Recent pictures of Bill are really beginning to get me worried.

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He probable has every std in the book

damn dat nigga about to keel over

He's becoming a ghoul

It's because Epstein isn't around anymore to share his techniques for extracting the life force from gentile children.

They have to time the death just in time for Hillary to reap the most benefits from the situation.

His mind has transcended this reality through the miracle substance DMT.


Rabbis fuck the children up their virgin asses for lifeforce.


Top kek

There's definitely something wrong with him that isn't just age.

Ignore these troll threads... OP is just another Drumpf supporter.

This picture was taken this morning. Bill is healthy.

dyin' bill

>mfw i look like that minus the red eyes

Should i be worried?

definitely aids

i'm a medical doctor but this is really obvious

Good ol' "sympathy effect".

That's how Cristina won the elections here. Went from 30% approval to 54% overnight. And she milked the sympathy effect as much as she could, wearing black and trying to look like a grieving widow as much as possible.

Watch out Americans.

>drumpf supporter

>you don't fucking know that ya cheeky little cunt


he'll be ok

When he was CEO of Microsoft he looked much healthier!

youll be fine

Stop lying OP this picture was taken yesterday.

Looks like someone threw a phone at him.

Bill looks fine OP. He will live to be 100


Is there a single video from the crowd showing what he may be looking at?

Stop posting the photoshopped version of this pic. Here's the real one guys.

Stop lying OP this picture was taken an hour ago.

at least post the original

Probably on mountains of coke

He's a battered husband

what the fuck is that

Yo it's the vegan diet.
He better not start Climbing Mountains or you know what would happen.

Someone photoshop bill into this

It's Bill

The original picture is of this woman who was found locked in her mother's attic in France around 100 years ago. She was locked up there for several decades and was covered in her own piss and shit because she couldn't leave the bed, and her mom fed her just enough to survive. Can't think of her name

Here's an article about it

everything's just fine






hell be fine


He's just zoned out. He's looking in Hillary's direction but his eyes are unfocussed

holy shit he's the walking dead, some voudou shit on him making him walk even though he has died

Why do the elites look so shit. You would think having access to the best medical care, food, medication etc would do something for you.

>This picture was taken this morning

right after he had ingested some primo human blood of course

>Someone photoshop bill into this

>implying this isn't the original

>See flag
I guess you'd be an expert in religious leaders fucking kids up their boypucci wouldn't you Packie?

On a more serious note, we only drink goy baby blood on passover. Amy other day its not kosher.

Money and power can't bring you everything.

Thats what poor people say.

Wake up sheeple