>Italians aren't white
wtf? Sup Forums, you are always echoing pope urban shieet.
>Italians ARE white
>Italians aren't white
wtf? Sup Forums, you are always echoing pope urban shieet.
>Italians ARE white
Other urls found in this thread:
all those people down there are lazy ass degos, sitting on cafes all day, drinking coffee or tee from tiny cups... all off them from norvasund to lebanon.
>sitting IN cafes
>coffee or TEA
>all OF them
Its true though. All I-talians do all day is drink coffee or tea and smoke cigs (unless they're busy loudly complaining or arguing, flailing their hands about like a retard with some sort of a syndrome)
who is whiter spain or italy?
that is probably the most difficult question to answer
I've been both to Italy and Spain. They look different. Italians overall have a more mediterranean look, with olive skin, but have brown/dark blonde hair, green eyes, and very Aryan features
The Spanish look is different. They have fairer skin, but mostly brown eyes(there are some blue eyed though) and dark hair. They don't have Aryan features though, they are uglier than Italians.
I think Spaniards have a lot of Celt blood, that's why they have fairer skin. But they also have a lot of Arab blood.
Italians have a very different genetic makeup, with some Arabs in the south, and a lot of Germanic astrogoths.
I really should visit both countries again.
please stop, it's already hard to make a living, italians as a whole aren't white and every time this gets posted it's always that north is white and south not so much which is true, real problem here is what will happen with the rapefugees
Who's whiter, Argentina or Italy?
>I'll lie and tell them I travel outside my shitty country
No one cares, Paco.
Can confirm, although I don't smoke, don't like tea, can't drink much coffee and have few social relations
shows a pic of a brown bitch with brown eyes and bleached hair but her eye brows are still brown lmao
sure they are faggot
bach was sandy-haired
It's not Italians that aren't white, it's Sicilians.
Real italics are nordic.
italians are the most raped and conquered people on earth. how many times did rome get raped into oblivion? not even close to white. you grease ball faggot.
Pick one.
Sand is beige which is brown
This is a very good question.
Arent you etruscan, or in other words just from same place you are at now?
its the same colour as breivik
actually Americans are the ones that never go out of their country
Shut up, the whiteness of Italy is a major issue with much priority over dem muzzies. Fag.
exactly, but to preserve that, what can we people do? make them disappear?
Do you even know how big murrica is?
>Shut up, the whiteness of Italy is a major issue with much priority over dem muzzies. Fag.
To be honest I'm perfectly fine with muzzies as long as the heed for the northern border within the first 24h, fuck them they were asking for it to begin with.
italy, they are not surrounded by aboriginal countries like bolivia, paraguay and chile.
Italians do not mix with muzzies unless they are super rich. To assure the world of our whiteness, we must overthrow the government and invade Libya, exterminating all and bombing everything, then colonizing properly.
no real blonde
also, bitch for Berlusconi, literally discovered and deeply flounded by Emilio Fede.
Also her elbows are too pointy.
Yeah, sure.
>North italian are white
not for much long.
every white group on here gets accused of being 'non-white' at some point. scandis are chinks, slavs are whatever, anglos are beady eyed, the irish are black, the meds are wogs, and burgers are, well, burgers. its no biggie.
n. Italy > Spain >= Portugal > s. Italy = Greece
pretty sure this is also confirmed by the frequencies of fair hair and fair eyes among the populations
>n. Italy > Spain >= Portugal > s. Italy = Greece
>pretty sure this is also confirmed by the frequencies of fair hair and fair eyes among the populations
Das right chilluns i read it in a book titled "A non jewish view of history, how the jew keeps whitey down" and in it there was a guy at one point in time who may or may not have had blonde hair, therefore i know it in my heart, we wuz kangz.
you alright there m8? having a stroke? it's not that hot yet
Spain was raped by arabs for centuries. Italy is white.
Also, sicily isn't part of Italy.
North Italy and north spain look pretty much the same
>muh arabs
didn't leave much of a genetic mark, I guess conquest and settlement are separate things huh?
I was in Spain
there was a lot of white but I was in the resort-city so I guess this is the answer
a lot of slavs, germans, scandinavians, anglos
>Also, sicily isn't part of Italy.
Until your shitty country doesn't give us indipendece(o come la chiamiamo noi autonomia siciliana mai attuata) we will be a part of this joke we call Italy.
>falling for the southern europeans are lazy meme
I'm of Italian (paternal) and (chink/pac islander) decent.
My father and I both have blue eyes, mine are a bit grayer though. I don't really know what I am but Sup Forums please tell me.
