Is it normal for sjw to break down like this? She just broke her boyfriends finger and is going full autism

Is it normal for sjw to break down like this? She just broke her boyfriends finger and is going full autism.

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Wtf is this... That's more than autism. Bitch got BPD.

Girl with autism found out her bf cheated on her with fat chick. Girl with autism was a sex worker for a little while. Autismo girl made her bf send a text to the girl he cheated with telling her she is inferior to his current gf. The bf fucked it up and referenced her being a sex worker. tripped out on him and starting banging her head on the wall, and nearly breaking his laptop. When he tried to save his laptop she broke his finger on the way out of the door. Now she wants to drive him to the hospital and threatens suicide if he won't let her take him.


>mfw this trick

This shot fire, stuffs happning bump

fuck it let her an hero

>grown adult
>temper tantrums
>attention seeking

The absolute state of america lads


> extremely unhealthy person is losing their shit
> i better take this moment to blame a country

This bitch needs a mercy bullet between the eyes immediately, the fact that she's not at least locked up is a huge error

>Actually mentally ill.

This shit is fucking bad.


Kinda like how the uk is being controlled by a fat middle aged cunt that likes nigger dick.

I think a lot of SJW's breaking down is that they know how full of shit they are.

It shows right away when Sup Forumstards enter something
>show tits

Its normal now. You tell people their whole life that everything they do and every thought they have is valid. But we don't teach them that we can't control how other people!e perceive our thoughts and actions.

So when they go out in the real world and explore sex work because it seems interesting, they can't deal with the repercussions of some people who will only be able to see you as a whore.

typical sjw

Even third world shittholes like poland dont have this level of mental retardation amongst its populous, not at such an alarming rate at least.
Its somthing like 80~% of all american adults are on meds for somthing.
Add to that all of this snowflake culture they have creeping out there, and we have this.

Lolwut not even from uk pal

This guy gets it.



literally looks crazy. Psycho chick eyes, they never lie

She's fucking loaded on pills on that one.

>date girl who fucked for money
>who abuses drugs
>who has no emotional control
>who desperately tries to seem intelligent while being mentally deficient
>who is the victim in every interaction
>who is rude and demeaning in every exchange

Yeh, he's asking for the drama.
Also they sleep on a blanket on the fucking floor.
Is this what SJW lives look like? get a gender studies degree then live in squaller while dramatizing everything in your life to avoid dealing with the fact that you're objectively a failure and valueless as a person?

Not sure if because of
drug use
all of the above

Either way, goddamn. Even the guy is cringe.

"elite cocaine user"
shes hilarious

And where are you from?

You know this isn't autism right?
This is attention seeking to the extreme, and a drug fried brain aka low IQ.
This is isn't an innocent person with a mental illness, this is a failed person begging for attention, nothing more.

Someone make a mash up of all the crazy things she said.

She talks about hwo her bf "cunt kicked her" by cheating on her.

Also talks about getting pumpd out of her mom's vag.

She CONFIRMS to have autism several times.

There are crazy people every fucking where, however I'm sure it's only in the US you'd hear such an embarrassing conversation with such pathetic people. Every word from her mouth is "STFU CIS MALE SCUM"
>i call him pepe
>he replaces josé, since he is going back to mexico
i'd call her an retard but she actually is one

>Confirms to have autism
I assume self diagnosed?

I wanna save the little kitty before she hurts it in a tantrum

Yeah, the US has been teaching people over the last 10 years that everything associated with success, (discipline, STEM, facts, logic, social conservatism, ) is basically bullshit. There's an idea that you can follow whatever feeling you have that day and still be successful. That's bullshit.

Coincidentally, the path to success is mostly attributed to white males, so SJWs have an aversion to it. They are literally rejecting success because of it.

>She CONFIRMS to have autism several times.
Just live every over-dramatic attention seeking child-brained retard does. They think it means "weird but super intelligent". She does NOT have autism. She has self diagnosed "autism".

This is what happens when a girl is molested or raped when she's a kid, and then grows up and makes everyone's life a living hell because she was abused. This is how abuse victims deal with what was done to them if they don't get professional help for trauma.

