Other urls found in this thread:
very nice
Really makes you think...
What is he doing
>Bernie isn't literally r*ddit, they said
H-hillary debate m-me!
D-donald debate m-me!
W-why wont-t anyone d-debate me?
F-feel the b-bern!
Bernie is uber red pilled he browses Sup Forums, he knows our tactics.
>tfw meme magic is being used against us
Memetic warfare is real.
>bernie implying that he has even SEEN a "hood" let alone come from one
humor xD
Dude nice meme xd
I want chairforce nerds to leave.
Fuck you skyking so much when you're bored you're dangerous.
Bernie is becoming the meme
>dat boi VP
welp hes got my vote now I guess you can say I #burn4hern
where my berniebots @?
Dat boi is literally an anti-meme created to make fun of stupid fucking memes that make no sense and have no purpose.
trying to make him into a meme. pathetic
>Browses Sup Forums
>Our tactics
We dont use reddit tier nigger memes. Kinda wish it was real though.
He's trying to steal meme magic!
Just like the fake and gay jizz stain on megyn's dress with drumpf?
Hello cowardly lying cunt
i want to say its fake, but i dont know
>Believes gibsmeedatts are sound economic policy
Trump has the same gibs. Plus taco bowles and tranny washrooms and no walls and the "king of debt"
Hello massive faggot, please tell me where the lie is
>Ill debate you
>Whoops nope I'm just a retarded bitch
Let's spam this meme that it's Bernie's fault because he's lonely. Meanwhile he's so damn strong that Trump never attacks his Mistress and nobody can do what they say and they're fucking scared of him. You zionist chumps. Indict the witch
You seem like a cuck
Cool. Nothing is like a ziocuck, neopol and yours is the king of cucks. Micropenised babby hands jerkin off Adelson and Soros and Booby
Are you confused? I support Trump.
You are definitely confused.
Top zozzle
K. Those are some great policy arguments and specifics. Muh secrets!
Attacked by your mistress. Did he run away like you?
This thread is /literally/ 9gag.
How can you have fallen so far neo-Sup Forums
Probably lmao
>a fucking leaf
Yellow bellied Ziocuck. Leave. Emigrate. Yesterday
>not seeing it's an obvious edit
This was never an argument, so your dumbass comment is invalid.
Well meme'd my friend.
... praise Kek?
isnt the frog the symbol of the future? why is that guy wearing the frog he cant be president.
what is going on here...
Walls. Tacos. Bathrooms. Debt. Pick one, ya fuck
dat boi is a kike meme.
they're trying to take our meme magic.
The memes extend life. The memes expand consciousness. The memes are vital to space travel. He who controls the memes controls the universe.
Lets start with the wall. Throw something at me you maple chink.
New York Times tapes
Dat boi
>New York Times tapes
kek, can you provide the recording or an actual transcript? Literally not arguable.
Sorry Bernie, meme-magic chooses you and not the other way around.
Combine all his other sjw communist zionist flipflopping and the fact they are the most credible paper who'd never release them if off record and i believe he will be an establishment shill on this like anybody else. On guns. On economy. On constitutional rights. On borders. Sanders is less of a populist shitbag commie ziocuck than Zionald
You need to go, maplenigger. All leaves are unredeemable
>most credible paper
laughable, clearly you lean only one side.
>communist zionist flipflopping
What did he mean by this?
>On guns
I dont even...
>On economy, muh 9 bankruptcies
Out of roughly 280 business ventures only 9 have failed, the success rate is phenomenal. Even Forbes cant talk shit.
>On constitutional rights
Our current president spies on our allies and US more than hostile countries. How can it get worse under Trump?
>On borders
As an American Mexican living in California, I can tell you that you have no concept of this.
Your entire argument is based out of fear, this has become Overreach: the post. Combine that with your flag and you have an autist.
Can someone tell me how this retarded meme started?
dat boi is a shit tier normie meme
Fucking leaf, never get big again.
He is the antipepe.
Kek has marked his next victim!His will has been proclaimed!Death to the marked ones!
He is so ugly holy shit
Kek kek kek
he doesn't attack Bernout because he is a sad old man that has lost the race.It would be like kicking a aborted fetus.Fun for awhile then it just gets sad.
>Bernie nominates Dat Boi
>Trump nominates Pepe
Bernies mistress? You mean that cunt that applied his policies to a university and bankrupted it? Yeah, fuck her.
Bernfag is a literal Jew fucking retard
>am i still banned?
>muh soundbites
How does one get brain washed this hard?
Is this real? Could the Sanders camp have created dat boi?
He can't work against Kek, we are the only meme magicians
Dat Boi is a false prophet! He is a defiler of Kek's power! Bernie and his minions are trying to stop Kek's power from influencing this election. However, they can be easily defeated. It is Hillary and her evil Jewish Magicians who are going to be the real challenge.
More like this. We need to hijack that shit tier meme and make it unusable for the left.
Pretty sure all the kike and nazi ones are already doing it. But you're right, we need to spam it more with these themes.
fuck off with your funnyjunk memes
Why wouldn't the antichrist worship the devil?
>old man meme
Bernie is 74
Donald is 69
Hillary is 68
All these niggas is old
>Bernie is 74
Bernie looks 90
>Donald is 69
Donald looks 60
>Hillary is 68
She looks 68