tfw you realize that conservashits have always been the racists

> tfw you realize that conservashits have always been the racists

Other urls found in this thread:


Wow rly makes u think

>being a proud southerner
>a jewish plant
what do these have to do with eachother?

Woah that's a lot of buzzwords!

>Ms. Peterson, who was born in West Berlin in 1946 and became an American citizen in 1982, said she took offense to the comparison of Mr. Trump to Hitler.
>“They said Trump is a second Hitler,” Ms. Peterson said. “I said do you know what that sign stands for? Do you know who Hitler really was?”
>“I make the point that they are demonstrating something they had no knowledge about,” she said. “If you want to do it right, you do it right. You don’t know what you are doing.”
>That is when she made the Nazi salute — a gesture that is banned in Germany — as a form of counterprotest. But that is all it was, she said.

“Absolutely I’m not a Nazi, no,” she said. “I’m not one of those.”
>The couple said they had not yet seen the photo, but they had received calls from family members about it.

Occupy Democrats misrepresenting reality again? Color me surprised.

>D-. Apply yourself, see me after class to set up parent teacher conference.

>Democrats are the party of the KKK
>Democrats are the party of welfare aka government vote farming
>Democrats passed the 1820s anti-slave-freeing laws

> parties never switched sides

Oh my sides

Is a conservashit like a hedgehogging shit or an indoctrinated morally corrupt and disillusioned liberal progressive who can't see the forest for the trees?

>le parties were the same 150 years ago meme

Wasn't the lady on the right a jewish Bernie false flag?


>Religious extremists
>Literally the party of political correctness, das rayciss and ISLAM

>implying racism is wrong and not a completely natural and normal reaction to protect your tribe from murdering shitskins

KKK leaders support Hillary
Welfare is a plantation you can't walk off of without cries of uncle tom
Democrats continue to keep blacks as a permanent socioeconomic underclass through their welfare programs and the destruction of local economies, as in Detroit, as in Baltimore.

No a conservashits is a term used to described morally bankrupt sociopathic conservatives who live in a bubble world and out of touch with reality . They are also deplorable people that would rather see their countrymen suffer so that CEOs can pocket more money

also they like to "conserve" "shitty" economic policies that are only concentrated on only keeping the wealthiest Americans afloat while shitting on the middle class , hence the word conservashits

>Have you noticed that racists, Islamic extremist and black supremacists all align themselves with the DEMOCRATIC PARTY?

Wow really makes you forget the confederates started out Democratic wow 10/10 great banter.

Oh you mean like globalists who use liberal progressive who in turn use fringe minorities like trans and Muslims and useful idiots like you to propagate a new world order in which a disillusioned sheep like you will be tossed aside?

>le parties were not the same 150 years ago meme

>morally bankrupt sociopathic conservatives who live in a bubble world and out of touch with reality . They are also deplorable people that would rather see their countrymen suffer so that CEOs can pocket more money

quite a mouthful thee

> that jpg

Nothing personal kid

Yes they have but it doesn't imply that Republicans don't have SOME truth to SOME things they say. I disagree with much of what they say but immigration does need regulation and there is some validity to allowing some people to own guns.

>stereotyping, intolerance, and hypocrisy the thread

Because if you align yourself with the Left you're morally justified to be exactly like what you hate.


Libtard, take a look at this youtube video


>It's that same jackass who posts the shitty Horsey cartoon threads
>They must've left the computer unguarded at the group home again

>implying there's anything wrong with being a white supremacist

Knowing Nasu, he will be BTFO in the next page, and the following quarter hour will be repetition and vaguery in an effort to explain why in THIS SPECIFIC INSTANCE he was stopped.
What a fucking hack.