Welder thread
Welder thread
You misspelled "Dropped out of high school"
Is this your work? If so, well done. Nice profile. Now for the inevitable criticism: put more heat on your tie-in.
How's that gender studies degree working out for you?
i dont understand
is this a good weld or what
how do you qualify a good weld?
Yeah you'd have to be a dipshit like me to make $57.50/hr bud :(((
Found the college kid that's 100k in the hole for gender studies.
This IS a good weld. Depending upon your employer, you will take a certification test to qualify yourself as a welder. The welded piece itself will undergo specific tests depending upon the WSP or welding specification procedure. This can include a penetrating dye with acid wash, x-ray, UT, or bend test; being the most common.
so basically this gets bonus points because it looks particularly aesthetic was well as in all likelihood being a weld with no leaking?
Every welding certification test I've ever done is performed with a bend test+x-ray which is redundant but I'm not the one footing the bill.
Basically. Often times not every weld you do is inspected. Although if the weld is a part of a pressure vessel or is load bearing, it will at the very least get a visual inspection if production rates are high as to not tie up the welder in question. A good looking weld is most likely a solid weld.
More likely due to consistency and a low likely hood of being weak or leaky. He's still a whipping Faggot though.
AWI weld
What OP is showing takes years for most to get down. Welding sched pipe of any sort usually calls out for very specific parameters.
why does this nigas weld look so clean and flat when all other welds I've seen look like bubbles/beads?
Practice. Practice. Practice.
There are WSPs that call out whipping on intermediate and cover passes. Often times running beads will actually cause a greater amount of stress risers on the face of the weld which increases the likelihood of cracking on the toe and throat of the weld.
Here's some of my recent work.
Cool thread OP
I'm not sure what I'm looking at. But uh... practice.
That's some incredible bird droppings.
You will never see dimes on pipe. It just doesn't happen and there is a reason for it. A weave will push your root pass in consistently.
Sup OP. I have a mobile welding side business. This is my type of thread.
Depends what type of welding was used. Tig,Mig,Arc all have different beads/pools.
thats a sick weld bro. i wish i had a comfy tig job.
i stick weld and repair shipping docks and other warehouse stuff. Im too much of a lame stoner to join the union and make big money.
While you do have a point you shouldnt be a such a fag, did your gf cheat on you with a welder?
my whole academic career i dont think i ever got an A. I could never imagine myself inside some office though, i cant focus and i just feel bored. with my job i'm outside everyday and i get to go to cool factories that make doritos or tampons and stuff
Are you fucking retarded?
Good welders pretty much swim in money, that job is exremely high paid
this is my endgame. i want to make fancy gates like bob dylan
Nigger, a trade can be had for next to nothing, while providing a very good paying job if you do shit right.
In my experience, every good welder I've ever met including myself is educated and is proficient in what they do. Which includes reading and understanding prints, math, and critical thinking. It's not easy being a pipeliner, fab wizard, or an ironworker. The hard part is experience. The work itself is easy. When the hood drops, the bullshit stops.
you can make shitloads of money welding because its one of those jobs a pajeet or some office bimbo can't even pretend to do
It’s my brothers and mine. Going on 2 years. It’s not enough for full time, but sure as hell supplements the incomes. We charge $100 an hour for steel and $125 an hour for aluminum.
I took a class in welding and bought a welding machine just to make fun stuff at home for my own use. I am not a "good" welder. But since i don't build anything that is like... dangerous if the weld doesn't hold, i can afford to not be.
And although i don't intend to be a professional welder, i gotta say, welding is fucking fun. It feels so damn satisfying to make a good weld.
That's awesome man. Whereabouts do you do your business? I'm planning on putting a rig together for the same thing when I'm back from vacation in March. I just wish I could find a Big Blue for under 17k :((
Well done.
That's the thing. People can rely on you for basic repair and things of the like even with a basic stick course. Which means extra income. Even if you're not well in the trade, having the basics down can net you some income.
I don't even weld and I can tell pic is legit
Cause OP believed in the heart of the cards.
If any of you lads are interested in welding, I would suggest going to your local Union Hall or finding information through the American Welding Society. Find information on the trade from local community colleges or independent trade schools. They will be glad to have you.
When you're welding, what you are essentially doing is holding the torch in an extremely specific way, and gliding as perfectly as you can at exactly the right speed and right angle.
