Why are you Christian, Sup Forums...

Why are you Christian, Sup Forums? What you feel right now about Muslims invading western civilization is the same feeling that your forefathers had when Christianity was invading western civilization.

Do you hate western civilization? Do you really think it's okay to disrespect your European ancestry and bloodline by being a Christian? Your forefathers fought to prevent this.

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I'm not Christian, Jesus was a delusional whoreson.

Christianity is the biggest red-pill and is the only true religion.

Pic related
and webm related webm.land/w/hbQE/

>What you feel right now about Muslims invading western civilization is the same feeling that your forefathers had when Christianity was invading western civilization.
Nuh, no, it's different. You don't understand.

>foreign culture from the middle east threatens european lifestyles then
>foreign culture from the middle east threatens european lifestyles now

Fun fact, Christianity was mainly spread throughout Europe by the sword. Paganism was punishable by collective death. If you were caught your family/tribe would be killed with you

cry more bitch

Keep worshipping your kike on a stick, I'll stick with this


>see OP's pic
>oh, another Christianity thread
>read OP

All is good

>degrading your own culture in place for a foreign shitskin culture

Western Christianity is the ultimate cuckold.

And it was a good thing too. How can pagans even compete?

>i'll stick with this
fine by me, don't complain when you end up in hell though.

>degrading your own culture
nigger christianity IS western culture

>doing the same thing that radical muslims do is a good thing when it's a different shitskin religion

Christianity is middle-eastern and trampled over European cultures and religions using fear tactics and violence.

Does that remind you of something?

Hey zambia, I don't think anybody has authorized you to speak.

shoo shoo

we used to be vikings n shiet

and then the christians came by force, but clearly most people only begrudgingly accepted christ since they dropped religion mattering at all shortly afterwards

Nice shilling nigger. You are the same guy who told us to drop nationalism and let me guess.. open borders? Oooga booga

nigga european culture IS Christianity.
Everyime Christianity is abandoned people become degenerate faggots who wallow in hedonism and let the elite and the jews dictate all their beliefs and actions.
>Does that remind you of something?
It reminds me that you are a limp-wristed nu male fedora virgin that think violence is never justified.

Christianity took the lead of a decaying pagan world and gave birth to european supremacy in the world.
Stay salty heathen.

>we used to be vikings n shiet

Nice argument lad, only fedora neckbeards and retarded children who want to be "ebin skyrim warriors" use paganism and Odinism to pretend to be vikings or some retarded LARP shit.

I beg your pardon sir, but I believe you have me mistaken with somebody else.

I'm not a nigger btw

obviously any such religion is fucking made up you stupid shit

i was just saying that we were vikings n shiet and the culture mightve been better off that way instead of becoming christians

I'm just saying that Odinism is given a bad reputation by complete assniggers who don't understand it, but still use it as an excuse to be a retard in the woods.

Semi-Rare, nice.

Fuck off, filthy pagan.

You might as well be calling us infidels, you're practically a Mohammad, Christian.

why does someone from zambia tell us what to do ? look at your own shithole

>implying I'm a Christian because I'm a burger and took a small shit on Paganism.

I'm an atheist, and I don't really give a fuck what ideology you believe so long as you aren't trying to kill/harm anyone who doesn't want it.

I have to agree Christianity is the only true red pill for all of us. It is the ultimate truth. We must fight back against the hordes of savages that is islam.