Britains War Record in WW2 - Nothing to be proud of?
1936-1939 - Utter cowardice and craven subservience to the Nazi's
1939 - Declares War on Germany only because of treaty obligations. Seriously thinks about declaring war on the USSR.
1940 - Defeat in Norway
1940 - Defeat in France
1940 - Bankrupt, out with the begging bowl. US sends a load of broken rifles and shitty destroyers in exchange for all of Britains gold. USA intecepts British bullion ship of Ghana and confiscates entire contents. (See Clive Ponting - 1940 Myth and Reality for more info on this incident).
1940 - Battle of Britain. Highlight of the war, even though no victory was won. On a sidenote, how many of you British people realise that you lost more fighters than Germany lost bombers? Look it up.
1941 - Defeat in Greece and Crete
1942 - Defeat in Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaya. Full retreat in Burma
1942 - Wins only battle of the war, and only then because of American hardware. El Alamein. Loses horrendous casualties through sub-WW1 tactics
1943 - Slowly progresses through Italy using American tanks and New Zealand blood. Begins to bomb Germany using mostly Canadian blood. Defeat in the Greek Islands (Dodecanes Campaign)
1943 - No progress against Japanese in Burma even though big American brothers have now taken over the real fighting in the Pacific theatre.
1944 - 1945 - Reduced to the status of American sidekick. Churchill ignored by Roosevelt.
1945 - Allows Poland, the country it went to war to defend to become a brutalized Soviet vassal.
War ends, so lets sum up Britains war aims shall we
1. To preserve the Empire.....failed.
2. To protect the independence of Poland...failed
3. To prevent German domination of Europe..failed
1946 - 1990 Burger lapdog and/or Aircraft Carrier, depending on your point of view.
1990 - ????: Becomes United Cuckistan with English becoming a second language