Honorary Whites that you wouldn't hang on the day of the rope
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Samuel "I'll move to Canada if Trump gets elected" Jackson
he;s actually a nigger though
but he performs well in his job
zimzam, if anything his experience in that fiasco made him much more of an American than most of the European ones.
He is just a victim of white oppression, none of them deserve the rope
Ice Cube is also alright
Who else would rub our spicy meat?
Pretty intelligent guy
some Argentinians seem OK
>Niggers With Attitude
>same character in literally everything he does
I bet it's easy to perform well if you're the same person in every movie
Some might say that they aren't white but they make very useful cannon fodders if war were to break out.
They really don't.
yes and its entertaining as fuck
never let them cover your flanks tho
Peter Schiff
The only okay black guy is Dave Chapelle.
Fuck the rest.
fuck off you bob
>Honorary Whites
get out of here you cuck
this desu
Samuel L Jackson was part of the black panthers so no
the spic jew? come on man
Mike Tyson and 50 cent. Both endorse Trump.
Samuel L Jackson would be the first to swing.
this and he said that veterans who become cops are all just insane killers. also when the sanberdeno shootings happend, he was tweeting that he hoped the shoots where white. fuck him, i used to like his acting too.
Reminder that his father did nothing wrong.
sowell, cosby, barkley, ben carson, chappelle, kobr,
managed to find a group photo of all of mine Sup Forums.
No such thing as an honorary white.
That said, there are some who will be spared on the day of the rope.
Also non ghetto trash black girls can stick around.
he's far too senile at this point, poor tom
Bill Cospy
I always thought he was White. Doesn't Assad have blue eyes and he stands at 6'4.
Isn't he liberal as fuck? Why not Denzel Washington or Mike Tyson, niggers who aren't shitlibs, although the latter is a muslim.
Jews are superior to white "people".
So they're honorary *Jews.
Don't get it wrong, cuck.
There are tall non-whites. There are non-whites who have the genes to have blue, green, gold and grey eyes. It's just more common among northern europeans to have lighter colored eyes.
oh my
and this from a once great shitposting nation
Well, Syrians and Lebanese are officially Arabs, but some of them don't identify as such. Particularly in Lebanon, there's very much a trend of calling oneself "Phoenician". And as we know, Phoenician kangz were white.
Stefan red pilled me back in 2011
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
>Honorary Whites
OP pic not related, considering he's a retarded pro-Obongo nigger
My old landlord, Marquis. Dude grew up in Birmingham in the 60's, he hates niggers, looks just like Fat Albert and is a hardcore conspiracy theorist.
A-am I an honorary white?
Romania need not reply.
We'd have to dig him up to hang him, but it would be worth it.
George Zimmerman
No one cares about the sowell?
He's not dead you fucking idiot
He's a fucking mental case though, no matter how much you're into racism.
This planetarium gift shop manager? Swing.
Did nothing wrong and died in prison. Thanks IRS!
Sowell is based as all fuc
>nobody said tommy sotomayor
also charles barkley
Good call. Red pulled as fuck when it comes to Islam
you know it
>uncle Tom
>named Tom
He's just too easy to bully. Poor nigroid.
hes probably used to it by now
probably doesnt give a fuck anymore
Romanian user on vacation? How are the States treating you, Nico?
watch this muted
with this playing
Not that nigro.
This one is based
The next Vice President.
Based KEK police
Reminder that Day of the Rope comes on Trump's Inaugration Day.
1) my dick
2) on Kindle that doesn't do reverse image searche
3) sauce?
Reconsider your choice
well OP is German, after all.
Get fucked OP. Sam Jacksons a fucking leftist niglet.
Pic related, is the only 'honorary' who doesn't get the rope. Him and Charles Barkley maybe.
Dis nigga right hur? Dis nigga right hur.
Laurence fishburne
Unfortunately, Thomas Sowell, the most based negro of all time, will likely be dead by the time the day of the rope comes, but Charles Barkley is fairly based as well. Would not hang
Terry muthafucking Crews
The caller in this podcast
Sucks to be you doesn't it?
Fighting a huge proxy war with the proto-NWO and daring to win.
whats wrong with the scene?
didn't you see the movie?
but she is literally white
You know, with all the silly shit that black people do, I honestly don't know if that's his real name or a mistake on the part of the news channel.
>dr ben carson
>sheriff clarke
>the cos
>maybe morgan freeman
sam is a fucking leftish shill, let him hang