough to just say "stop this shit, we are going to defend ourselves" like every other reasonable leader would have said.

>He couldn't say the UK wanted to leave without the approval of the people of the UK.
Sure he could. And if he did, then he might have gotten treaty change - a lot of other countries also want treaty change and the UK could have gotten a limit on freedom of movement with it.

Fuck off, bitter little shit.

A story of mass-immigration in the UK and how the government has responded:

"Don't worry goyim, they are only here for a couple years to learn skills to take back home..."
"It's okay goyim, they will go back home soon..."
"They are members of the commonwealth goyim, and helped us in our time of need, but we will drastically reduce the numbers coming in..."
"I'm on your side goyim... we will reduce the masses of immigrants swamping our nation..."
"Don't be xenophobic goyim... they contribute greatly to British culture! We will reduce the annual inflow though..."
"What are you, a racist?! They have every right to live here! Stop being a bad goy!"
"They need our help goyim, they are fleeing war-torn countries... think of the children!"

The worst part is when they'll end up saying bullshit like "britain is a nation of immigrants". I'm not sure if they've started using this platitude yet, but I'm 100% positive they at least will in the near future.

This is of course a completely fallacious self-fulfilling prophecy in that they force immigration against people's wishes and then use that to say that immigration happened in the past so therefore should continue in the future.

>mfw SNP voting leftie actually told me during an argument that "Britain was built by immigrants"

Somehow, this sounds veeeeeeery familiar.

Half the Tory party do support high immigration, that's why it's still so high even with them in power.

Labour stopping caring about workers decades ago. They are the migrant, gay, tranny and minority party now.

Okay, that's pretty funny. It's the _exact_ same situation as in america. Conservatives are all a bunch of cucks who want to sell us out to global interests. Democrats were traditionally the workers' party but have completely disregarded the working class and just pander to mudskins and fags

Perhaps in the next decade they will finally admit that they are replacing us because we aren't having enough children and no one able to look after us when we get old.

They have been openly importing Africans 'to make up for the reduced birth rate of White Europeans'.

>Was the Pigfucker lying, Britbongs?
Yes. Even now he's been called out on it byt the leave campaign and he's trying to deflect
>Why did you vote for him again, even though he was lying?
he was the only realistic prospect for getting the referendum

This shit pisses me off

>who care if the population is just naturally higher than it needs to be?
>who cares if the problem will self-correct once the population naturally declines to a stable equilibrium
>destroying the culture/ethnicity of your nation is totally worth it, because muh pensions

If you have a pension you have not only bought into a Jewish scheme and funded your countries demise but also ruined your post-work economic prospects.

please be true, kek's trips demand it

>Why did you vote for him again

Because brit voters are mostly tards or old people with no political knowledge

>we need immigrants to save the pensions
>slash interest rates to nothing now pensions are worthless

Holy fucking "christ" our leaders are stupid

They despise the average white working class, and haven't really made it a secret either. The only reason Labour still get their vote is because of "muh ebul torwees" tribal voting.

At least the EU means we're being invaded by based slavs and magyars.

That 300k meanwhile: how many of that is going to be chinamen, mudslimes and shitskins? Be honest, not a lot of Australians and Dutch moving to Canada right now.

This. A Thousand times. This.


My ancestors have been here since the last ice age. And I have the shitty inbred genes to prove it.



Be Centre-left
Suggest Centre-right immigration policy


Wtf does Fascist even mean. Because I know it's not that.


are you a remainfag? get out of pol

> Why did you vote for him again
Well we didn't, we just have a horrible voting system.

Reform when?

>At least the EU means we're being invaded by based slavs and magyars.

Wait until they get German citizenship

And by they I mean the millions of """""Syrian"""" """refugees""""