Can you drive stick Sup Forums?

Can you drive stick Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread: a truck with my high heels on

Go to bed, child.



Of course.
And I've taught my kids how to, as well. (Well, two of them, my daughter is only 13 and I don't want to let her try driving yet).

i can but my older brother cant, but he also has a prius and lives in san jose, so he is a fucked libtard


Of course. You must be an Americunt

Most of Sup Forums can drive dick

As a eurofag i find this whole "can you" drive stick debatte stupid, if you can't drive stick in euro u r retarded

No, but I wish I had been able to practice it when I visited Europe. I really enjoy being engaged while driving and I feel like I would enjoy stick a lot. But it'd have to be way down the line when I can buy a nice car to drive stick for fun while I have my shitty commuter

No. Just manual.


I've only driven an automatic once or twice, when my mother bought one for herself. It's neat, I can see it being useful in heavy traffic.

This is also true

i'm a britfag so yes. The majority of cars here are manual, although after a quick look on autotrader it shows that 34% of cars for sale are automatic which is far higher than i would've expected. I would've guessed maybe 10% at most.

It's pretty much the same here in the states, it's mostly city folk and women who don't know how to drive a car with a manual trans.
Most of us that are stuck out here in the middle of nowhere at least know how to do it, even if we don't have a manual car. Hell, it was a part of my driver's ed to learn that shit, but that was 25 years ago.

Where I live you have to. Otherwise no license.

Drive manual in a car, truck and an old colum shifter

Sounds like he’s doing well.

If you want to be a daft cunt the proper term is ‘standard’.

I'm waiting for the next question
>how many girls have you kissed...



fuck no

I can drive a stick with 18 speeds and I'm a burger.

Eat that, eurofags

Who can't. It's not fucking hard

Auto for the commute, stick for the track. As it should be.

>18 speeds
>Eat that, eurofags
They won't know what you're talking about if it's not in metric.


Why do Americans change the names of the most irrelivant shit?

lol niggers

Got fun of for not knowing how to drive stick by a eurofag before I even knew how to drive automatic. That was incentive enough to learn stick

I use an automatic in my drag car, albeit with a manual valve body, but it's far better than any manual with a clutch I've ever used.
If you're racing in anything other than a straight line, though, manual is the way to go.

Of course. My first car was a stick. A 1973 Charger. My last car was a stick as well- a 2005 CTS. I do lots of stop and go city driving now, so my current car is an automatic. Each has their benefits and shortcomings.

>They think the drive manually just because they have a stick

Automatic transmissions multiply torque. That's why automatics launch much harder than a stick at the track.

Yes, and also a truck.

umm no. Where the fuck are you going to find a stick shift?

I wanna your face and accidental kick the jake brake switch while I nervousness suck your penis.

Only lazy, retarded americans can't drive stick.

>hurr durr europoor to have automatic

No, cars with or without stick literally cost the same, it's about not wanting to be a retarded slop

All americans go kill yourself, fucking kike cattle

Sorry don't pick up lot lizards

Golly, I don't know... maybe every sport sedan made as either standard or an option. Oh, and trucks. And compacts. And mid-sizes.

>niggers and women

daily is a WRX... so yes

This shit is ez.

It's not lazy when they literally aren't on show room floors and you have to get them special order from dealers you cuck.

And yet retards can't do it

I drove my stick up you mom's ass last night

>It's not lazy not to spend five minutes of your jewcocksucking day to do your research and order a proper car

Go fucking kill yourself you retarded american faggot

yes i only buy manual cars

Im european so obviously yes

That's simply wrong. I drive a audi S4 and stick wasn't even an option the dealer brought up.

Again. Stick shifts are a niche in the U.S. So why would I go out of my way to ask for an option on my car that 1. Is going to guarantee I have to wait for my car so the dealership can order it 2. Be harder to drive.

Stick shifts are not common in America. Enough of this macho, sticking your chest out because you drive a stick bull shit. It's a car. Who gives a fuck.

Maybe I have no interest in learning how to drive stick shift. Who gives a fuck?


It's impossible to get a licence in my country if you can't

Lol let me tell you guys about me learning how to drive stick when I was 13.

It was the 90s & our town was still considered a town. The past 15-20 years it has been growing so rapidly, it's now considered a city. In those days, or at least, in that type of town cops are a lot more relax. We have a hill that is at an angle that is nearly 90 degrees lol. My grandma had a little metro geo (I think it was a geo, if you've seen Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, the little yellow car he drives --- that was my grandmas car.) We got to the the red light right before the road ahead, the hill. Told me to get in the driving seat and for me to get up that hill.

It took me about 2 hours and nearly a clutch that'd need replaced but I finally did it and I drove all the way home and I never forgot how to drive stick and would honestly prefer to drive stick. Manual cars have their traits/qualities that are better than automatic but automatic cars were mans blessing to man lol.

To you young Anons, it's worth learning how to drive stick-shift but you don't really need to unless you want to be "that guy" or if the car your getting is only stick-shift like some sport cars or if what your family plans on giving you. Don't feel bad for not knowing how to drive one, either. It's not the 20th century, you alright.

kys shitskin.

