Was militant atheism the precursor to social justice warriors?
Was militant atheism the precursor to social justice warriors?
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>militant atheists are a problem
Militant atheists enable Islamists and communists. They are arguably worse than Christian extremists.
>enable Islamist and communists
citation please?
Not even arguably, it's a fact.
>meme "scientists"
atheists have a serious representation problem
not at all, stop mixing up all atheists with sjw.
SJWs are just secularized Christians.
sort of
look into atheism+
Yes. The funnything is, so many of them are fighting the same culture war. Evangelicalism basically died out as a cultural force in the mid-2000s and they still think they're edgy for railing against it.
Fuck off shill
Hitchens, Dawkins, and Ali are(/were) all very anti-SJW. They hate(/d) feminism and Islam.
In fact, Ali wants the Muslim refugees in Europe to be converted to catholicism and Dawkins calls himself a cultural Christian.
I think i just got aids
Le red panda meme
Atheists are degenerates without limit, if the western world is flooded with niggers and socialims it's their fault and of their degenerate ways spread by their autistic cultists
The ovens needs to be heated asap
I'm an atheist, but i'm not running around tipping my fedora at people every two fucking seconds. Atheists nowadays have become the very thing that they fought against, and now people hate them for it.
If you're an atheist, let me let you in on a little secret. Being an atheist doesn't automatically make you smart, so don't run around and make yourself think that you're smarter than the rest because of some false sense of enlightenment.
You're just as dumb now as you were before you became an atheist.
While its partially true that religions caused and are causing a lot of trouble. they are nothing but an excuse.
Think about it, do you really think humans would stop killing each other if religions didnt exist? They will come up with other thing.
Penn isn't militant. He doesn't respect Christians that DON'T try to save him, in fact.
Fixed that for you
Atheism+ was a backlash against the New Atheists (Dawkins, Hitchens, etc.). The New Atheists were actually based as fuck, hated Muslims, and accepted race realism more or less.
Atheism is agenda pushed by Jews to destroy the white man's society that is based on christianity. It was a key element of old marxism, it is a key element of today's cultural marxism.
From the Protocols of of The Elders of Zion
>“When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours … We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief, even if the temporary result of this is atheism.”
Look at all those western laicized country's how they all fall into degeneracy, and then look at this video from Great Catholic Poland and ask yourself what is better for our culture.
>Trash man, Black science guy, Bill "The Cuck" Maher, Professional Atheist and others.
yeh, no.
>The New Atheists were actually based as fuck, hated Muslims, and accepted race realism more or less.
No, not really. Many of the people on this picture are now fighting against SJW (Hitchens did while he was still alive). That's because they are the Old Left which was against big government (because they had seen what that leads to), pro free speech and internationalist enough to realize that while all people are equal all cultures are not.
Probably because there isn't any credible atheist establishment. Most atheists just don't believe in god and that is the extent of their view on the matter. I don't really care about the well-being of other atheists and I don't care to evangalize the view. I sure as fuck don't feel I relate to any of those cucks in any meaningful way either.
those trips don't lie
Tyson is Catholic
These ones are more intellectually honest because they all have a motive that exist beyond their belief, and their religious affiliation is merely a backdrop.
Funnily enough, if Mao had the same philosophy with running a country as he did running an army then China would have been much better off. His combat principles are actually very sound.
>Niggers and people from the middle ages
>Sand niggers
>White people
Fixed it for you.
If I believed you could go to an eternal furnace with little devil creatures poking you with pitchforks for eternity I would try to convert people. I can see how it would be a bit insulting if a close friend was a Christian and didn't try to spare you.
Half those people aren't even militant anymore. Hirsi Ali only really talks about Islam. Penn Jillette has no problem with Christians, even respects those who try to "save" him, and Neil Tyson doesn't even bash religion, he just talks about science.
Dawkins even talks about being a "cultural Christian". Guess the Islam and feminism woke him up.
He's agnostic, according to him.
who will be the new pope of Atheism™ after dawkins kicks the bucket?
No, they were simply the SJW's first victim. Then they came for the gamers which they partially won. There has been a lot of backlash against them in both the atheists circles and gamer ones. None of the people (except for maybe Maher don't know about that niggress or Ricky) could truly be considered a SJW, and even Maher is getting tired of the regressive left and SJW fags if you take a look at his latest shows.
trips kek it, user
christfags and muztards mad they literally have no choice but to believe in heaping piles of cow turd
>Guess the Islam and feminism woke him up.
Every militant atheist I know disavowed Dawkins since he started taking a harder line on Islam.
That's because Canada is cucked. Look at the faggot that runs it.
You need to be reminded that cultists are not christians - orthodox church anathematized and declared heretics catholics.
All orthodox monks are killing is sin and earthly temptations.
Dawkins looks really sad now a days. Most of his former followers disowned him when they figured out that he won't just bash christianity. But when he wasn't talking about islam it wasn't becouse he didn't had nothing against them, he just assumed that it's way too obviously evil to bash. How suprised he was when the same people that clapped when he critisized christianity bended backwards to please muslims.
Yes. Despite a very vocal minority on Sup Forums the vast majority of atheists are also leftists/marxist
Same can be said about christians. Every time i hear about people arguing for some liberal bullshit it's because "Jesus would want us to".
Protestantism and evangelicalism were the worst things to ever happen to Christianity.
>muh enablers