Hey Polish posters, how was your Sunday? How many of you guys actually go to Sunday mass? I'm going to Poland in July and I am looking forward to it.
Hey Polish posters, how was your Sunday? How many of you guys actually go to Sunday mass...
I guess around 40% or more
That's pretty good. Did you yourself attend mass today user?
Pretty great, the weather's lovely, maybe even a bit too hot for me. Went fishing, got drunk, cooked a nice meal, asked a qt girl out :)
What part of Poland do you live in user? How based is it?
is that way
Don't give a shit, I've set up a date with the sweetest petite blue eyed girl, you can't faze me today, faggot :)
Cracow, Lesser Poland. Ancient seat of Polish kings, as Polish and conservative as it gets, Very tourist-friendly though.
I went to a mass yesterday. It was the first communion of my younger cuz. Church was obviously packed. Met a lot of my distant family afterwards, 10/10 meeting.
Slacked too day, slept in and generally wasted my time on the internet, life's pretty good tho.
What part of Poland are you going to visit?
slacked today* kek
Gonna grab some beer and get on with reading Allen Carr's book on quitting smoking.
Yes machetes are very polish and conservative
Shitskins falling out of windows too
Only churches I step into are just to sight-see , most of them are beautiful , even the poor ones.
I'm going by the percentage of people voting conservative.
And Nowa Huta is not Kraków.
i am an American with Polish blood in me, I am going to visit Poland this summer. Any specific places I should go? Should I know a lot of Polish or am I OK with mostly English?
I love the oldschool wooden ones, they feel alive.
you need to complete the polish toilet cleaning test in order to get accepted in that country
You are okay with only english in big cities and tourist places
girls will cum a lot when they will hear you speaking American than Polish
Really makes you think.
learn some simple phrases to use when around old people, since most of young poles know at least the basics of english
>From Romania
>shit talking any other country in Europe
Sounds reasonable. Thank you.
Polish people mostly speak English, even if you meet a person, who doesn't, you always can ask somebody for help with translating.
You are ok with English. Most of people under 30 in cities speak it. Especially in big cities, restaurants and tourist attractions. Zamek w Malborku could be pretty interesting for an American. Other than that you have Wroclaw and it's old town, Cracow and all things related to kings and our history, Auschwitz, Wieliczka Salt Mine and eventually Tatrzański Park Narodowy, Mazury or Bieszczady if you are into nature.
this is meme.
We like churches so much we even have a Norwegian one that was transported here piece by piece, I shit you not.
I mean look at this, they're everywhere.
fucking pagans in pomorze
Not today as I was traveling by train
>Sunday mass
That's a meme. Literally nobody goes to church but grandmas in berets.
Yeah, unacceptable.
>speak english
There's lots of young qt's too, you're missing out.
Are you memeing right now boy? Everyone in my family and their neighbours goes on sundays.
Who /team comfy historical city/ here
Going to visit an area relative to Warsaw (1 hours)
My family lives an hour away from Krakow.
Been there, it's pretty based.
I missed mass too.
I'm half Russian, and I was thinking of moving to Polan.
How would I be greeted? Do they take kindly to Russians at all?
only degenerates and liberals dont going normal
ppls are on ever mass tbqh lad
Might go next sunday just to see if any qties at my local church would show up. What time you usually go?
Depends on what kind of Russian you are. We don't like commie apologists and muh Stalin types. Other than that nobody cares.
There must really not be many normal ppls left then. At my work there's like 1 guy who goes, and that's only when he's visiting his family in the countryside.
As long as not commie.
Do you speak Russian?
My condolences on a shitty workplace user
Where do you work?
>Tanking part in Abrahamic religion