Got my first car when turned 15 and it is stick. Now trying to git gud so can race rally

Valid point.
Also, let's not forget that most American auto manufacturers don't even offer a manual in the majority of their cars, unless you're looking for a sports car or an econobox. If you're looking for, say, a family sedan, you're out of luck if you want a manual.

Maybe you have no interest in not being perceived as a fat, gun totting retard, with no insight in the surrounding world, while most of europe speaks and write better english than you or any of your inbred family ever will :)

You are trying so hard to troll. Lol. Enjoy your night in.

PROTIP: Everyone in this thread claiming to be a Eurotard is an American troll.

Thanks, don't forget to worship your jewish overlords

>fat, gun totting retard
This is funny, because, at least where I'm from, the fat, gun toting retards are the ones who get the most triggered when you say an automatic is better than a manual.
You have no idea how many inbred hicks I've had tell me that their 1982 v6 camaro can beat my LS2 powered Buick, just because they have a 5 speed and mine's an automatic.
They're always full of excuses or accusing me of cheating somehow.

That's due to the higher percentage of luxury cars that are automatic by default almost e.g. high end Mercedes etc. If you search again on 1.6 litre cars or less it comes down to 14%

American here. Drive a 5 speed fiesta sedan. Ye its ugly, but it was cheap and never has problems. Would have liked to get an ST, but I drive pretty slow and cautious anyway and usually in congested traffic.

This is funny, because, at least where I'm from, we make fun of all americans

I can't drive full stop. That shit scares me. One fuck up and I'm responsible for someone's death or totalling their car or just fucking up everybody's plans as they are now stuck behind my flaming wreck, unable to get where they're trying to go. This crap stresses me out.

Also I can't feel the fucking accelerator until it's almost completely depressed.

That's nice, but I don't care.

Fags that drive automatic

You sound functionally retarded.

Yes. Only annoying in stop and go traffic and a worn clutch.

No. And I hate that I can’t. Learn? Sure. No time, or access to a standard right now. One reason, fucking Washington DC area. Stop and go. Not fun with a stick. Eh.

I know, that's why you are a kike slave. Enjoy your lack of foreskin and insight, and turn that pistol at the only target who needs a bullet

i can drive manual with clutch in vidya but never in real life. i want to learn but never had access to manual car. only bullshit tiptronic manual option in auto cars.

>Automatic transmissions multiply torque

you smoke cock and dont know what youre talking about

yeah ,OP your moms really really good at it

Yes, because buy used cars with autotrans is scary as fuck. While buying used manuals isn't nearly a crapshoot.

To this day I still have a 1990s manual Corolla with 350k miles on it. Still drives better than the 2012 ford we bought and traded back.

I can drive a 12 speed. Legally i have a CDL in America and a Heavy Goods License. In 15 years I have accumulated 3.5 million miles.


>Automatic transmissions multiply torque
Every transmission multiplies torque, faggot.
Automatics launch harder because of the way the torque converter works. And they don't all do it, either, unless they're modified for racing.
On top of that, a manual can launch just as hard, if the driver knows what they're doing. Automatics are alot more consistent on the track, though, that's why alot of drag racers use them.

I drive a big truck and I don't give a fuck.
Id rather have my chrome then have my home.
Born on a mountain, raised in a cave.
Truckin' n fuckin' is all I crave...


Learned this year.

After fucking around with it in a parking lot for an hour it was easy enough to figure out. Hardest part is to remember to be in the correct gear/clutch position for whatever you're doing rather than just being half asleep in a automatic.

The hydraulic coupling between the transmission and the engine, the torque converter, flash-multiplies torque up to 100x in performance situations. This is due to the slippage and stall points of a good converter. The automatic will launch harder with more power to the drive wheels with an automatic.

Do some actual research- you'll look less retarded, Eurotard.

Can drive a stick. First learned how to in a sports coupe.

>how can automaticfags compete

A lot of people are faggots. kys user

Actually, at the time that it was called "Standard" it was the standard option. As in it was what came with the car and automatic was an upgrade. Most manufacturers sell automatics as the "standard" option now, with the option to choose a manual. In some cases, the manual isn't even an option. Which is the problem I'm running into.

I'm a truck guy, and I need a pickup to haul my dirt bike around in. However, here in the states, there's only 2 options when it comes to loaded pickups that can come with a manual: Nissan Frontier, and Toyota Tacoma. The others options for manual are Chevy's Colorado, but to get a manual you have to get the work truck and can't get things like Premium Audio, or the bigger motor.

because this song is Sup Forums a truck with my high heels on

You first.

Of course. Driving is and should be fun.

This. The vehicle I want nobody keeps manual options on the lot, and the manual has to be special ordered. They hike the price up for this, and you have to wait 6 months or more for it.

I can drive stick, but automatic is no bueno

my mazda 6 is a manual so yeah. learned on an old chevy S10, so I drive stick

Could be. I'm very good at screwing things up. I try to minimise the damage my screw ups cause.

san jose would be so nice without the idiots that live there

> daughter is only 13
Bet Uncle Touchy taught her everything

yes. fuck amerifags

English and German ancestry. Probably whiter than you.The stick I drove up your mom's ass was lily white.

Nobody cares goatfucker.

isnt that the case for every place?

>turn that pistol at the only target who needs a bullet

I can barely drive automatic