So global warming is a chinese conspiracy right guys?


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No it's true. However, take for instance a single volcanic eruption in Europe. Such an eruption puts approximately 2 years worth of human created CO2 into the atmosphere.

Humans account for ~2% of warning trends.

Also we have a viable solution to warming. Sodium Dioxide pumped into the stratosphere has been proven to cool the Earth. You don't need that much either a small fire hose pumping the stuff would do the trick.

And if it causes negative effects all you have to do is stop pumping it and it will go away. Pretty sweet if you ask me.

No one wants to use this idea though because, "muh chemicals, muh pollution, muh don't know science."

Alright, well what about the fact that CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been steadily increasing for the past couple hundred years and are currently higher than they have ever been on earth?
>muh volcanoes

I assume you have only seen the atmospheric CO2 data for the last 400,000 years. I wouldn't blame you as this is what most of the public encounters. However, if you go backany millions of years you will see that these levels of CO2 are not uncommon for Earth.

In fact during the Ordovician levels were at 4,000ppm. Thats nearly 10 times higher than today. The Cambrian was even higher and yet life thrived.

>and yet life thrived
Don't worry about global warming. Life huhh finds a way. The Earth will move on.

(Citation needed)

"sodium dioxide"
get your tinfoil hat back on

This is the image everyone likes to use. It only shows 400,000 years. A blink of the eye.

Dumbass it's not the levels of CO2 or the temperature, it's the change that's dangerous. The artificial change we are creating will continue to cause climate instability and the freshwater flooding the oceans from melting caps is a serious problem that could drastically fuck up our climate.

This is the big picture. As you can see our levels are way below normal for Earth.

It is a communist conspiracy, so if you want to say the Chinese CP are the leaders of communism, maybe.

Please introduce this idea to yourself.

>Because Earth is not allowed to change. Fuck you, reality.

Actually pumping more Co2 into the atmosphere will encourage plants to grow. Also, when CO2 goes up, plants use less water. This means more freshwater for the rest of us.

>Actually pumping more Co2 into the atmosphere will encourage plants to grow.

Not enough to counteract the effect, it's an irrelevant point.

You don't get my point about the fresh water. Large increases in the amounts of fresh water in the ocean will fuck up the ocean currents that determine our weather

It has no fucking rights. It's ours now. I'm all for protecting the environment whenever possible but it doesn't have to get any warmer, no.

The only question is can it be stopped? Are human CO2 emissions significant? The fact that the CO2 levels and temperature have fluctuated wildly in the past doesn't necessarily indicate that they aren't...

Frankly a hotter ocean is better for us. Evaporation from the oceans is the cheapest desalination we can get, so the more the better.

>ib4 muh hurricanes

Irrelevant to the majority of people.

Yes. Global warming is bullshit. Its getting colder where I live, not warmer. Also, notice how climate change fags are almost liberals or closet Communists? Its not a coincidence. Liberals just want another reason to tax us for their failing social engineering programs. Fuck you communists who believe climate change - there is absolutely no evidence for it.

I disagree, you are experiencing weather. Liberals do however hold onto their precious "global warming" like it is a religion and it's sickening.

You are still not getting what I'm saying. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Leave science to educated people and actual scientists.

Literal autists lol

The hypothesis that we can effect the ocean currents is untested and unproven. Sorry but we can't make decisions based on a "hunch" that the ocean will magically stop working and cause Armageddon..

Good one kid.

>there is absolutely no evidence for it

Aside from 97% of scientists.

Quit giving the Left a monopoly on the issue. They've actually managed to identify a problem, but they're horrible at solutions.

Rising water levels threaten a couple of our cities. More importantly climate change threatens U.S. food production. We have the ability, food wise, to be entirely self-sufficient, if need be. Why risk giving that up?

>Its getting colder where I live, not warmer.
Global warming is just an overall trend. It could disrupt the gulf stream and turn a lot of northern Europe into Tundra (like much of northern Canada). That would blow. If it gets too warn in Africa and the middle east they'll want to move up. Europeans are all going to be condensed into a narrow strip with all the brown people.

Actually, it's the Club of Rome who is behind the Global warming swindle.

Either Trump is ignorant of this fact, or he's lying.

It's basic physics. Even without that event global climate change is still a danger to climate stability.

Even if global warming causes drought in areas like the Midwest it would certainly lead to wetter climates else ware, like Nevada.

Go back to tumbler you liberal nigger

So lets say one of our continents gets fucked by global warming. Look to Antarctica. It's currently covered in a layer of ice, but underneath is a fertile land waiting to be exploited.

Global warming will open this new home for humanity.

>Quit giving the Left a monopoly on the issue.
Eh, yeah!
>They've actually managed to identify a problem, but they're horrible at solutions.
Why don't more of them agree that by offshoring manufacturing it causes more pollution overall? The west can produce everything much more cleanly.

