Atheists claim that god doesn't exist, but when you ask them to provide evidence...

atheists claim that god doesn't exist, but when you ask them to provide evidence, they say the burden of proof isn't on them, even though they're the one making the claim?

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gr8 b8, m8
I r8 8/8

Hmmm. Who is making the claim that a magical super being exists?

They're both making a claim. But what OP is saying how atheists can't prove their side either.

I believe in a magic sky fairy is a claim.

I don't believe you is just denying that claim.

Literally the only thing keeping this stupid way of life in practice.
>benefit of the doubt

Atheists are saying there is NO God. Yet they cannot prove it. Stop side stepping.

How is religion a stupid way of life? Of course it has its flaws but that doesn't make it stupid.

Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.
Can you disprove the existence of Odin? Ptah? Amaterasu? Kali? Zeus? Brigid? Marduk? The Anunnaki?

I'm non religious, as in I don't give 2 fucks if it's real or fake. I see religion as a set of moral guidance and population control that's it. The higher power in religions is just to keep people in check.

I just shit

Stop being stupid. I don't believe in something is not a positive claim.

Ok so atheists don't say God isn't real?
Don't bother responding to me if your only form of argument is insulting me and using mental gymnastics.

He's obviously being purposely stupid just to troll.

You're still being stupid. You're saying something is real, with zero evidence. Saying that's bullshit is just refusing to believe your nonsense.

I know. I'm bored.

religion has NO place in government, separation of church and state and all that but here we are in 2017...

Haha I was jk guys. Over 80% of the world is religious or believe in some form of deity.
Christianity is rapidly growing in China. Islam and Christianity is rapidly spreading through third-world countries.
At least we're part of the enlightened few who calls every one who believes in something differently from us stupid like we're snowflakes.

... and still no Sharia law

What does the never ending black flame have to do with religion?

>Believing you're being watched constantly by an invisible cosmic being that is also watching every other human, and only humans
>Thinking this is how you act like a good person 24/7
>Trusting in a 2000+ year old book that says you must die for wearing cotton and wool at the same time, also saying its ok to sell your daughter in times of need
>Thinking a newer, watered down version of this fuckery isn't based stupidity
>Thinking religion grants peace but has been the basis of almost every major conflict in human history
>Thinking YOUR religion is real while the other 1000 aren't despite being based on almost the same sentiments
>Marrying off your children before they even turn 13 in some US states while you call muslims who do the same thing dirty pigs
Religion is literally the bane of progress

Look at who won the elections. Need more proof you poor miserable cunt?

I suck dick for money.

I'm not even religious. I'm just arguing for the sake of it, but thanks for an actual argument instead of "hurr your stupid"

You can't pretend it's religions vs. unreligious meanies who deny them. Most religions are contradictory and exclusive, so they already deny each other,

You already got an argument, you're just incapable of telling the difference between positive and negative assertions, or understanding where the burden of proof lies.

Thank you, user. I like to do the "hurr durr" a lot but you didn't seem like the "hurr durr" type.

Listen shitposting fuckwad....

I will make this clear...

If you post you KNOW a claim, back it up.

God isn't real as it is not backed up.

God isn't not real, as it is not backed up.

Go now, find a fire, dance in it greatly, hopefully to your death. Nothing is proven or disproven so nothing is or is not.

It's impossible to make such a claim without someone else first making the assertion that god exists. The assertion that god exists is the original claim and it needs to be backed by verifiable evidence.

To be fair, you were obviously being stupid.

Alright buddy. You can have your (you) now. Need anything else?

Hi, stupid!

gay = atheism.


I'm sure there's a correlation, given how many religions want all fags dead

I mean read your posts. You were being purposely obtuse. You weren't even making any sort of point. You were just hurr durring the entire time trying to be devil's advocate when you were just being a moron.

