behold: degenerate turkey
ps. someone translate
behold: degenerate turkey
ps. someone translate
Other urls found in this thread:
>The cannon of Fatih(Conqueror of Constantinople)
>The homosexual of Mustafa Kemal(Founder of Turkey)
You know how gay people fuck, right? they fuck each other in the asshole which is round, much like a cannonball, therefore we use the term as a homosexual slur
what? so what's the point of that pic? pro or anti fag? or just a stupid "joke"?
its says homo welcome and turkey is fucking gay as fuck in ro*achspeak
>koskal baba
I thought it was koksal? and I thought it was pronounced kucksal
Anti gay and anti Kemalism(the system of reforms and development introduced by Atatürk)
based köksal
> they fuck each other in the asshole which is round, much like a cannonball, therefore we use the term as a homosexual slur
That doesn't make a bit of sense.
That sounds like how someone who has never done anal would describe anal.
yea you're right
my bad
>*smacks kebab*
>*gets arab with it*
>*brush his brow*
>*checks for nearest kurds*
>*collects welfare*
>*licks teeth then smacks durum*
>*does the roach walk*
>*kills Armenians*
>*dindu nuffins*
>*sucks air through moustache*
>*pulls up sagging pants*
>*instinctively looks around for the kurds*
>*gets away from the Raid*
>*scopes dem titties from sister*
>*shouts at kuffar greek*
>*cries about muh moderates*
>*strokes antennae pensively*
>*converts to islam*
>*Erdogay yelling in background*
>*calls NATO for help*
>Anti gay and anti Kemalism(the system of reforms and development introduced by Atatürk)
>the system of reforms and development introduced by Atatürk
Tell me about this system. Also, I thought all turks were faggot Ataturk fanboys.
Now the homosexuality in Turkey is very high, and was even in the Ottoman Empire, even our national sport is fucking gay.
Anal sex is prohibited for muslims so how would they know?
homosexuals are mentally ill
whenever someone disagrees with a homosexual or LGBTism, the homosexuals go insane and shun down freedom, liberty and free speech faster than russians beat up homosexuals
you'll notice that in those gay prides, not a single turkish flag is flown
the gay prides in turkey are entirely funded by NGOs and folks like george soros
that's why russia banned NGOs
wait a minute, if you're anti ataturk, does that mean you're pro erdogan?
Almost half of the country is Atatürk fanboy but the rests sides with easterns that betrayed them more than fingers can count. So the reforms Ataturk did is that he took the most civilized and secular systems from europe and made same differences here and there in order for it to fit turkish culture.
I'm not anti-Atatürk but the ones that are almost always pro-erdoğan and supporters of the idea of neo-ottomanism
>*does the roach walk*
Yeah i heard about that, and i belive that Russia did the right choice, i don't have any bones to pick with gay people but accepting them to be normal citizens when they are not doesn't fix anything.
Nice bants desert rat.
nigga what? but why? do they want to go back to imperialism or something? what will they do? attempt to invade europe? kek
it's the usurpation of national symbols by the leftist/marxist/socialist agents
they do this in every country
in every country, they take what is the dearest, a date, a color, a flag, a person, and associate it with complete depravity (here it's homosexuality, homosexualism, LGBTism, so on and so forth) and try to taint that symbol
what they do next is a complete dismantlement of the nuclear family
this is happening in europe and the USA
the USA is fighting back with trump, europe is a lost cause
the reason europe is in the state that it is now is because of that marxist/leftist/socialist mentality of "i can do whatever i want to do (within the limits imposed by the state) but you should never be able to say anything"
that's why in europe you can go to prison for a tweet
erdogan needs to step his game up and propose all these mentally ill homosexuals a ticket straight to the USA with an enveloppe full of US dollars so they can relocate there and leave turkey forever
france should do the same, we have flaming flamboyant faggots in the ruling sphere who's only interest is to create damaged goods out of normal people
homosexuals inherently hate heterosexual people
>Anal sex is prohibited for muslims so how would they know?
Isn't it permitted with goats?