You're white.
I feel you Italian bros.
>chile and paraguay
3% Northeast Asian, I can relate to this song.
He is south Italian and is buttmad he is brown
Nice cherry picking of a fake blonde
100% true.not even joking
If I have the opportunity my semen will be like meteorites agaisnt her womb
You're hawaiian
>Mauricio Macri realesed from his kidnap in 1991. In the picture, his father Franco and the former minister José Luis Manzano.
Urban came from a French noble family in Champagne though
>José Luis Manzano
Was in Italy last week, can confirm
>sleeping in the middle of the day
>not lazy
She looks like a Romanian I know
>But they also have a lot of Arab blood.
This has been debunked several times. When will Sup Forums accept the fact that spaniards are mixed only with north africans and this comes since ancient times? And this mixture isn't even relevant.
I just watched your flag right now... I understand your comment now.
Never, pol is a satyre board; just drop your dank memes.
We used to have serious debate but it was before gamergate and trump
That pic is amazing... Saved.
Save this one too while you're at it.
>orthodox cross means Italian
you know North Africans speak Arab language so when I say Arabs I mean North Africans
But I don't really look like my hawaiian/chink family. Only the hair and some facial features. Most people mistake me of being hispanic and its annoying as hell.
Welp, Italians are definitely one of the most mixed people in the world but when I think about the current situation in the rest of Europe, I honestly can't complain that much.
Generally Italians aren't very welcoming of cultural enrichment, except in the north but mostly because the north didn't meet as many african/asian immigrants like the south does, they leave shit wherever they pass and the south happens to be the place where sadly most illegal immigrants congregate to, in order to move north or in the rest of Europe.
>this thread again
>hurp durp some of them have slightly darker skin
>what is Latin
>what is the Italian Renaissance
>what is The Roman Empire
>what is the best architecture
>what is the best food
>what is the best art
>what is the best cars
>what is the best fashion
Italians are literally goat.
Go ahead and compare the modern art scene in New York to the art coming out of Italy.
Argentina had indians before the immigration from neighboring countries
actually a lot of the negros you see in conurbano and some other shitholes are Argentine mestizos, not immigrants. Mostly from Northern provinces
Greasy wop detected.
Actually when you gained your independency you genocided the natives leaving a bunch in the north.
Jealousy detected.
They genocided everyone to be honest.
The black population in Argentina declined since the middle 19th century from 15% of the total population in 1857 (Blacks and Mulatto people), to 1% at present (mainly mulattoes, and immigrants from Cape Verde).
Afro-Argentines were up to a third of the population during colonial times, most of them slaves brought from Africa to work for the criollos. The 1813 Assembly abolished slavery and led to the Freedom of Wombs Law of 1813, which automatically freed slaves' children at birth. During the wars of independence (1810–21) and the War of the Triple Alliance (1865–70), the male cohort within this ethnic group was reduced when thousands of black citizens were forcefully recruited and used as front-line soldiers.
>Tutte le scene HOT
Stop embarrassing yourself, Italy. Stick to your language, don't include foreign words.
this, also as a half italian/anglo with an extensive italian family, i know sicilians who are pale as death with black hair-brown eyes.
Pretty much every member of my italian family is pale as hell, except for the boomer-aged men and guys who do alot of outdoor labour who get ruddy faces and brown skin, most of my italian families heritage is from the middle of italy, d'abruzzo. The only non-white thing would be they all have is universal brown hair and eyes. I got hazel eyes and light brown hair from my mother.
America is proof that Italians (and europeans in general) mix well enough to where no white nationalist should give a shit about their differences. Remember that italians and the spanish were on the European side during the crusades.
You know who you need for that
That weather girl looks like a fucking tranny.
Hey man, shit on me all you want, but aren't Italians known to be a bit mixed?
well.. it is the truth. Mudslimes or not, lazy as fuck
You don't fall into this group btw
>White people
albanians are exactly the same
Jesus! Look at all those suns. Does it ever rain in Italy?
Guess i'm Italian then.
Marinetti should have had more influence.
He would have saved you.
Spain and Portugal were ruled by Muslims from Africa for almost as long as the United States has been colonized for.
Are you saying there is no lasting genetic effect left over from that?
J2 is anatolian/caucasian not arab
shes hot
Is that a picture from New Orleans? Those look like our grave sites
to much fucking paint
like watching a cartoon
Masculine facial features.
Faggot, back to Sup Forums
>Unless they are super rich
Kek are you referring to Qaddafi's son?