>German Right Wing
German Right Wing
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Be happy that there's any rightists left in your land.
why would I? I am Greek.
You have to go back
>Swedish Right Wing
Now post glorious German left wing.
Pay debnts.
>Finnish right-wing
Mixed baby ?
> Tactical israel support to btfo all racist claims
dats good nigga
Turkey's right wing
>Turkey's right wing
Turkey's right wing
spain bringing the bantz
no wonder there was a span hate thread made a few days ago by the germans they cant stand the bants
>Polish Right Wing
This is fucking dumb. Kill yourself.
Quick reminder that you can't be a vegan or Animal Rights Activist and not vote AfD
why do people get offended by puns
They actually look like some cool guys I'd like to hang with.
I bet they play some mean CS:GO.
kek this one's actually much better but you're not getting any (you)'s. have one on me germanbro, nice bantz.
Do you want us to bomb it again?
how the fuck would that work? The Swedish left thinks Israel is a racist colonial state(which it is).
top bantz handler
are magic
East germans, 50 years of communism will do that for you.
That being said german 'right-wingers' are 100% degenerate, among other things AfD has a lesbian in their leadership team and all seem to be obsessed with protecting western feminism and homosexuality against islamization.
Thank you
So? She's qt, thin, pregnant and a patriot
>no sauce
go back to stormfront, kiddo.
The job is to secure moderate majority, not the crazy antifas.
Its just not funny
>durr hurr its the right wing of a turkey because turkish right-wing
Reddit tier humor is what you call bantz?
stop posting anytime
>trailer trash are qt
she's most likely a wino too, the baste rd will have fetal alcohol syndrome
well...what can I say? this is cringeworthy but still better than leftist women.
>East germans, 50 years of communism will do that for you.
Isn't East Germany where the AfD is strongest and immigration the lowest? The GDR was less cucked than the modern FRG.
well shit, you get to stay.
i dont understand a word of that
>discussing with austrians
just dont.
Never respond more than 1 time to a single austrian, except with references to Fritzl, cosanguinity or other austrian stereotypes.
>in 35 days the next patriot of the pegida family will be born
>the next pegida-generation is ensured
Nothing wrong with it. The only people getting offended are the kikes.
Are you retarded? Literally trash tier, would rather mate with a minority than this trainwreck
Why are you hating the patriotic working class?
Are you hating them because they are poor and their sense of fashion is off?
Are you some rich hipster liberal kike?
its pretty autistic tho.
Preserving German blood is autistic?
Although I'm not surprised, you're a fucking leaf.
Do you have any actual arguments, or you're just hating the poor for being poor?
>Preserving German blood
Are you fucking kidding? You really think that shit matters anymore? Your country clearly wants to Blanda Upp. In 30 years germany will probably have a white minority. One autistic nationalist mother wont change that
No I just don't seek to breed with Neonazi Untermenschen.
>In 30 years germany will probably have a white minority.
Next year, when the economic crisis hits some yuuuge shit is going down in Europe.
The countries cheated out of the elections will see a wave of domestic terrorism and armed protests. Russia will be happy to arm the right people.
Kike detected. Do not worry, your death will be quick.
poor =!= stupid.
the stupid poorfags blame foreigners for their problems
the intellectual poorfags blame capitalism
Move to North Korea, tanned intellectual
>the stupid poorfags blame foreigners for their problems
What if foreigners are in fact causing problems?
> t.tanned Austrian
Aren't supposed to be fighting for free Kurdistan, Ă–zkurd?
man, those are some guys you wouldn't want to meet in an alley late at night.
No, autism is being a permavirgin raging on anonymous weeb image board while you're too scared to even post a negative comment on kikebook.
Savage as fuck lel
If foreigners are the problem, why does our Government and the EU try to erase natives?
Move to your rapedungeon, tanned idiot
Stop projecting, Communism is for the working class.
What does this gibberish say? I am vegan and right wing as fuck.
What's the matter, you don't want to experience the glory of communism first hand, dumbfuck?
Thats it shill use more divide tactics
>t.slavic austrian*ic
autism is imprisoning your own daughter for a dozen of years in a self build rapedungeon and then electing a United Nations of Europe Pro as President.
Nope, my poo colored friend.
Which version of communism are you talking about? Trotskism or Stalinism? Which one is for the working class?
>If foreigners are the problem, why does our Government and the EU try to erase natives?
They are a problem for the natives, not for the (((leaders)))
Communism was designed by europeans for europeans, not for feudal japanese colonies.
