In less than 10 years World War 3 will erupt, aren't you excited?
At least you're excited for your brainchild.
>drafted to fight for kikes
I'd get through my training just to mass murder niggers on my side
Finna be lit
>Fighting side by side with jews
I hope you're in the red part
>the draft will be reinstated and every arrogant nigger and half spic child will be BTFO
>russia on the side of Turkey
Vietnam hates china.
>When is the race war though?
what will trigger it?
btw in 10 years Maduro and the Castros will already have left power, so all of the Americas will be blue team. We won't really be fighting anyone
i think you forgot one side
In this scenario, a nuke would go off
>Iran and Saudi Arabia on the same side
>India and Pakistan on the same side
>Russia and Turkey on the same side
>China and Vietnam on the same side
>Ukraine and Russia on the same side
In the forseeable future, Trump will be president and it will be Russia, America and Japan vs everyone else. Everyone else is fucked.
Turkey is in NATO why would they fight NATO and China and India despise eachother
>green flag
>outdated af
As long as our greatest ally is with us.
Why the fuck would South east Asia join a side that has China on it?
Everyone one there hates the Chinese and are getting on better terms with the US so that they have a nation who can back them up.
China is trying to claim a lot of those waters as Chinese territories. Those nations dont fucking like that because it effects their trade.
Hell in the past weeks the US has lifted the arms embargo on Vietnam.
Somewhat better version of OP
Needs some updating/changes still though, feel free to edit
Forgot to say pic unrelated,
imo it's gonna be USA vs Russia vs China
Red wouldn't have chance in conventional warfare with blue, they would get butthurt and shoot all their nukes and both sides would die
probably gonna have their own nuclear war with the packs
It'll just be a massive nuke fest fighting a land war in China Russia or the us is suicide
The World Wars began in Europe and they will end there.
World War 3 will begin with democratically elected Muslim leaders taking control and garnering support from each other all across Europe before allying with all of the Muslim nations in the Middle East and Africa. The allies will be the Americas, Australia, Russia, China and Japan. This removes nukes from the equation as these countries don't have access to them and we want to liberate the places conquered.
>siding with anyone
No. We dont think like the jews. We are far less destructive because we cherish the value of life, so there will be no war.
>go sandblast your circumcised prick you fucking kike!
With Macri elected you can put us in blue senpai. Despite the previous government's "muh malvinas" barking we have been totally cucked to NATO and Israel since 1989.
Since Ethiopia, Mexico, and Greenland are blue, we've already won this war. GG.
Dem Serbitches are hurting my eyes.
we are supposed to be NATO allies
>tfw too useless to be trusted to fight
hopefully australia will step in when the chinese try to annex auckland
gray team wins
brazil and america, poland and america, possibly greece and america due to debt/kikes, etc..
Beat me to everything
OP needs to renew his subscription to Foreign Affairs
Syria and Iran with Russia fampai
> Argentina
> relevant
Pick one
Also updated OP's version
>Russia, Turkey and Ukraine on the same team
What's so difficult to understand about being neutral you fucking faggot
Singapore on the Muslim side? Really?
>this ignorant about the real world
We already got Israel's side
>Turkey with Russia
>Egypt with US
>South Africa at all
>Switzerland at all
You must be 18 years old to access this site.
Just like the last time we will be missing WW3 because we'll be recovering for yet another civil war. Sorry, guys!
>Spain fighting against an alliance of Anglos and Jews
>Our country is the pure undiluted red pill
I dig it, Nigel.
Exactly what are these based on?
Pic related is the most accurate representation of geopolitical alignments on which an actual conflict is happening.
>Exactly what are these based on?
I suppose the one good thing about being neutral is we get to witness a world without anglos.
>Sakhalin being Red despite being part of Russia
>India and Pakistan on the same side
lol try again.
so if I move to Ireland or Iceland, I will be safe?
pls mighty Jew lead me to safety
You fucked up there.
> Jewposter
No wonder this map is fucked
Ukraine and Russia together? You smoke some strooong shit mate
mfw I already did my 8 years. Draft can suck my cock. Defend the burgerstan homeland!!!
>any SEA
Somebody post the 8ch geo/pol/ map.
I spoke to the gods, we will have no war anymore this country will die economically and that's it
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."
OP and everyone here who thinks it won't be a nuclear war is stupid.
Fun Fact: It only takes 100 nukes to ruin this planet.
If WW3 actually broke out, is there any way that the US and Russia could be Allies?
Why would they?
greatest ally
Ireland neutral again. Fucking faggots.
>Greenland blue
>doesn't even include their flag
F-fuck you man
>Russia and allies
Sounds like a children's book title
Russia will backstab China is a hot second if they get something out of it.
You know Canada would never leave us.
>Nato countries (multiple of them)
>Staying neutral
>Staying neutral
>Eastern Europe
>Staying neutral
>Sweden and Switzerland
>Not neutral
what is this?
t. kompleksas
>Dominican Republic
i know nothing and i like japan. the post
Fucking based Ethiopians always on the flight side of history.
>Saudi Arabia and Iran fighting on the same side
>not neutral
if we just stay neutral and keep everyone else off our soil russia will never have a reason to attack us
I've seen a lot of maps on Sup Forums. But this just might be the worst of them all.
Venezuela not Somalia tier
India and China and Pakistan on the same side
Cuba doing anything
China fighting against the countries it sends 90% of its exports to
Pekka you have to actually act neutral to get treated as neutral, also even that doesnt cut it in real situation
>allied with turkey
>allied with iran
you're retarded
fuck, meant to say pakistan allied with india.
I'm from 2170. This is the actual map of WW3.
>Siding with the US
>implying I'd give a shit
I'd get comfy at home while all of you kill eachother
>two party war
boring. i want a war on every imaginable front. and australia better be in on it
Why the FUCK would Malaysia be involved?
Let's paint.
>Southeast Asia
>Chinese allies
top cuck
this makes more sense, Hillary = WW3
That map is retarded on so many levels
>Scandinavia falling to Ruskies
>Norway & UK, NATO members, being neutral
Russia cannot into Finland.
It will start with Pakistan being took over by Taliban. Then they will ally with ISIS.
ISIS attack Europe from within and Pakis launch over houndred nukes.
China and Russia would like to capitalize on it, so it wouldn't be only 2 sides in a game, just free-for-all till everybody bleedout
But we have no army
>The West
>Brazil in blue
Brazil is a BRICS country
>Iran & sunnis BFF
>Russia and muzzies BFF
>Egypt your BFF
What are you smoking?