Someone asked me to make Clownpiece do "the dab", is that dance literally just this motion?
Ill have come OCs with also soon.
Lincoln Edwards
>Cuck News Network
Adrian Hill
>being late to the meme
Luis Williams
Look at this shit, folks
Levi Phillips
I like how dopey is one of his default insults for people.
Cooper Roberts
>I DON'T WANT TO WATCH A VIDEO I can't blame you. Scrolling through her fisting and prolapse videos is a real boner killer.
Angel Allen
a casual 600,000k Trump People™ showed up. That's something i think
Jack Kelly
Logan Kelly
Post your favorite news anchors!
Cameron Clark
And it's gonna be a real wall. A beautiful wall. Some day they'll call it The Trump Wall.
Chase Harris
How do you feel about this?
I would drop MN and either CA or NY. I would also put the following on the list: NV, IA, NH, VT.
Brody Lewis
what the fuck is this some kind of image or something?
Sebastian Barnes
Robert Jones
For the most part, yes.
Tyler Johnson
>implying this geek will be on the stage with Trump and Hillary
Jose Nguyen
February feels like a lifetime ago
Austin Cruz
>Bernie will be the nominee by default >Bernouts actually believe this KEK
Sorry but it'll go to Biden if that happens
Luis Miller
You promised me Donald
Justin Young
pls post a proxy
Hunter Garcia
>muh Goldwater meme
The Donald has already outperformed every candidate the so-called Trump killers advising Hillary have named as analogs.
She's toast.
Jace Evans
why doesn't he go after Colorado isn't it a swing state?
William Perez
I'll write my congresswoman and vouch for you if you promise to be an American Nationalist when you get through the Big Door in THE WALL™
David Howard
Thanks Belgien bro. The world is going to be a better place.
Luke Peterson
I still can't believe I took the hope and change bluepill. I just hope I'm not being rused again.
Austin Bell
>600,000k Trump People™ showed up.
I think you mean 600k.
Levi Bailey
This. The DNC won't take that busted kike.
John Hall
Fucking glorious
Kayden Cruz
The Chicago Tribune already floated the idea of pulling Joe Biden out of their ass and making him the nominee.
> mfw Bern Victims riot for days after that.
Jordan Powell
Oregon is now a swing state and he should focus there as well
Easton Morales
putz you're done, go away
Henry Moore
>fisting and prolapse videos
Aaron Howard
Don't make me go make a awoo plushie and cut its head off Isis style
James Cox
>by default nope, Hillary's delegates will still be bound to her and would likely select Biden or another Clinton approved candidate
Jason Price
Jack Flores
Joshua White
Newly made just for you niggers :)
Adam Ortiz
post an image or a gif or a webm of her please
Parker Bell
I would not step foot in California if given the choice
His first action should be to completely remove it from the US via a nuke or just building a wall around it
t. Californian
Jack Diaz
>Im waiting Donald
First off, Bernie sounds like Count Chocula yelling his order through a drive-thru speaker. No sane person wants to listen to more of that.
Bernie's campaign was never really serious anyway. He just wanted to loot the last nickel out of his gullible supporters. His campaign is even taking the grocery money from his supporters.
Bernie's campaign is just one huge Ponzi scheme.
Bernie “Madoff” Sanders
Bernie Swindler
Hudson White
That's only 10.
Aaron Cook
Isaiah Fisher
The fisting is fine, but when the rosebud comes out, that's it for me... I especially hate it when they lick it
Austin Campbell
Benjamin Harris
>not knowing there are 600 million American Bikers who support trump
Samuel Taylor
>Count Chocula yelling his order through a drive-thru speaker.
Alexander Foster
We don't debate losers.
As one lady said on Fox once, it's always the losers always itching for a debate.
First Ted Cruz, now Bernie.
Zodiac: >d-debate me dahnald >You're a coward! >#DuckingDonald!
Boinie: >debate me, Hillary. >D-debate me Donald Trump >What are you so afraid, tough guy? >#ChickenTrump
Loser talk
Jose Powell
That's a lot of motorcycles
Chase Ross
You actually think this...
The only way Bernie could of won was if he scored a knockout like Trump...If Hillary gets indicted it will become a brokered convention and someone like Biden will walkout with the nomination
Alexander Ortiz
Nathan Ortiz
Are those swing states or just usual blue ones?
Ian Moore
Red-blue color scheme is fucking retarded, isn't it? Blue should be used for right-wing and red for left but in the States it is reversed. Heck, American TV used this before 2000 for reporting the election results. Thoughts?
Kayden Brooks
ᵍᵃʳᵇᵃᵍᵉ ᵐᵉᵐᵉ
Parker Anderson
were any liberals stupid enough to show up to protest?
Owen Hall
Benjamin Hernandez
That's a pretty cool flag you got there, Athens
William Foster
Jeremiah Watson
You're absolutely right. I wouldn't put too much effort into Minnesota tho.
Jayden Johnson
The Trump campaign is behind the Trump generals both on Sup Forums and four plus four chan, right? The production quality of the memes and the threads themselves, along with the consistency, is much more than what has been seen on those websites before.
Ethan Williams
This faggot will never on stage with Trump or Hillary.
How can you meme libertarians be this fucking stupid? When will you idiots finally grow out of it, you faggots are barely better than BernieCucks.
Charles Walker
before 2000 it was tradition to swap colors each election cycle
Leo Rogers
Democrats used to be conservative while Republicans used to be liberal.
Brody Walker
Trump announces 15-state plan to win the White House