My specific, perfect, entiurely infalliable brand of communism
United States of Europe can't happen with sovereign national states populated by patriotic peoples who indentify wit their nationality.
Solution: Mock right wing and patriotic ideas, make those be viewed as evil + bring in foreigners to mix the european peoples until they are all brownskinned with an average IQ between 85 and 90 and are not french, german, polish, british etc. anymore.
>working class
>stalin lived in a palace & had 30.000.000+ people killed
>YAY for the working class
>why does our Government and the EU try to erase natives?
So you are admitting the Germans are being erased in favor of foreigners?
So how are these pegida guys wrong?
It's called ethnocide and it's an international crime.
>Communism was designed by europeans for europeans
Communism was designed by Jews for Jews. There isn't a single European communist thinker.
Opinion discarded.
>not for the (((leaders)))
the current influx of foreigners has strenghtened the neoliberal AfD, which is a potential thread to the (((leaders)))
Still, our government is only fighting the natives. Mind explaining this to me?
You make me embarrassed to have the same flag. Just because we dont want to be governed from Brussels, doesnt mean we cant have some form of cooperation (like we used to have), why do children always see black/white?
There is a moderate middle ground, sadly idiots on both right and left have polarised our shit.
If you are from Eastern Austria you're 3/4 slavic and should remove yourself from the genepool.
What is your point faggot.
It's better to be a double slav, than an Austrian nu-male.
>United States of Europe can't happen
will be a thing in ~10years, when central europe impoverished the entire continent to Africa tier.
Didnt bother reading any further btw.
>There isn't a single European communist thinker.
By your definition Engels was one.
Come on. I'm waiting. What is your fucking point? Seems like you yourself don't know what you tried to say.
It's stances on various animal-rights related issues. Each "Ja"(=yes) is pro-animal rights.
1. Animal-Rights in courts
2. Prohibition on torture-stock
3. Prohibition on non-narcotic amputation
4. Prohibition on small-animals being caged in groups
5. Prohibition on bunnies being stored in cages
6. Improvement on anesthetics during slaughtering
7. Limitation/prohibition on religios slaughter (oy vey)
8. More animal protection in vet-offices
9. Reduction on meat consumption
10. Obligation for correct identification marks on eggs
11. Conservation labeling on meat and milk
12. Strict hunting guidelines
13. Prohibition on animals in circus
14. Abolishment of dolphinariums
15. Prohibiton on fur-livestock
16. Regulation on animal experiments
17. Prohibition on thigh-branding
18. Reform of Animal Right Laws.
Source: albert-schweitzer-stiftung.de
That's your problem commie, you only read the first quarter of everything and then start talking nonsense without having any idea what you are talking about.
Communism, my friend, was created by Jews for GOYIM
>has strenghtened the neoliberal AfD
And so? They will get like 15% in the next election, move into parliament, nobody will collaborate with them on any issue and they will get nothing done.
>Still, our government is only fighting the natives. Mind explaining this to me?
No, nobody can. Most theories are very tinfoil-tier but it looks like demographic replacement.
Also better than a German cuck eating out creampies from Muhammed.
yeah whatever, dont you have some daughters to rape in your basement?
Reminder that the german nationalist movement mainly consists of braindead welfare Ossis, germany's native niggers, who spout nothing but cringey maymays
>By your definition Engels was one.
Engels was a Jew on his mother's side, it's common knowledge.
Also Engels was the guy, who advocated for free love, destruction of family and family values.
According to Engels there is nothing wrong with a communist fucking a dog on the central square, because it doesn't counter the communist ideology.
>will be a thing in ~10years
Not after the civil war and the death squads.
Any native lowlife is worth more than 100 muslim professors.
There is nothing more important that your own people, traitor scum.
So basically the same as every other far right nationalist party in Europe.
I am 100% Jewish, you gentile pig. You better watch your tone or I will get you thrown into prison for antisemitism.
I'd love to see the deathmatch between edgy basement dwellers and skinny nu-males.
Wont happen tho.
right wing is degeneracy in this country, another reason why this country is lost.
>Dem Pants
>babbles some stupid meme shit
Guess what, soon you will be a refugee when the economic- & financial system crashes and chaos breaks loose. Why? Because you scum are cowards. Always were always will be. We will hunt all traitors down when the day comes.
Eat shit and die leftist comme fuck.
They may be dumb lowlifes, but they are OUR dumb lowlifes.