>i don't have any bones to pick with gay people but accepting them to be normal citizens when they are not doesn't fix anything.
if you accept those homosexuals as "normal citizen", you accept the deal the western NGOs want to impose on turkey, and it's not an official deal
soros wasn't in ukraine for the best interest of ukraine
LGBTism is inherently a leftist/socialist ideology and needs to be rejected switftly
these people only reinforce erdogan's power in turkey
the secularist movement is a failed movement because it is based on the personality cult of a dead man
>it's the usurpation of national symbols by the leftist/marxist/socialist agents
>they do this in every country
>in every country, they take what is the dearest, a date, a color, a flag, a person, and associate it with complete depravity (here it's homosexuality, homosexualism, LGBTism, so on and so forth) and try to taint that symbol
but aren't they themselves (leftists) supposed to be pro fags? is everything fucking >backwards there or what?
this is happening in europe and the USA
>the USA is fighting back with trump, europe is a lost cause
already happened, and already done for.
>the reason europe is in the state that it is now is because of that marxist/leftist/socialist mentality
the reason that fucking exists is because we let women vote and get into politics.
>homosexuals inherently hate heterosexual people
They think that if their ''Muh Ottoman'' rises from its ashes they will be almighty and destructive superpower, powerful enough to fund islamic crusades againts europe. Of course they cannot realize how delusional this is, couldn't expect less
Apperantly not, it's proven to be healthy and A ok by Muhammad(pbuh)
>but aren't they themselves (leftists) supposed to be pro fags? is everything fucking >backwards there or what?
i am talking about leftists
they're the ones driving these "protests"
in these gay prides, nationalism is 200% haram, and in the case of turkey, many of these people are for the recognition of the armenian genocide for example, which for turkey would be an extremely cucky thing to do
look at germany still paying up for the "holocaust" to this day, it's pathetic
>the reason that fucking exists is because we let women vote and get into politics.
and you also let women be engulfed in leftist ideology
the very behaviour of homosexuals, and the people leading these movements, only have hatred towards what represents "tradition", which is why they do what they're doing
passive aggressive remarks like yours is what makes erdogan more powerful each passing day
i think the 90 average IQ in turkey is a reality, the secularist are incapable of getting anything done
>and you also let women be engulfed in leftist ideology
women would inherently be attracted to such nonsense politics.
but ataturk people are the fag lovers, and ataturk is the opposite of traditionalism in turkey.
We have tried more than once to revolt against this tyrant but even the military revolution failed, we have nothing left than to wait till 2023 and see what is his masterplan.
One of the Atatürk's reforms was about traditinoalism and how important it is for a country, he even cosplayed as a jannisary soldier once.
the reasons the """""revolution"""" failed are:
1 the military coup in the 80's was only possible thanks to the US intervention
2 the people behind this """""revolution"""" were weak, soft, estrogen feminist leftist skirt dressing men
3 not a revolution to begin with
4 personality cult of a dead man
if you need outside help to have a """""revolution""""", then it's not a revolution
secularists are the minority in turkey, and they are following the path of western SJWs, it's as simple as that
they're weak in the head, weak in the arms, and soft in their walks
ideology is stronger than personality cult
>but ataturk people are the fag lovers, and ataturk is the opposite of traditionalism in turkey.
ataturk represents 19th century - early 20th century western values and ideas
it's as traditionalist as it gets without being backwards like what existed previously
>anal sex is prohibited for muslims
it is, but many people still do it in private. it's a way to have sex with a woman without breaking the hymen.
>if you need outside help to have a """""revolution""""", then it's not a revolution
this. ask the iranians, they had 2 foreign "revolutions".
Why are there so many shitskins here???
Do we even stand a chance?
We don't even worry about penetrating the hymen anymore, muslim womens' vagina has evolved and now has a perk that allows hymen to regenerate, all thanks to Muhammad(pbuh) and his teachings.
because 40% of USA is non white
this is how sub human turks percieve sex
>We don't even worry about penetrating the hymen anymore, muslim womens' vagina has evolved and now has a perk that allows hymen to regenerate, all thanks to Muhammad(pbuh) and his teachings.
i don't think so
Ah Belgium, secondary turkey, fancy seeing you here.
top in Turkish means cannon and also (in slang) queer
first part says "here's Fatih's top" (Fatih conquered Istanbul, he's a prominent figure particularly among devout muslim Turks, they also abhor Mustafa Kemal for bringing secularism)
second part says "here's Mustafa Kemal's top"
Yeah i explained that in the first post, learn to read first mehmed
not really. you did not mention why they relate faggotry to Mustafa Kemal
ah ok, that makes sense now