If I was him I would go away from her


She actually wasn't the one that was abused the bf was (((raped))) by his mom.


just like the ones who have ptsd

this is two fucking hours long i aint watching all this

I'm not too familiar with what autism does to someone, but I think this lady has some kind of obvious mental problem. Either that or drugs. I refuse to believe just being a snowflake SJW can lead to someone being this insane.

>these people demand to be taken seriously

I bet some form of sexual abuse happened to her too.

hmm dunno, but honestly who cares?

they barely qualify as human beings

Fucking this. Based user.
Hard work, sacrifice, resilience, focus, that's what makes you successful, it's what produces material results, and inner strength.
being controlled by your emotional baggage/whims and obsessing over social value is a one way ticket to sleeping on a blanket on the floor because you can't afford fucking furniture.

no.... you don't know shit. If you think that's how every abuse victim acts then you're retarded.

This bitch just wants attention and needs her ass kicked

then you're refusing to believe in reality. Children do this. Now imagine a child that never get punished for acting out. Now imagine that child is allowed to dominate everyone around them based soley on the fact that they have a vagina. You really can't see how the SJW feelings over reality mindset can lead to this?
She's a spoiled bitch having a tantrum, every five seconds she shouts a command and he capitulates, with declarations of her victim status scatter in between. She's not mentally ill, she's spoiled fucking rotten.


Let's all just agree she's an attention seeking mentally I'll autistic retard that was highly likely abused.

Nailed it.

at what time in the video does she break his finger i wanna see that

Women cant take responsibility for anything ever, its horrifying.

what you just said is the problem. Molly-coddling people with baggage turns them into spoiled kids ruled by their irrational emotional outbursts. "Trauma" is meaningless. If it wasn't, the WWII generation would of en-masse failed as upon arriving home, but that's not what happened, they got home and earned the title of the greatest generation by being pillars of strength. WWII era combat is a fuck of alot more intense then getting cum on by your uncle, by your logic the entire western world should of collapsed in 1945.
Stop worshiping victims.

What the fuck is this shit? Is this some kind of a new american show?

>world should of collapsed
HAVE, not of!

Don't get me wrong, she's obviously an SJW-infested moron who can't communicate without thumblr-speak, but it's obvious to me that there's another under-layer of something mental driving her to act this way. They had an argument about drugs and prostitution in the video- and people like that aren't usually 100% in the head.
You could be right and she could just be a spoiled retard, but I think it's a mix of everything exploding into the shittiest human being I've been all year.

Around the time where the light shut off. You don't actually see it. The guy walks away and she gets up and chases him and apparently closes the door on his finger. The next few minutes all you hear was basically, "You fucking broke my finger!"

his reaction to her breaking his finger is 10/10

I don't worship victims. I support people learning how to take responsibility for themselves on an emotional level, and physical level. I'm sure there are things going on with these people in this video way beyond what we know, we can only speculate. However, I've had a lot of experiences with ex-girlfriends who where sexual abused. So, maybe I'm personalizing how I am interpreting this video.

>I think it's a mix of everything exploding into the shittiest human being
Welp, can't disagree with you there.
I can disagree with the specifics, but at least we agree on that.

>some kind of obvious mental problem
>snowflake SJW

I see that as a huge huge huge problem. It's making excuses for their behavior, and they learn that fucking fast, that they can get away with anything because X happened.
It doesn't matter wtf happened to you as a kid, it's completely and utterly irrelevant. Your behavior is what matters. The response to someone saying "I was molested" should be, "oh, that sux." and that's the end of it. Pandering to them and letting it be an excuse for every stupid fucking thing they do is enabling their toxic selfish behavior. This whole "trauma" culture is nothing but enabling spoiled retards.

around 55 minutes

They need therapy so they can learn HOW to be able to come to the conclusion you simplified. Your past experiences help shape who you are, positive or negative, and also how you internalize those experiences. It's difficult to be human, and to be alive especially without a road map, and negative experiences in your past. But, if you learn how to take responsibility for yourself, and also make an effort you can succeed at the goals you make for yourself.

