>More than 700 migrants may have drowned in the Mediterranean trying to reach Europe in the last few days, according to the UN.
>Its refugee agency, the UNHCR, said the migrants had died after their unseaworthy boats sank south of Italy.
>Spokeswoman Carlotta Sami said an estimated 100 people are missing from a boat which capsized on Wednesday, while 45 bodies were also recovered from a wreck that happened on Friday, with 135 rescued.
>However the biggest tragedy appears to have been on Thursday when 500 people may have died, according to witnesses.
>"We'll never know the exact number, we'll never know their identity, but survivors tell that over 500 human beings died," said Ms Sami on Twitter.
why defend your nation when you can pay people benefits to take over and ruin your country, and rape your women?
Andrew James
What if you get a black guy to do it?
John Hill
Cooper Baker
>Spokeswoman Carlotta Sami said an estimated 100 people are missing from a boat which capsized
Capsized. Again a good old Dutch word that rapes shit. Just like apartheid.
Jackson Gomez
Don't be stupid. Who is going to do it? The government certainly won't and the people will be imprisoned for it.
If it's so simple, why don't you go and shoot wetbacks that are crossing the border?
Nolan Rivera
Not enough
Henry Smith
Guess they missed the Italian ferry. I'm surprised they aren't posting a schedule for pickups at this point.
Fucking Italian cunts.
Ethan Brown
muh 6 million drowned refugees
Gabriel Robinson
italy is forced to rescue them by the EU. the EU jew is the root of all problems.
Bentley Sanchez
They want to live in a better society that isn't shitty and Muslim. They can check out Atlantis, I hear they have awesome gibs there :^)
Ryder Bell
Matthew Gomez
Zachary Reyes
I would but New York is so far. I like my job to much to transfer.
Dylan Wilson
Thank you based Poseidon
Henry Hughes
>However the biggest tragedy appears to have been that people actually care if 500 in a billion africans die.
Maybe if they learned to have governments, birth control and education.
Jacob Johnson
>implying we can do otherwise
We literally had a coup which everybody refuses to refer to that way a few years ago because europe didn't like our government.
Carson Lewis
How shitty are these boats that they seem to be sinking every other day? It's not even that far of a journey.
Jaxon Morris
If it makes you guys feel better, CNN did a report about smugglers taking over Islamic State fighters to Europe in boats.
Asher Wright
Whats wrong serbro never seen nigga names like latisha?
Benjamin Cooper
Whole Syria can come here and i will still be richer than you. Only the weak are afraid of some uneducated migrants comming to your land. If you think they will live their lifes without working in Germany, then i have bad news for you for being diagnossed as a massive brainless faggot.
Brody Reyes
Could you get in trouble for killing people in open waters? I know you could for doing it in the border.
Easton Phillips
Thank you based poseidon
Benjamin Robinson
thank you based Poseidon
Eli Brown
FPBP. He protects our shores and our ships alike.
Benjamin Martinez
Kayden James
>uneducated migrants comming to your land Thats no way of talking about family and friends Ahmed.
Alexander Brown
stop being racist
Carter Miller
Poseidon, niggers, etc
Colton Rivera
Hudson Moore
Cameron Torres
Jack Jenkins
/leftypol/ is a few clicks away pussy.
Jackson Price
When in international waters you must abide by the laws of whatever nation the ship you're on came from I believe.
Ayden Green
Glad to see how the more tolerance and multiculturalism are promoted the more boats are coming. Dem immigration policies sure are working.
>If you think they will live their lifes without working in Germany That's exactly what refugees do, dipshit. For a minimum of 3 years they won't be able to work, and when they fo they'll flock to low skill positions and you'll get the same problem USA has with wetbacks. Not to mention all the social and demographic problems that arise from the whole issue.
Tyler Bailey
Jesus, it's very simple. Apply the genophage on Africans and Arabs and Indians. Europe will be saved as their birth rates decline and stay steady. Also the non-whites in Europe must be sterilized.
Ethan Ortiz
That 700 is a drop in the ocean (heh) compared to the number reaching our shores, and as long as people reach the promise land and see that some others get help to do so via navy, they will keep coming
Joseph Gomez
Alexander Peterson
Hate to rain on OPs parade but it's far from good news for a practical reason. There's always some small proportion of boats that sink. An increase in the number of people drowning is caused by an increase in the total number of boats. Which means more successful boats as well. Which means more migrants.
