Holy shit, absolutely happenings! Get ready for Trump vs Sanders!
it's just confirming the fact that Hillary is a super jew on steroids
Cool, can you link Sputniknews or RT next to validate source?
>In a 9-page letter dated yesterday and posted to his blog, Ortel calls the Clintons’ charity the “largest unprosecuted charity fraud ever attempted,” adding for good measure that the Clinton Foundation is part of an “international charity fraud network whose entire cumulative scale (counting inflows and outflows) approaches and may even exceed $100 billion, measured from 1997 forward.” Ortel lists 40 potential areas of fraud or wrongdoing that he plans to expose over the coming days.
Soon, you literal cuckold, soon.
oh my fucking God is it finally happening
Get fucked, Clinton.
Long live Trump and long live the white race.
Blog post with no dates on any of this actually happening.
While I hate Huffington Paint I think this might be legit. God Bless America for Finally doing its job.
>inb4 the day of the election CERN causes another Mandela affect and trump never existed
im always scared
Wow, racist much???
Boinee! Boinee! Boinee! Bernthewitch! Bitchtits Zionald Drumpf can suck it too. I bet he's crying at these developments
I expected to find a link that goes nowhere.
But I found a legit article!
Trump v. Sanders
But we want her to run so trump can have a easy win.
Too bad. Should have debated him
>implying trump vs sanders wont be a fucking curbstomp
Maximum zionist cognitive dissonance
If sanders get the nomination they will debate. And Sanders will deserve it, unlike now.
>See Also:
>The Bernie Way
>Meditators for Bernie
>Why Bernie Is Going to Win
>Understanding Bernie or Bust
>The Right Argument For Bernie
>Why Bernie’s Platform Stands Apart
>Why America Urgently Needs Sanders
>Why Our $3T Healthcare System is Broken
>The Evolution of The Human Race is at Stake
>Has Hillary Learned Nothing From Republicans?
This is a good and unbiased source right here lads.
>Cant even win primary
>Thinks he can win election
Hardly the first time. Google "hillary racketeering" to see some history.
Except that this time, and it will come, no Clinton-appointed federal judge is going to throw out the case.
>I'm not seeing this sourced anywhere else on the net....You're pretty much a jerk for getting peoples hopes up with this wishful thinking. This isn't writing, this is traffic gouging. Cut it out.
Fuck you, OP.
Fuck you, Huffing Glue Post
>see also
How about no
Ya spilled too much sghetti already. He should have known the rules and said differently let alone deserving
Not knowing they play both sides and are panicking. They've always hated him before. How does this change what OP said?
Fuck off you mongrel mutt. Been saying this for MONTHS! How is he going to lose the primaries if this twat goes to prison? Hmm?
>Perhaps the most interesting question here is whether or not the FBI’s investigation will be able to directly link The Clinton Foundation with The Hillary Victory Fund. If this happens, the DNC itself may be in jeopardy of accusations of either being an accomplice or of being complicit in racketeering.
This bit is interesting
Yeah for sure. That'll get these problems out of her voters' minds and your crystal ball is broken
i dont understand whats happening lol
so she's like a mob boss or something? and why is only one place reporting it? it's been 40 minutes since they reported it. shouldn't it have spread if it were true?
It's just a clickbait article from people who huff gasoline.
They're getting your hopes up for nothing. Just read the comments on the article. Surprisingly these people are well educated and know what's up.
Wew lad, that is some high class shilling!
It probably won't happen she knows so much and has so much power but if she does managed to get locked up then it will be Biden. Trump and Johnson
Nope. Bernie will be president. Shut it down. No need in circlejerking anything now
>Not knowing they play both sides and are panicking. They've always hated him before. How does this change what OP said?
It's a blog post, the guy going after them isn't part of the justice department or anything like that, he's just trying to make a name for himself by claiming RICO when he doesn't have a case.
It's the equivalent of the Trump University case and the Ted Cruz birthright case. It will have one hearing before the judge throws it out.
>This post is hosted on the Huffington Post’s Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site.
It's fucking nothing. It's a Bernie supporter spreading fake news
Why are you trying so hard? He pulled this all out of his ass? He's the only one? The good men are winning this time. I will go play my rig, smoke various substances (maybe a penis) and sip some tea and zionist tears. Ciao
>Hillary gets the nom
>The DNC picks another establishment nominee
>Bernie kicked to the curb
>mfw riots
Just pray you get split off into the universe where Hillary never existed instead.
You don't know the delusion of the Bernie supporters then.
It's literally nothing.
2 decades doing nothing.
Well, I'm strictly counting it as time as first lady: that's 3 campaigns as a first lady. 2 in Arkansas for governor and 1 as president - he served two terms but I won't count her second campaign for president as time away as first lady. So on average each is about 1.5 years....4.5 years campaigning as a wife. Then 16 years job as being a wife. So that's a job history of almost 21 years as a first lady.