All of the people living in this general area are FUCKED.

Here this dude gets FUCKING ROBBED:

Mental illness can exacerbate someone's beliefs. It can turn a religious person into a cult-member drinking juice or a conspiracy theorist into a tin-foil wearing moron. I hate people like that lady just as much as you, but I've spoken to enough nutters in my time to see hints of it in her. Shaky voice and banging her head against the floor is a little suspect, mate.

It reminds of me a shitty town in PA called Altoona, except more hipstery and thumblr-y. Everyone there is a fucking idiot.


Yep. You'll notice people love to tell you they're an autistic, ADHD, bipolar abuse survivor. Its like the first thing they tell you. Why? Because it absolves them of any responsibility in the relationship you try to form with them. I lied? Well, yeah, its a reaction to abuse. I stole your money? Yeah, autism makes me attracted to cash. Blah blah blah. Bits a bubble they wrap around themselves to avoid reality.

I'm going to start telling people I'm an abuse survivor that deals with the trauma by raping everyone I'm alone with. Then I'll just do it and they'll have to let me because that's how I deal with my trauma.

Wow, he actually did get robbed, holy shit. Pity it had to be such stereotypical blacks. God, what an awful place. Where is that exactly?


oh my fuck

well this might be partially true, but i myself have autism and i dont ever mention it when i first meet someone in rl ( here on Sup Forums it doesnt even mattee)

I love you

they both deserve eachother


You're not wholly wrong, but you're closer to it than you are to hitting the nail on the head.
One of the big mistakes though is rape versus war. In war, you're a dumbshit if you expect not to have to worry for your safety. You don't ask why you're being shot at, you whom you are being shot at by. Most rape or molestation comes from someone that society teaches you to trust unconditionally. Both are more than likely going to lead to PTSD, but living with either has different ramifications. You don't get shot at, have an episode while trying to fuck your wife a few years later, then reevaluate whether or not you have the nerve to trust her with you penis. It's not a sensible relation between the two. Raped, though? Buddy, that can undermine how you deal with people for the rest of your life. I got a job because of how I feel with people. I find my fun, find my friends by how I deal with people.
Frankly, a messy war is worse than almost anything else out there. But if you mean to quantify the trauma of rape versus war, to see which is 'bigger,' you may as well be judging a car's fuel efficiency by the air freshener.

Yes, it's normal for people to have empathy for others. Being a sociopath like the rest of your idiot alt-right brethren, I'm sure it's an alien concept to you.

*You ask whom you are being shot at by* I accidentally a word


stupid mother fucker

>"cunt kicked her"
did she refer to herself in the third person?

I dunno uh... buzzwords buzzwords. Bazinga.

Well if you lack common sense and don't know how to act, I guess you would need therapy.

Most people didn't grow up in an environment where they lack common sense. You don't act like a douche just because such and such happened.

Therapy is there to help people through the roadblocks in life, not to fix their lack of morality and decency.

>Do you watch my videos because you have nothing better to do or because you like me? You're incompetent in comments, so I assume you binge on my videos for some reason other than intellectual stimulation or being part of my community. I don't care for an audience who can't observe and would appreciate you focusing on something else. I don't know you, and I don't want to. My videos are intended for people who know me and are intellectuals. You don't make the cut. I'm embarrassed for you and embarrassed to associate with you at all. Please go away.

t. Hellender

It's on the robbery vid lmao

Well i have a 10 car garage and a mclaren 570 soo and im mexican

you do not have a healthy relationship with vaginas

is she effay?

sure thing autismo.

> and are intellectuals

Fuck me, that word has been ruined.

>would of
>as upon

You can have empathy for people while also believing they need to get their shit together. You don't need to support their delusions. Empathy does not mean feeding into their warped perceptions.

Great rebuttal, pickle kisser.

She fucking needs a hug. What poor broken woman. Fuck that guy for enabling her.

A hug? She needs a fucking straightjacket

>a hug

Oh yeah, what a victim. That with the finger broken by her is the bad one.
I unironically say- you're a pathetic whiteknight cuck.