What's the point of Christmas in America, again?

What's the point of Christmas in America, again?

Family, togetherness, religion.
Most people celebrate by bolstering the economy tho. Makes me sad as this is the most beautiful time of year, perfect for comfy and reflection.

>the most beautiful time of year

edgy bitch

Making American Corporations Richer Again.

That is the point of xmas in the US and pretty much most countries.

But Americans have fallen into the trap that they think their government runs the country with their benefit in mind, when it is when the corporations is sucking the country dry.

Only paying 300bn a year in tax
Getting a massive 600bn+ military budget to spend on stealth fighters that will never get used
Getting massive rebates and tax cuts

They then eat up the lie that by moving black families into run down/under budgeted towns and cities, means it was because blacks did it all, goes to show how gullible Americans are.

Even funnier is the way they think cheaply made foods with massive amounts of chemicals and MSG = healthy delicious food.

No wonder most countries laugh in their faces.

And all they have to do is next election do not vote for any republicans or democrats and force 2 new parties into the final race to the Whitehouse, and you will get a massive cabinet shuffle, and most corporate bosses and shareholders getting the boot and inject much needed cash back into the economy and treasury so no more borrowing for the National Debt.

>inb4 hurr durr Americans get salty and act like they are amazing

Can you name another time of year as decorated as Christmas? Curl up with a book, or go out and experience the simultaneous rush and calm. Truly no other holiday like it. And don't forget that smell of pine and scented pinecones.

because you're a faggot and you're never more fabulous than right now

Umm any other holiday?

Easter is usually well decorated and plenty of eggs and chocolate.

4th of July in the US, flags everywhere.

Thanksgiving in the US, posters and black friday shit covers everything.

Sure they may not be tinsel or baubles but decoration none the same.

The whole point is spending lots of money and giving others money to spend as well!
This is the celebration of pushing money to the upper class.
Might as well just mail blank checks to your local billionaires

Stan trips of crony capitalism

The real reason for ALL holidays: to make neets feel bad about themselves for not having cute gf to bring to family dinners

its about making dank food and getting lit with the fam my man, kys

It doesn't sound like you're doing Christmas right then.

Samfag kill yourself. You're probably an atheist communist cunt anyway, no loss.

"Boo hoo you must be a samefag.. because... because..... shut up alright"

Now now don't be salty kiddo, and no only one of those posts was mine.

lol y u so butthurt?


>pretends to think the other person is butthurt
>he himself is butthurt
>got rekt by a random poster
>tries to cover it up and over estimate his e-peen size by 20
>inspector gadget picture thinking that will work and be edgy at same time


>trying to defend his honor by over analyzing and projecting
My assessment was correct.

you guys are fucking retarded. die

trying this hard in 2017


If the election of Trump has shown me anything its that a third and fourth party will never be able to with Stand the powers that be. Going to take a revolution

I guess its all done to make you mad kid

to offend sand niggers who hate whitey

>muh eggy