Who has the greatest Navy on the planet?
I'm gonna guess in sheer numbers it would most likely be Murrica? How are China and Russia's Naval forces?
Who has the greatest Navy on the planet?
I'm gonna guess in sheer numbers it would most likely be Murrica? How are China and Russia's Naval forces?
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Quantitatively, yes, Russia has more ships than the UK. Although I would argue you have better quality which would likely be the deciding factor in a non-nuclear conflict.
The Royal Navy has been absolutely gutted in the last decade, it's pretty pathetic now.
QE class aircraft carriers have a cucked design as well.
Murikkas navy outclasses all other navies of the world combined tbqh
even India's Vikrant-class aircraft carrier deck is brown. Comes with pristine porcelain western toilets
Why don't countries just nuke carrier groups?
>deck is brown
Is that the designated poop deck?
Is that sewage floating in the water? Look at those brown masses floating.
Because they would get nuked back.
I would assume they don't want to contaminate the oceon any more than they have to.
The United States Navy is the most powerful Navy in the world.
Russia's is sizable, but lacks force projection. To my knowledge, many if their ships are rotting in port.
China's is growing, their new destroyers look pretty decent. They lack force projection though, and experience.
Because you have to find the carriers in the middle of the ocean, never mind they'd get raped by nukes back.
ops pic is all wrong
more like
I know. ski ramp. lol.
is that a floating skateboard park?
China and North Korea could do some damage to Murrica, seeing as North Korea has 6,000,000 submarines
All the nork subs have a range of 50km, and half of them will sink on the way.
>American banter
gr8 b8 m8
USA, far behind them Russia, then France, UK.
its supposed to be an aircraft carrier
Cute seagirl.
US Navyfag here
Our Navy is more powerful than the next 4 most powerful navies put together. That is undebateable objective fact.
Russias is pretty large but most of it is old garbage with no range. Same with north korea.
The only Navy that is even close to our level of technology is the brits, but there's is a lot smaller than ours and they're allies anyway.
Take some time looking up some of the tech we use on our ships, it's like sci fi shit you wouldn't even believe exists. Especially our missile defense systems.
any attack on a US carrier = nuclear retaliation fyi
We produce top tier marines whilst the Amerifats produce top tier cannon fodder.
Because greenpeace would attack you for fucking up the ocean
>aegis speaks
I may go work at Raytheon next year.
I know you have a EM railgun built by BAE. That's all.
the new Zumwalt class destroyers are seriously like something out of a sci fi movie, just one with a seasoned crew can take on the entire navy of most other countries
The only ships I really like from another navy are the Russian Battle Cruisers. They have like two massive missile ships. Fucking cool. I think I just miss battle ship days.
These days surface fleets are just carriers and anti-missile and anti-sub pickets. Functionally its like there are only two classes, outside of super specialized ships like mine-sweepers and landing craft.
We will see, everyone I talked to about those seems to think they are impractical. Low crew tends to make a unsustainable ship when things go wrong.
Have to see how they end up performing operationally.
Thats changing. Google zumwalt destroyer. I'm hoping to get stationed on one
If you knew 1% of what our subs did inside your waters you would shit yourself.
Well the idea is to never have any battle situation casualty scenarios, they can sink almost anything from 50 miles away and they're virtually undetectable by radar
>deck is brown
Its plywood.
Swim about perhaps? So scary Ivan
Brits have US sonar tech, they know everything your cold war era shit does in their waters
>'Pukin' Dogs'
>having banter this bad
Except they have such little equipment they have been having to call the US and France to chase off russian subs from their waters.
They are getting some P-8s soon though, that'll help .
China sucks as a naval nation.
Most qualified are those that are used to really bad weather and unpredictable subsurface hazards.
Good doc here:
I'm ex RAF and we didn't have much to do with RN.
We're getting some F35s too, sure those will help. Great value planes
Wow russia ur so big and impressive, ur soviet accents and ur manliness intimidates me xx
>uss constitution
I'd hate to be a submariner
>first day on Sup Forums
TFW HMS victory will never meet the constitution in open naval battle :(
>Not wanting to pull the Constitution into some ISIS port city and bombarding them long dick style with your 68 pounders
Imagine USS Constitution and HMS Victory just blasting the shit out of some goatfuckers just for the hell of it. Glorious.