Failed senator
Failed secretary of state.
Accomplishments: 0
Nobody would vote for communism though
go back to kikebook
Why does Canada want us to be such a cucked country like them?
This is bad. The berndog will beat trump in a general. WE NEEDED CLINTON
i wish this was true. the bitch needs to be in prison.
>mfw these are real and not a joke
In all seriousness though, what's the policy for when a candidate gets an official party nomination, and then has to drop out AFTER the convention?
Can the party then just pick whoever they want regardless of who came second-place in the primary? Has a situation like this ever happened before?
Is that the infamy.org guy?
don't cite unreliable sources. you might as well post someones personal blog.
> Bernie gets the nomination
> Being more presidential than Trump and making rational arguments instead of insults get elected
> Sad thing US will be the next Venezuela.
>Implying Obama's Lynch will let it happen
you are delusional socialist hillary cimmie. she's toast but I hope she continues her vote tantrum and then fingers all her buddies in both sidesof the aisle. please let McCain be mentioned! and his shitty liberal repubes daughter meggan. daddy git her the talk show job and the show sucks.
The Democrats will anoint Crooked Hillary as the nominee NO MATTER WHAT.
>Hillary starts dropping in the polls
>"Welp boys, time to kick her to the curb and go ahead and release the charges"
Wow what a coincidence
Anyway who's gonna get the nom now, Bernie? If I remember correctly in the past he was actually polling slightly better against Trump than Clinton was in the general election polls, so this may be a boon for the Democrats. It was looking more and more like they'd be going down in flames in November if they gave Crooked Hillary the nomination.
Fuck me, I hope she's really indicted and it tanks her. I'd honestly rather see Bernie Sanders in office if Trump doesn't get it.
You people on this subchan are so stupid! Hillary will never get arrested while the american voters have something to say!
You can't expect them to sit idly while Hillary (who I respect and adore) is being harrased like that!
So what if she did that? Everybody makes some mistakes. But a bigger mistake would be to vote for Drumpf inatead of her!
Remember to donate to her and support her in these troubled times!
Apparently Obama and Hillary despise each other.
He cant win unless she gets locked up. The party doesn't support him.
>dems appoint hillary
>hillary appoints establishment stooge as VP nominee
>hillary gets indicted/charged
>VP nom gets to run for pres on a clean slate
wow. n00b much?
That's actually a good thing.
We don't want hillary actually getting locked up. Because then she wouldn't be the nominee, and she's an awful campaigner and guarantees a trump victory. Best scenario is to constantly have this sort of thing looming over her head, and then getting off due to a pardon or technicality. Because that would still cast her as guilty in the eyes of the public.
If it's Sanders, is over for Trump
Manchild berniebots detected, your candidate has lost, stop this smear campaign you guys are doing and accept Hillary Clinton will be your country's next president .
I've heard this too. I mean he jokingly supported bernie sanders at one point.
But I also think it's speculated he would campaign for hillary. I think he understands strategic voting well enough to bite his tongue
this kinda sucks..this should have been a thing AFTER bernie dropped out. Now the fucking shit will hit the fan on Trump. get ready for socialism..
you got me to check
The superdelegates don't vote until the convention but nice try nippon.
Think about what a positive statement it will make if Hillary is indicted. In America, not even a a woman playing the vagina card can escape justice for her criminal activities.
Sanders would get destroyed. He is only polling well right now because he's not in the spotlight. Same reason Cruz was beating Hillary.
>bernie beating trump
Let's be real. Trump could literally cause him to die mid-debate from a single zinger.
>We don't want hillary actually getting locked up.
If she did what she was accused of doing, we do want her to be sent to jail. That selfish notion of what is best for you is why the world is so fucked. It is just normal for you to want what is best for you and abnormal for me to what what is honest and right. Something has to give.
I don't think Cruz was ever polled as beating Hillary. Kasich was the one that the polls said could beat anyone.
I'm not gona click that link and give those Leftist animals views/revenue.
It's a 404.
fraudulent as well as homosexual
>yfw the pick biden and Bernie remains eternally cucked.
Guys I don't like Hillary
this desu
Just deleted? Anyone have a screenshot or archive? I'm not sure if OP wasn't just full out lying. You see a lot of shitty lie threads on Sup Forums
I saw that also wtf.....They just straight up deleted it l0l.
Then kill her.
Just went to post the link which was working minutes ago, but now it seems it's been scrubbed?
Wtf am I seeing here?
and HuffingtonPost just deleted the article...
>muh principles.
Stuff it, you fucking leaf.
I got the link from someone else on facebook too and it was just deleted, like three minutes ago...
oh you're right. But Cruz was polling better than Trump and that was his argument for being the nominee.
Really feeling like summer 'round here
screen shoting the article as we speak
tell that to all the women who get off scot-free after making false rape accusations