Melissa McCarthy really hopes the "Ghostbusters" haters "find a friend"

And I hope she finds a diet plan.

>not pastebinning dykington roast

Really makes you think

>p-please see our shitty tumblr movie goyim

If they can't find a friend, they could just eat a tub of ice cream when they feel bad.

Sure, I'll find a friend, and we'll probably just put on the actual Ghostbusters movie from the 80's.

>Huffington Post
>Ghostbusters reboot

Woah.... Two flavors of shit in one...... Damn....

lol I'm more socially successful than anybody I know, and I think this movie looks like horse shit.

It's Twitter you dick head

Yeah I got a friend, it's an angry red bird. Paid the bird for a decent movie instead of some reboot.

Sadly i can't have as much friends as she has pounds.

>ghostbusters came out
>every time movies are discussed no one ever mentions wanting to see ghostbusters

the only reason that the angry birds movie could have the plot it did was because hollywood wasn't involved. it was self funded

But I like being alone.

It's literally their fucking twitter

I haven't had a friend in 28 years you stupid fat bitch

I really hope the fat, unthreatening, goofy chick roles don't dry up for her career's sake.

Her entire career is based around making normal women feel attractive by comparison.

>t. Australian immigrant

I am a kv neet without friends and I think this movie could have been better.

Does she actually have any friends, or just acquaintances that tolerate her because she's a useful idiot for their cause?

If wishes were fishes I'd have a friend

I'm more socially successful than anyone I know, but that might be because I don't know anybody irl

>this bullshit propaganda flick is gonna turn a profit
>just because of the name
Kill me now so I can haunt this fat bitch for the rest of her fat life

I think she ate them all

She slimed me.

>make a shitty movie to push your agenda
>people say it's shitty
>y-you goyim can't criticise me, that's hate speech, buy my movie or I-I-I'm sueing you for anudda shoah

What a salty matza ball.

She needs to lose some weight.

>I've read up on the movie and saw the trailer, based on that I'm not going to see it; I just don't think it looks good

I love it when POLsters try to be smartasses but just make themselves look like dumbasses instead.

Further proof that the Jews run Hollywood and support an anti-white pro-immigration agenda

>everyone who dislikes the movie doesn't have friends
nice try, now people will watch and like it

That's a lot of people in need of a friend then.

>I don't like thing because x, y and z
Yeah, that'll get them to change their minds.