So granted you are christian or catholic, 95% chance you were baptized when you were a baby in to a cult that you have known to be the "almighty". You are literally a slave to a "God" and a book that preaches the same moral principles in every fucking religion. You can find the same principles in Buddhism, Judaism, Catholicism and Christianity. The principles are the same but the "god" is different. What makes your "god" so special or the right "god"? Religions are cults that are a way to cope with death. It makes me sick to go to church with my grandmother an watch ppl sing the same bullshit songs to "get in touch with jesus" and say the same shit that some useless priest preaches. By being a priest you just accept the fact that you cant have sex, which sucks. Every christian or catholic sins, yet they all go to "heaven". What is so bad that makes a person go to "hell"? Its a fucking cult. It was originated when we thought the stars had gods. Its ludicrous and anyone who lives in the 21st century can realize that religion is a sham. Resist the bullshit bc its all fake. If your god was real then why are there 50 fucking gods? It makes no sense and you are brainwashed. Catholics and Christians are worse than every religion bc they are groomed from birth but still defend useless propaganda. Ppl convert to judaism, buddhism, islam but nobody converts to christianity or catholism bc its a fucking cult. Theyre all cults but christianity and catholism are the worst of them all.

the only right way to view religion
people are wasting their time discussing the unprovable

As a homosexual atheist degenerate this offends me.


there's not 50 God's, there's just the one Lord, who hates all of us.

as a homosexual catholic that hates myself for God, you offend me. Stop you with that you stuff man. Just stop youing.

You know what's funny? The people who post these threads are better trolls than you and the other user(s). Have fun m8.

atheism is the easiest religion to troll


Stay dumb, my man.

We'll miss you pseudo intellectual idiocy.

lol what a buncha faggots

I see what you did there.


>these threads still get (You)'s
never change Sup Forums

God hates fags, atheism is made up of fags.

God =/= Fags

Atheism is just homosexuals. PROOF.


>hurr durr

The claim is that there is a god. Atheists refute the claim. The burden of proof is on the believers.

atheists BTFO



Correct, thats an antitheist

Theist = I believe there is a god
Atheist = I dont believe in god
Antitheist = I believe there is no god

Why is this so hard for Christians?

Because atheists tend to spew anti-theist beliefs.

Why is this so hard for brainlets?

why can't atheists get dubs?

but these bait threads are all made by atheists.

This word does not mean what I think you think it means.

Bait up the ass

Because you can't prove a negative?

>A negative claim is a colloquialism for an affirmative claim that asserts the non-existence or exclusion of something.[13] Saying "You cannot prove a negative" is has been called pseudologic because there are many proofs that substantiate negative claims in mathematics, science, and economics including Arrow's impossibility theorem. There can be multiple claims within a debate.

Checkmate atheists.
Trips means truth.
And it's 999. Coincidence? I think not.

this bait again

I wipe my shit with the bible faggot

Where were you the day when atheists got BTFO?

Amaterasu Omikami is an ancient sun goddess you weeb

Nope, atheists don't claim that god doesn't exist. They claim that the gods you believe in are shit (christiab, muslim, hidu, etc). Evidence, the teachings of each religion. (Christian bible has millions of people walking on a desert, lost for 30 or 40 yrs because they can't find a city that was 40 miles away, pedo profit muhammad, people who claim to harness chi are frauds that never won a million dollars from James Randi after all these years since the 90s. You nor I haven't proved the existence of god either way. Just because you believe, doesn't make it reality. Otherwise, I believe in a billion dollars tomorrow. Or, I believe that god won't my son die of ultra gay cancer aids. Oh wait, he died.

Tl;dr, every religion is absolute shit.

Prove that the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist

>Pro tip: you can't

>Atheists Don't believe in gods
>They claim that the gods you believe in are shit




Was OP right all along?

>muh intellectual superiority




>mfw atheists can't compete


He's trying to bury his shame lmao.
I wouldn't be surprised if he's suicidal now.

Nope. Just pedos and judges putting Christian believes over the law of the land.

Ah, it's been a while since I've seen this thread.

Claims are affirmative. If I said, "Edward Cullen is real," I am making a claim. If you replied, "No, you idiot, that's a book," you are refuting my claim with a fact. The burden is on me to prove that Twilight is a dramatization of a real event and beautiful vampires are out there for me somewhere.

Point is Edward loves me and fuck you.

where the fuck were you even going with this?


>hurr durr


That's true. It just means you're smarter than the theists.


One could say the exact same thing about people who claim that God does exist.


You missed my point. I wasn't claiming it was real. I was mocking them and saying they're still losing. Which they are. They can sit behind the computer all day and pretend to be smart and it means nothing.

Different things. Believers are BELIEVING in God, and atheistkids are implying that god doesnt exists is a fact proven by science.

How, for the love of God, are people still falling for this obvious bait?

because atheists are dummies




