The United States does have such serious problems with Latinos?
The United States does have such serious problems with Latinos?
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Can't tell if this is a question or a statement.
Not really. the USA has been assimilating Latinos for a long time. The only reason it does not seem that way now is because a large number a new arrivals and still speak Spanish which is just another European language anyway. They are Christian too and most want to assimilate don't let the ghetto one in Los Angeles fool you.
The question, I really be interesting
I can't vouch for most of the country, but that map looks roughly accurate for the spots I've been to.
The places I've been to have been pretty well integrated, but the illegal problem is definitely for real. It's surprising how far they're tolerated simply because they're cheap labor and friendly.
Europe has a bigger problem with Muslims. Latino's are part of western civilization.
They're about as numerous as blacks but blacks commit far more murders.
Illegal immigrants are still a problem, however. Because in California they're allowed to vote. Not to mention all of the cartel violence that is spilling over from Mexico into the US.
Russia will be flooded with Muslims. America will just be a bronzed skin nation but essential the same. Russian women will have to wear burka while American women will be able to wear a bikini like in Brazil or Mexico.
I don't live in California where there are gangs, but the ones here in Indiana are nice and friendly. The tend to work hard and drink very hard when they're aren't working. Some can be lazy, though.
Most are roofers, factory workers, or run their own restaurant/work at a Mexican supermarket.
Why do americans stick up for literal shitskins entering their country? Everyone in the USA will be brown in 200 years because of conservacucks spewing shit about >muh hardworking conservative Latino
Can't speak for the cucks, but we absolutely need to have a real immigration process. There's no question about it.
The Mexican government makes no secret of their plans to conquer the US through migration but our politicians are all traitors.
Why you let the kebab rape little white English girls. UK should be ashamed. stop bitching at us you got bigger problem your own police cover up for the kebab raping your women.
They aren't actually a problem here in the Midwest and Mexicans have lived in the Southwest USA for hundreds of years, anyway.
We probably will be Brazil tier 200 years from now, but who gives a shit? We will all be dead. I'm Sicilian and swarthy, so you consider me a shitskin, anyway.
Mexico could not conquer IHOP.
No american here on Sup Forums (aside form nu/pol/ """alt-right"" shitters) condones the rising amount of shitskins.
And, as far as I've see, it's the democrats that are the ones spewing the "muh cheap labor" bullshit.
Hes a shitskin.
>No american here on Sup Forums (aside form nu/pol/ """alt-right"" shitters) condones the rising amount of shitskins.
Old Sup Forums was mostly libertarian and libertarians absolutely condone open boarders. Nu/pol/ calls them cucks now.
They should be able to, they're the only country that is fatter than the U.S.
Even with the wall the USA will be Mexican in a generation or two.
But latino's and Asians are 10 * better than Muslims and Africans. Europe gets Muslims and Africans Europe will collapse first.
you realize the majority of american immigration is from somolia, nigeria, and the middle east right?
the mexicans just makeup the lions share, but you've been letting fuck tons of somolians in
Niggers are the worst though and the USA has a near monopoly on them.
I should clarify, thje majority of american immigration not counting mexico
This is true. But a good question to ask is how much immigration do we want at all? An oversupply of labor drives wages down, and that's not very useful as the cost of living increases. Not to mention the question of what such a demographic change would do to us as a nation, culturally.
Same thing with H1B stuff. If you're not in a high H1B area, you might not know how odd it is to occasionally wonder if you've just walked into a different country.
>tfw always wanted to live in Idaho or Wyoming
>It's already too late
In Minnesota yes. But you cuck prime minister welcomed Syrian refugees in person. Canada lets More Somalia's in than us.
No they didn't, you fucking newfag. Nobody on "old Sup Forums" supported open borders. Ever. We were more for keeping secure borders, but keeping rights free within the nation itself.
Found the nu/pol/ shitter.
Latinos are routinely going to vote democrat
Are illegal immigration policies are never going to change if Trump doesn't win
don't be like that dude, this is both of our problem, I'm not calling you guys cucks I'm just saying that a collapse of the west is a collapse of the west, canada is headed to a majority non white as fast as you are
Because they are half-retarded and start shitting out kids when they turn 13.
Here are the latest Canadian immigration figures.
It's primarily South Asians and basically always has been.
White Southerners routinely voted Democrat until they got kicked out. The Democrats should be the majority party but they have to thin the heard to keep their core happy. Latino's will ask why they have to work hard and pay taxes when blacks don't and become resentful. Their is just not enough gibs to go around for everybody.
I agree.
Compared to Europe's Muzzie problem latinos are a birthday party
The biggest thing about the illegal immigration problem is that there are SOME cultural similarities between Mexico and America.
I love Trump to death, but he should have focused much more of his campaign on the destruction of the Middle East and the flow of Syrian refugees under Obeezy than the Mexicans.
It's true, there are a LOT of shithead criminals that come over from the border and do some serious damage. They also leech off taxes, and have hundreds of kids. But at least the majority religion in Mexico is Catholocism, so while they may be annoying, a burden, and sometimes criminals, they aren't blowing themselves up or trying to shoot down airplanes.
I think that the wall should be built, obviously, and be on par with Israel's wall. But I also think that immigration of good, hardworking, somewhat educated Mexicans into the United States would help the economy as a whole.
I know this whole board is "muh white race maymay" but whats happening in Europe is MUCH more destructive than that is happening in the Southeast United States.
That also being said, under Obama they're have been more deportations than any other president, and ICE has nearly tripled in size, so the enforcement is there.
The real problem is the sanctuary cities, like San Fran, where cartels flock too.
tl;dr: The WALL must be built, but stopping Muslim immigration should be the highest priority.
Colorado isn't red enough
Mostly Latino's are part white and speak European language. Latin words are used in English and most European languages we are one civilization.
What makes them think they have a right to Oregon?
Coming from someone who has a family that is half Latino (Puerto Rican), they tend to be very culturally conservative. Fiscally?- they're very liberal. The main reason why is because they end up never being able to get out of the same old rut of being poor and essentially jobless, not to mention the constant flow of new immigrants and the out-sourcing of jobs makes it even harder, plus the current welfare state makes being a single mother with children pay more through welfare than through minimum wage jobs.
The exact same can be applied to blacks (but instead of being lazy fucks, they overwhelmingly resort to crime to make ends meet creating nigger culture).
It's a vicious cycle that won't end until we close the borders, deport the illegals, end the h1b program, and overall repeal the immigration act of 1964.
Then you'll start to see more industry-type jobs, eventual higher wages, and lower shitskin birthrates (more shekels means more attention on materialism, less on niglets and mini-pacos)
East Asia and SEA: 216457
South Asia (almost entirely Indians): 132600
Europe: 83259
Not at all. These make up more than half of the total even when including the Americas
Kek, stop reading Huntington. They are Turanian af
This is also true. Unlike the constant waves of migrants into Europe from the Middle East and Africa, Latin America is much more in tune with European culture and are part of Christendom, giving them some good ground for assimilation.
But shitskins are shitskins, and I definitely don't appreciate them filling my nation en-mass for jobs.
It's the exact same here in Canada. The Philippines and China are over half of immigrants year over year.
Somalis, or whatever meme refuge of the week are a drop in the bucket.
Good. As a female we have more mating options now.