The demographics are too fucked for another republican to ever win again
Cucks like Bernie are soon going to be the norm
The demographics are too fucked for another republican to ever win again
Cucks like Bernie are soon going to be the norm
Trump has gained 11 points in average at California since the last polling.
The map wont stay as it is.
america is soon going to become spic central amigo
And yet Trump is losing California by around 10 points at this stage, Hillary can barelly get around 49%
Trump is also literally losing by A SINGLE POINT in Florida.
I don't buy the polls
At least over 70% of hispanics hate him
All muslims hate him
Women won't vote for him because muh abortion
Whites leftists are too riddled with white guilt
And Shillary will get the backing of Obama, Sanders, Bill, and the mainstream media
>I don't buy the polls
Do so at your own peril
>Ignore statistics, i dont believe them!
Classic Redditor.
Trump has 60% of the male vote and 45% of the female vote, but you never hear about the first one, just the second.
Muslims are irrelevant in politics.
Women are just slightly leaning Hillary.
White leftists were voting Bernie and they hate Hillary.
And nobody likes Obama, Bill and the mainstream media anymore.
Hillary has been trying to send the message that she is an "Outsider" because she's a woman and nobody will buy it.
>I don't buy the polls
>At least over 70% of hispanics hate him
What's the policy for when a candidate gets an official party nomination, and then has to drop out AFTER the convention?
Can the party then just pick whoever they want regardless of who came second-place in the primary? Has a situation like this ever happened before?
A lot of the people who hate him don't vote.
>And nobody likes Obama, Bill and the mainstream media anymore.
This will only be the case if there is low voter turnout. The average American gets their political views from CNN and Facebook.
I have never heard about something like this happening but it would result in destruction.
It would simply cripple the political effort and leave it in disarray.
The messages will be mixed, the party would turn against itself and commit political suicide.
The voters would be just as confused and Trump would surge up as a source of trust and reliance saying "What a waste. The democratic party is a mess."
Look now, the reason why Bernie is still so high in polls is because he is not the target of Trump.
Trump has been reinforcing Bernie's position in this political game in the expectation to turn his supporters against the rigged estabelishment.
If Hillary leaves and Bernie comes in, he will get hammered badly over the policies that people are not really paying attention to.
Well, the delegates of the winner still decide, I guess?
In fact, its likely that Hillary's delegates could pick Biden as her replacement if some shit happens
No that will be the case regardless of what happens.
The american people are completely AGAINST the estabelishment at this point and the support of Obama or Bill Clinton would only make your face printed on a "POLITICIAN HERE" post that cripples your chances of winning.
Trump set the terms of engagement already and he set it so Hillary cannot win.
Bernie vs Trump would be a dangerous thing, Trump has very few cards on the outset against Bernie; except for calling out Venezuela and so on
But who knows
I don't know about that. Americans are getting fed up with all of the race riots/ anarchist and socialist demonstrations that come along with Bernie. Though the college students in America seem to be brainwashed so who the fuck knows.
>We are talking to a man who did not get a single paycheck util he was 40 years old. A man who managed to pass virtually NOTHING worthy in all the time we have been in politics!
>Obama has managed to accumulate more debt than all other presidents combined and you want to put a man in who is currently over 500k in personal debt himself? A man who cannot even manage his own life properly in charge of the biggest increase in government THAT THIS COUNTY HAS EVER SEEN??
>Now tell me Bernie, when they come to take repossession of what you own, will they take over your seat of president as part of it too?
>Oh i'm sure they will. You will let anyone take over america just as you did with those black lives matter ladies who invaded your stage as you stood by with your head down praying for it to end.
>This nation is TIRED of incompetence.
>This nation is DONE with weak leaders.
>And of everyone that i have been against, socialist grandpa, you have been the weakest of them ALL.
It would be murder.
>Not red
stfu brazil
Like statistics? How about the fact that Obama's approval ratings have been rising all year...
And how does it translate into Hillary?
She has fallen from +28 to +10 in very little time in California.
What is the point of pointing statistics that have no correlation with one another?
Do state and federal politics really matter that much? From what I know from my dear American friends, local and regional politics are so much more important on a daily basis than what colour your state is..
A president is a face. A picture of where the country is heading and what it is becoming.
Trump is not only going to be a president but something else very rate these days; a leader.
The president has a very big impact in society if not in policies.
And through society you change policies.
Obama issued an executive order granting amnesty to illegals(without congress approval), so yes it matters.
70% of Hispanics are ineligible to vote, esse.
North Carolina and Iowa will be Blue too
All you had to do was get over hating gays and shit, but noooo, it's too much fun being edgy and courting the bible-thumpers (whose numbers drop with each year).
Trump's Lion's Guard footsoldiers will be in full force at polling places come election day to make sure he is victorious.
If most people want to destroy America than let them. Countries always go through these cycles. They constantly switch from on form of goverment to the opposite every few hundred years. In a few hundred years liberal faggots will be ousted and vice versa a few hundred years after that