Tiny inconsistencies in that very delicate and smooth motion can cause fuck ups in the weld. You've basically got to move as flawlessly as a machine. And learning to do that consistently takes a lot of fucking time.
Bro. Start small. We have a Miller bobcat 250 and a Hobart champion. The Hobart is mounted on the truck. Mig steel and aluminum we use Millermatic 211. We bought an older AT&T truck and it came with a smaller Onan genny and air compressor. That rig runs our welder and plasma cutter if we need. Got a hypertherm 45. Also have a suitcase for heavier shit. Looking into buying a diversion 180 next week to take advantage of rebate.
We’re in Ohio.
It gets old after while. The challenge isn’t in the Weld for me, it’s in the journey from raw material to something useful.
just googled the aws and I can't take them seriously when their "this week in welding" has 4 different bullshit articles about women being good at welding as if the gender mattered
Maybe, but i do have a track record of enjoying repetitive tedious things that require or aim for perfection.
Like i'm one of those strange creatures that enjoys debugging programs.
Sounds like you're kitted up nice mang. I'm in Utah and pipeliners are a dime a dozen out here. I'm looking to be as independent as I can, which is why I want a Big Blue. I understand going small but I have the money for it from all the goddamn OT I work and good references to start pipelining, mostly for Chevron and oil fields opening back up next year. Hopefully you can go full time with that, being your own boss is lovely.
I referred to the AWS for the sake of reference there bud. Take it with a grain of salt. They try to be inclusive and it's annoying.
I didn't know auto-darkening hoods existed for the longest time. My dad just had the static kind so all his welding was shit because he didn't know where he was starting.
What do you think of space welding? In space, similar metals weld together instantly without a seam, just by touching. Would that make welding easier or harder for you if you had to work on something in space like the ISS?
Yeah. We made an extra 30k this year or so. That’s the plan, but we both have decent jobs as it is so it’s hard to give that up. Hopefully in the next 10 years depending on business.
Did you put that back into your business?
Nice one
tigwelder here
I’m the opposite. I’d rather have a bullet in my head than monotony
Then become such a good sub-arc welder you can walk away.
About half. That’s the hard part lol
I don’t do subarc bruh
Top Kek, pipefitter/welder in Boston here. My take home pay is 53$ an hour and if you count my pension, annuity and god tier health insurance my total package comes out to 101$ and hour. School was free. Have fun being 100k in debt working at Starbucks with no skill set faggot
Hey guys, during the solar eclipse, i used my welding mask to look at the sun.
I am not blind now. But i was wondering, how stupid of a decision was that?
It was an auto-darking helmet. And i was a little concerned that the helmet might THINK that when it got too dark(visible light) it might turn off while the uv rays were still blazing.
But it stayed dark and everything was fine. But how much was i gambling there?
Molecular Biology. Pretty good. Made some connections. Already have a job lined up. Six figures a year is fine by me. How you living, fam? Long hours and hard work? Good luck with that.
Hahaha, I did the exact same thing. I was up on decking too and it was fine. Even if your hood didn't darken it's still enough to protect your eyes.
Welders make a really respectable amount of money.
Especially if you're willing to do stick pipe welding while hanging off the side of a building several stories up where they can't reasonly hulk a mig welder up there.
NDT fag here. Looks pretty neat.
shoulda gone bare back bussy I see all now
Question to welders
whats your country and your salary ?
There's pride in what we do. You're just a name in an abstract there bud. Have fun getting pasty.
I'm in the US. I'm not on salary, that would be suicide for a welder. I make $57.50/hr. More if I work out of state. And I usually have at least 10 hours of OT a week.
Just going to ignore me and measure salary dicks, I guess. Cool, cool.
How much meth did it take to finish that weld?
You're in fucking space. The suits they wear cause them to have the dexterity of a five year old. What do you think?
>Writing papers for the rest of your life
I'd rather suck dick for laundry money
>drop out of highschool
>receive well-paying and comfy job
Seems like a fair trade to me. There are plenty of professions you could mock, but welder isn't one of them.
Ok. Sport...
Okay. Bud... :((( Pipette yourself into /sci/ nerd.
One of the serious problems in this country is an overfocus on college education and not enough focus on trade schools.
In this country trade schools are seen as less respectable than getting a college education and a job that requires one.
But there are tons of well paying jobs that are in high demand that are trade school jobs.
