Is it possible to remove Muslims from India using non-violence like we removed the British?
Is it possible to remove Muslims from India using non-violence like we removed the British?
You could try to starve them to death
You did, it's called Pakistan.
Scoop up all the shit from designated streets and dump it in muslim areas.
Did you use nonviolence? Think its a little more complicated.
you could use poo
The way they are breeding, India is going to be a Muslim majority soon. There is a Muslim doctor who is close to having 100 children.
designated shitting streets. wew. poo in loo.
the british got bored and came to the conclusion that poo in loo land wasn't worth the effort and just left. It's like a bully you never stood up to in highschool that later became an assholish sort of friend without ever redeeming themself. Muzzy's would be more like the shower rapist from a penal institution.
No are you kidding this hasn't worked in the last 1000 years and it will not work today.
The British gave India back to you. You didn't run them out poopy boy.
> like we removed the British?
You're clearly not redpilled enough, Panji.
Look at your own history, well past what Congress Party wants you to think. The Brits were already tired of you guys and wanted out. They however did not want to just leave and look like pussies. They wanted to leave "with honor," very similar to how our President Nixon was against the Vietnam war but didn't want to just leave.
Unlike Nixon, the Brits had Gandhi to use as an excuse. It makes them look good because then they can say that a non-violent civil rights leader convinced the great British Empire to tone things down and leave.
In short, to answer your question, probably not. This is because the premise itself is false. The Brits left because of an increasingly hostile Indian population and increased popularity of revolutionary efforts as well as anti-colonialist sentiment in England itself.
I don't even think you can remove Muslims from India. You guys already gave them their own shithole. The best you can do is not let them get away with their stupid Islamic bullshit in your own country. So don't let Congress Party allow them to have their sharia courts and polygamy rights. Vote BJP, and if you're left wing or BJP is being corrupt or cucky, AAP.
Alternative idea: since Europe is being overly cucky, you can have your country make a deal with the EU to allow for mass immigration for the mudslimes who mostly would be happy to come to the west and reap our welfare benefits. But fuck you if you do that.
>The Brits were already tired of you guys and wanted out.
Is there a way we could make Muslims tired of us?
Non-Violence is not option with +100 million muslims
Prep the gas chambers
"It was over 100 yetazillion" I can see it now
Yes, Pajeet, but first you must learn how to move poo to the loo.
Like I said, don't cater to their bullshit like Congress party does. It's insane that India allows Muslims to have their own Sharia divorce laws when next-door Pakistan, literally Islamic India, are more modern. Same with polygamy and other shit.
Your constitution is "secular" but that should not negate the practice of common law.
Alternatively, push for more and more Sikhs and significantly less Muslims to join your military and when Muslims start doing their Muslim shit and fuck over other people in various villages, let the Sikhs do their thing.
Red pill for Indians, never thought I'd see the day...
>to remove muslims
No - the British felt shame. Muslims - well, good luck with that.
"Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS"
-Gandhi to the queen
can't you just throw shit at them?
We can help them move to UK, Canada, Sweden, Germany, Australia (to kill people there) and Syria (to die there).
You know the solution pajit.
AAP is new Congress retard... formed right after it was clear that Cong can no longer come back to power.
You literally just have to say you're non-violent, and magically everyone believes you. Just say it, then start the purge.
you're fine bro
>implying nonviolence ever solved anything
That's like saying Libertarians are new Republicans after Trump. Some Congress people are trying to infiltrate but their anti-corruption policies fucks them over. Most importantly, they believe in common law.
didn't you already try that with the partition? And let's be frank here, as long as the spirit of Jinah's style of rule exists in Pakistan you will always have skirmishes with them on the other side of the boarder.
Also, make the untouchables stop shitting in the streets and Ganges.
use nukes
AAP is new congress just look at the people who are supporting them (media people) were these same people not batting for congress ?
Sardesai for example was behind the scene helping kejriwal. Same guy who hid the cash for votes bribing tapes.
Congress became too tainted and the jaichands needed new vehicle to rule India for America (wikileaks state department cables have american deplomat's cable regard the bribe I mentioned earlier).
Now kejriwal is considering sardesai for goa governorship.
I think a Jainist/Sikh coalition could, as long as the gujjews are kicked out as well.
With a Jainist figurehead there could be no accusations of a violent agenda, and a Sikh philosophy of protecting communities against Muslim aggression could pave the way to the eventual exile of antagonizers.
How did these people even come about in India? Met a person once, he looked Arab, he said he was from India. I asked where he was from in India, he said the western area, asked him if he was Sikh, he said he was Muslim.
He looked slimy.
IMAANDAAR Anti Corruption party. Lol.
Yes 2% maybe 4% of population will help get rid of 15% of population.
No, what I'm saying is you use their philosophy to justify your actions.
If you want nonviolence to be your only inhibitor, take advantage of a completely nonviolent philosophy.
Public opinion is more important than sheer numbers in this case. You could even get Buddhists on board. They've been removing kebab recently.
Declare sharia law too violent and incompatible with Indian life using a Jainist figurehead.
The jews have achieved more with less. Compare Muslims to colonizers like the British. Slowly decrease public opinion until the invaders are exiled.