Climate change is real. It's natural. The Earth goes through cycles due to its distance from the sun and the tilt of its axis that occur over thousands of years. Ice caps freeze more and more each year, then they eventually melt more and more each year. We've had ice ages, we've had periods of time where the entire landmass was tropical. The Earth has a really beautiful way of balancing itself. Whatever man does, the Earth will eventually balance out, even if its a few million years from now when we are gone. I'm far more concerned about pollution than climate change. Entire water sources ruined, the great pacific garbage patch, possible nuclear war ruining all life, etc.

Lol not before fucking up our entire climate and flooding all our coastal cities you fucking retard. Kill yourself tonight.

considering they're the ones (alongside india) doing most of the pollution, sure

This is true. Especially the nuclear threat. It should be our number 1 priority.

Why is it so hard for you guys to just accept that global warming is a thing that's happening? It's really not that hard.

How long would that take? Probably a hundred of years... We will probably see severe disruptions before then. Are you sure the soil is fertile? Might still be a lot of salt for a long while. Doesn't really make up for it though. Colonizing a new continent is a huge endeavor and could lead to a lot of conflicts.

You are literally brainwashed

>muh commie scapegoat

It would be thousands of years most likely, and all of your inhibitions are probably true. Warming of the oceans will cause tropical rain forests to pop up in areas like the Sahara though so we will have some areas to live.

Humanity will always find a way to thrive

Yes, if the Dinosaurs could live through a variety of climate changes certainly we can. We are however the most adaptable mega fauna to ever exist.

Because they're uneducated, stubborn, and contrarian retards. God forbid they humor the possibility that they don't understand a scientific field as much as scientists.

No. It's because all we hear from the global warming people is, "ride a bike, drive more fuel efficient cars" when that accounts for maybe 4% of human CO2?

More like 24% dipshit. Research topics before you start being a dumbass.

Yep, no animals have ever had the capability to to build shelter, fire, clothing, store food, etc like we do

I'm sorry, did you just try to tell me transportation accounts for 24% of CO2 emission? Fuck it.

No animals have had to rely on a complex global society supported by large scale agriculture either. No one is saying humanity is going extinct, but we are going to significantly destabilize our societies when food is not reliable, drought and storms ravage the earth.

I swear some of you are unfit to breed.

Yeah, 4% is laughably wrong dumbass.

Because it's not

I was talking about survival as a species retard. You love to take things out of context, don't you

Most people want our society to not fall apart and don't draw the acceptable line at "some humans will survive"

Objectively false.

At some point humans will survive

Unimportant. Fossil fuel means asshat countries get money from the free world.

That's to be reduced no matter what you believe in.

Global warming is completely real and the ice has never been this low in earths history.

Sorry but the Earth's average temperature is increasing.

Sure OP, it would be such a shame if we improved air quality in cities, protected environmental resources, and diversified our energy portfolio and infrastructure all for nothing.

I mean let's do it, but not because of a lie to please liberals.

You typed this out, read it and were like "yeah that's a good point"? It doesn't make sense in general.

I don't really care about the entirety of the species. For instance if everyone in Africa, China and South America (including central america) were to die off I would be content.

Maybe Russia too. Oh and don't forget the middle east and Australia.

But conservatives don't want to do anything of those things, for any reasons.

It wouldn't be just them who are affected, it's us too.

I do not give one singlular fuck about global [flavor of the week] because everyone who preaches about it irl is also willing to call me a n evil white male in the same breath, without ever even mentioning the chinese

We have enough technology and infrastructure to get through anything climate has in store for us. other countries not so much. We will survive.

Reducing carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels are goods in and of themselves, regardless of whether they taffect the global climate.

What you've just said is how children think.

Much of the US suffers from decaying infrastructure already.

When we have a common goal, like keeping the brown hordes out, we will build it up. Also Trump will do this too.

Actually the wall is not a common goal. It's a divisive issue that threatens to tear apart the country.

Trump will not build the wall. He has not really built much of anything since the 80s. Unless of course, Mexico builds the wall and Trump puts his name on it, like most of his buildings.

Like Trump says, "I play to people's fantasies. People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do. That's why a little hyperbole never hurts"

try an argument next time

>It's a divisive issue

Between who? Americans and illegal immigrants? Americans and morons who think we shouldn't enforce immigration policy?

The only reason improving our infrastructure is not a common goal anyway is that conservatives have turned it into an expedient political issue.

>The entire world except China kills their industrial sector.
The idea of global warming sure benefits the fuck out of China.

It's a divisive issue for the majority of Americans who oppose it.

You fuckwit. Ocean currents to bot determine the weather, it's the dominant winds that do. They won't ve changed by global warming.

why dont we just plant more trees?