Sounds like he might of been shit. I leaned using static screens and my welds were passable with them. That being said auto hoods are a fucking god send and make welding so much easier. So much so I give the guys i train one after they pass their test.
but I wanna be lyke einstein
Pride. I heard pride goes for a lot these days. I'm sure mom and dad will be happy you got your pride card. What's the value? .000005 bitcoin?
I can't really get pasty. Little too dark for that. How's it feel knowing that soon a machine created in a lab.. not too different from mine will take your job and do it 10x times better and faster than you? I wonder if they'll accept pride bux when you're jobless. I'm sure they will.
How does it feel knowing that artificial intelligence will replace your job? A man and his welding machine will never be replaced. It isn't cost effective. This world turns because of the holy dollar my friend. Take a step back from that microscope and get your hands dirty.
And you'd make a great molecular biologist considering you don't understand melanogenesis there bud.
>implying robots can weld for shit
We have a couple robots where I work. It can load and unload machines like a mofo all day. It can not, however, Weld for shit
Welding machines already exist. They're only good for long, straight welds and need to be programmed by a welder. Even when the tech advances to the point where they can weld in small spaces, human welders will still be widely used.
Enjoy wallowing in a temp job only to find your role has been outsourced.
Heh, g/l finding a machine that can do jobbing welds, sure they work great for production welding but fuck all else.
>googles pictures of fab work
Fucking stop. If you're actually a welder and on this website, please kill yourself
You are a rather delusional greasy monkey now, aren't you? That's admirable. Tell you what, save this post. In 5 years when the things being worked on happen let's post again. We'll see who still has a job and who has been replaced by a machine. I'll bet a fresh stack of one hundred dollar bills on it being you that ends up jobless.
You are so smart. 010011100110100101100011011001010010000001110100011100100111100100100000011001100110000101100111011001110110111101110100
Not trying to be hostile here, but i am pretty sure that you could replace welding with sufficiently advanced AI.
They still need human welders right now for tasks where it's too awkward for a robot to make the weld. Places where a robot could not easily reach. Or situations where a weld must be done on site, and getting a machine up there would be prohibitively difficult.
But eventually they will create robots and AI that are dexterous enough and adaptable enough to replace human welders.
It'll take a shit load longer to be replaced than a lot of other professions though.
You are quite the gentleman. *tips* It's a good thing that pipelines, steel structures, off-shore oil rigs, pressure vessels, sensitive devices, and repairs will never have to be done by a man again in the next five years. Save it petri jockey.
There's enough union lobbying to where that would never happen.
I get what you're saying. But that's added upkeep on the welding AI. You would have to hire a programmer and a technician to go along with it.
Never happen? No. Will the union lobby fight it and delay it? Yes, likely.
But its a question of who has more money to bribe congress with. And although the union lobby has a lot, large companies have more. If that is what it comes down to, the unions will eventually lose.
No. That's the PURPOSE of having AI rather than just "a robot". You give the AI a task, it figures out how to do it. Just like a human.
You live in a fantasy world, friend.
Frankly, it isn't cost effective to have AI perform welding jobs in the field. There is upkeep, development, maintenance, repair, bodies to keep the machine running, purchase of updated software. Not only that, it isn't a priority because there is demand in the trade.
Ai still need upkeep as they can become corrupted or learn bad habits, or incorrect methods. It'll be a long time before we have adaptive ai that doesn't get stuck in doing one thing.
>muh union
You mean the same union that would sell you up the river for a higher pay grade? Sure, friend.
Lincoln Electric, has already made advancements in bots that can do long and short welding jobs. This is 2017. Not 1942. Technological advancement happens overnight not over decades.
Dude, do you not know what AI is? It's not just "a program". It's artificial intelligence. Intelligence. Ya know, that thing humans have that allows them to dynamically tackle tasks and problem solve?
We got a ways to go in many human intelligence abilities. But we've already made AI that can perform some human tasks as proficiently as us or in some cases, far past our abilities.
Welders get paid 6-figures minimum bud. Especially in the mines.
Underwater welding?
You're talking 200k+
If you're good, you're worth every dollar.
Bots. Not an intelligent frame that can adapt to a shifting work environment.
I'm not debating that AI would be superior. But that is financially feasible nor is it a possibility in the near future. The cost would be astronomical for a unit. It is just plain cheaper to hire 10 guys to do the same work much faster.
It's an accelerating field. It isn't cost effective right now. It will eventually be.
do you have to have steady hands to do this? Also, does a welder need to do shit fast? I'm a bit of a stickler for a good finished product but by doing so I'm a bit slower getting the job done