Who /litup/ up? Currently getting shit faced on pic related and waiting to watch diverse top gear and MLS soccer

Who /litup/ up? Currently getting shit faced on pic related and waiting to watch diverse top gear and MLS soccer.

Take this shit to /soc/ or /r9k/ you nigger loving tranny prostitute


Well we can talk about top gear then it starts in 12 minutes and stats the new ethnically diverse cast.


if you want to talk about drinking habits with attention whore op drop your twitter so you to can go suck each other off somewhere else

Well shut the fuck up and gtfo my pol

Yes Magnolia represent t

>trying to be a police officer
>academy starts in Sept.
>my physical is in July
>have some weed left
>havent smoked since Dec.

Should I fire it up before I have to quit for 25 years Sup Forums or go in str8 edge?

>In the Homeland
>Northwest Front.org
>not organizing with fellow Stormfags

Get out

first post = best post


go back to fucking your mom roach

How hard were you rooting against the team formerly known as the Sonics last night?

When I have enough money I'll buy a place in the remote Cascades and start a all white covenant I promise.

Drinking some Bells Two Hearted Ale, grilling some chicken.

Just smoked a bole of meth. Feel great now.

I don't watch niggerball. That sport has been garbage after Jordan retired.

In the meantime, listen to the podcasts

Radio Free Northwest. You can drink to them

>ethnically diverse cast
So you mean the shitty cobbled together cast that will never get as good of a ratings as the original cast? What fun.

Theyll poly you about your drug history so if you know how to pass a poly then do it

Oh fuck really? I use to do alot of drugs from the Silkroad how fucked am I?

What if I be honest

Northern Mich? I live on the Canadian side but I always scoot over and buy that stuff, great stuff.

Depends I heard some people make it on fine with experimental use of coke and lsd but anything past that you might be fucked. Id stretch the truth a little and say experiment with coke and lsd (assuming you have done those) and infrequent use of marijuana. Theres no drug test that'll go out farther than 90 days so you just need to work on passing the poly. It isnt that hard if you know what you're doing.

I am in St.Louis, MO. Yes, I love Bells Brewery, I go up to Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids every year because I have friends up there...and then we go fishing in the UP.