Jackson Diaz
It's a shame they polluted the sea with their corpses but the eels and the crabs will take care of it.
Wyatt Powell
More blood on leftist hands.
Dylan Mitchell
As real as this.
David Russell
13,000 this week, and likely rising with a peak at the end of June or the start of July (but a significant amount of boats each week until late October).
Zachary Garcia
Landon Sullivan
Excellent idea.
Hire some private navy out of Africa to patrol the waters.
They will burn boats full of people and sleep like babies that night.
Zachary Wilson
that was my serbian ultra nationalist (albanian) impresionation. And by the way, nobody here believes in that, some fucking fanatics came up with it, don't be stupid guys, we are not albanians to have that mentality
Isaac Miller
>700 mudgrants die >at least 233 white girls are saved from rape
what's the problem?
Xavier Watson
Why don't we let the Scientologists 'rescue' them, from their body thetans?
They have a fleet of ships already.
Juan Harris
This needs a Pepe edit, along side. "Refugee warning defense" and 14/88 on the shield
Anthony White
This is arguably the best idea so far. Kickstarter to hire African warlords.
Hudson Torres
Then just don't claim to be from any nation. Fly the Jolly Roger.
That could work and would support job development in Africa. 2 birds one stone.
Gabriel Harris
>We'll never know the exact number, we'll never know their identity
I swear to God, if this ends up with us having a Tomb of the Unknown Immigrant in Westminster Abbey, I may end up writing a strongly worded letter to my MP.
Michael Sullivan
Aiden Walker
They have 50-100 people on boats that are supposed to support 10-20
Cameron Sanchez
That won't help. Your leaders, (and mine) are openly traitors that want our peoples either enslaved or extinct.
Julian Evans
Gosh you guys are all wrong,
the EU pressured Atlantis into accepting refugees
Hunter Gonzalez
Christopher Edwards
Thank you based poseidon
Samuel Murphy
>I may end up writing a strongly worded letter to my MP Easy there britboi, violence is never the answer.
Benjamin Edwards
Mercenaries have the unfortunate tendency of realizing that they're being paid because their boss can't do the work himself, that they are stronger than the boss, and that they can make a lot more money by just stealing it from the boss.
If you hire an African 'private navy' now, you'll find them raiding your ships in a few months because that's where the real money is.
Colton Watson
In the Legends Atlantis was brutal as fuck. They would kidnap people and make them fight beasts from around the world or BDSM them to death on stage.
Isaac Roberts
I am amazed by your competence about this topic for a guy living on the other side of the fucking earth. I am grateful, lord protector of the Light. Without you another Dark Age would rise.
I don't know why so many rightists think that Germany is a pure altruistic land. You really think that they are going to ruin everything? Or is it just butthurt (for other europeans) being afraid that your lowskill jobs could be taken from someone who doesn't even speak his language? As i said only the weak are afraid. .
Just don't be so baity. There are children there who were born in the fucking wrong time in the fucking wrong place. And as i said, i wished OP was on their place.
Josiah Murphy
David Green
Thanks poseidon.
Adam Ramirez
>the bottom of the mediterranean is going to be covered in smelly shitskin skeletons Worse than global warming.
Thomas Sanchez
>There are children there who were born in the fucking wrong time in the fucking wrong place.
So European nations are required to commit demographic suicide in order to be fair and equitable? When those nations replace yours (which they will, the math is inexorable), their cultures won't hesitate to look after their own interests, and the SJW narrative will have neatly eliminated itself from the Earth by means of pure blindness.
Jayden Evans
thank you based Poseidon
Owen Martinez
Really makes you sink
Aaron Barnes
David Allen
hahahaahhaha zavetnici are like ultra retarded nationalistic mormons for usa
Angel Cruz
Thank you based Poisedon! May all the migrants fall by your mighty and righteous trident!
John Robinson
More materials for media, fortunately this bullshit don't even work on us anymore.
Christian White
And it's already the most polluted sea in the world...
Lucas Cooper
Damn, I thought this was fake, so I Googled it and found it was real.
>wait six months >import Medditeranean bottom feeders >have refugee BBQ for friends and family
Adrian Bennett
Why do you think german girls will marry some uneducated, unmannered douches from middle east and have children from them so that it causes any demographic crysis? We are in a crysis iin last 20 years, we just don't bride anymore because of carreer, money and other shits. But this is our problem and we can solve it if we put an effort. As i said, don't think that Germany and germans are pure altruist who are trying to save the world.