>Sup Forums
>lack of gommunism
lets fix this
>Sup Forums
>lack of gommunism
lets fix this
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We will bury the capitalist pig-dogs!
Kill yourself.
the botte of Schöfferhofer Edelweizen is just overkill for me
nigger my great uncle did not go to your country to fight the communists for you to bitch about how you wish to be a commissar
Good peasant...I mean "goy". This isn't a class problem, the "white race" is going extinct. Now buy this Chinese-sweatshop made swastika for the low-low price of $14.88!
I'm not a nazi you dumb commie
large coke pls
>pic related
I'll give you that one. The one on the right is not a communist, that's a bourgeois faggot who deserves a trip to Siberia.
>The one on the right is not a communist
Love when commies spout this
at least they had great music
>South Korean
>Wanting communism
Just move to North Korea, and see what communism is
>implying the victims of Cheka were innocent
>literally counterrevolutionaries
What the fuck are you doing south of the border?
>what is red terror
Chekists actually believe this.
>firefighter helmet
>that's a bourgeois faggot
every fucking commie alive today is the bourgeois
communist spotted, opinion discarted
Sage. Why don't you take a trip to North Korea OP?