Does Sup Forums shave "down there"

Does Sup Forums shave "down there"

Only before your wife goes down on me


Every month or so, It becomes very uncomfortable for me after a while.

yes, I hate when the hair starts growing back and it tickles my clit tho.


I know degenerates who do.

But my region looks like Osama Bin Laden: A dick with a beard.

this seems like a more r9k-tier topic.

I do. Idgaf, it looks better and is more comfy.

Of course. Always shaved or at least trimmed.

I trim it back.

Only women shave below the neck

I don't shave because of razor bumps/ingrown hairs. I use an electric trimmer instead.

I had laser hair removal in the general area. Didn't go enough times to complete it, so still shave weekly-ish. Much more manageable and little stubble, now.

People who don't are disgusting. It's basically a trap for feces particles.

>But I wipe!

Yeah, because that's how you clean anything, at all. Dishes? No problem--I wiped them with paper so they're clean now. Hands? Just rub 'em on your shirt a little bit. Teeth? Don't bother with a brush and toothpaste--I'm sure you can just run some kleenex around and get the job done.

If you don't shave/laser and use wet wipes? Your whole crotch region is a walking shit-stain.


post a pic

No. PS? Am a dude.

I do, body hair makes males look like monkeys.

i shave my balls and chest.

Women who do not shave are nigger tier primates.

I know. Post it fuccboi


I have not had laser hair removal but I want to.
I 100% agree anyway, though my pores do not agree with shaving, looks pretty fucked up sometimes.

do it,

help a brother out

Yes. Or trim. Depends.

You put all that effort into maintaining a succulent boipussi and brag about it and expect us to believe you won't post a pic of it. You're a rascal

>wet wipes

Have you ever considered an attachable bidet?

Gets you clean down there really good.

To get it completely done, you have to go like 7 or 8 times, at about a grand a pop. I had 3 done, then stopped wanting to spend money on it. It got the job done pretty well, though. And when you consider the return on your investment, of being happier with your body? Honestly: it's not that expensive. Just a few trips gets the vast majority of it under control, to the point where it's all good to shave afterwards, even if you have really hyper-reactive skin. My wife had it done, too, but hers I was willing to spend more money on. And it was more expensive, because she went waist-down. I think mine was theoretically only like $650, before fees and taxes.

>People who don't are disgusting. It's basically a trap for feces particles.
Your entire body from the waist down is covered in shit bacteria either way.

I use Scott Naturals, now. Flushable wet-wipes. But yeah, a bidet would be a good idea.

I didn't used to, but my boyfriend prefer it trimmed. Not shaven, just trimmed.

Yeah okay, everyone knows females don't actually exist.

Shave my shaft and balls in the shower and run an electric trimmer over my bush with a 2 guard. Makes me feel clean and comfortable.

i trim it

How do you do that? I shaved my shaft since I have fucking hair on it (probably since I'm cut) but it leaves stubble on your shaft.

The trick to dealing with stubble is deodorant. Use old spice's original. It burns a bit, at first, but applying deodorant after shaving will keep it from chaffing or getting razor burn.

I trim my pubes regularly. It's comfier that way.

yes but sometimes i like hairy girls and sometimes i want a bald eagle. Pubic hair is meant to keep in the bodily pheromones. Napoleon was know to have loved sniffing Joséphines pussy.

When I'm in a relationship, I trim and keep my hedges neat and clean.

When I'm not, full on bush. Don't even give a fuck.

Shaving is cuck tier. Waxing is the real way.

How the hell does that help stubble? Sounds like the old jerk off with icy hot.

I use a buzzer and use the shortest setting, fuck full shave tho I dont want those ingrown hairs and irritation

any methods that you Sup Forumslacks use to shave pubes?

Keeps it dry and original old spice has high alcohol content. Won't stick and rub on your ballsack or between your legs, so you won't get chafing or razorburn.

If you don't believe me: give it a try. You will be amazed at the difference.

Did it yesterday, so much less hassle than trimming

That sounds great and all but I didn't even get irritated much as right after I shaved I used cold water, conditioner and baby oil. I just hate the stubble is all.

Nah mate i take a shower literally every time afterwards and shampoo the area

Take it from a poo in loo'er that poos in loo, a bidet is the best way to go.