>Article appears on huffpo saying that hillary has been indicted
>No reports anywhere else
>story suddenly disappears from Huffpo

Other urls found in this thread:


What you get when u click the story link now

is was a post on their jr journalist section that any pleb could submit to

Washingtonpolitics24 or some shit had it too

It probably is a prepared headline incase she is indicted.

It probably is a prepared headline incase she is indicted.

The fuck

It probably is a prepared headline incase she is indicted.

What's the policy for when a candidate gets an official party nomination, and then has to drop out AFTER the convention?

Can the party then just pick whoever they want regardless of who came second-place in the primary? Has a situation like this ever happened before?

She's above the law.

If I were president I'd have here executed for treason.


She's the nominee unless she drops out of is forced out by the dems. An indictment isn't a crime itself, so she'll still be eligible until there is a court case to legally disqualify her.

I don't imagine it going well.

>Can the party then just pick whoever they want regardless of who came second-place in the primary? Has a situation like this ever happened before?

they can pick anyone they want at any time, but will people flip their shit and riot because they kind of don't want that

It probably is a prepared headline incase she is indicted.

Sup Forums is always right

This. Writers do this all the time. It allows for them to break the news faster.

Is there an achive link of the story?

It was an opinion piece. Did you even read it?

i saw this also, really makes you think.

>Trump is fucked if Joe "uncle touchy" Biden is the nominee

Yeah, nah.

Archive for the lazy


CORRECT! I worked for the NY Daily News and we had prepared breaking stories/obituaries on file that merely had to be quickly tweaked (dates etc.) for quick publishing.

I found the article



Michael is happily married to a great guy, living inTexas. Very progressive liberal, socialist, atheist, all those things mom warned you to stay away from.

Strong supporter of equal rights for everyone, lgbt, women, minorities. If we don't stick together they will divide us.

I'm afraid to refresh the page I don't want to lose it



Archive of the original article

I can't figure remember how to take a full page screenshot

but thanks to I don't have to worry about it anymore

The inevitability of Hillary's downfall was never in doubt. The Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative and in particular the shenanigans involving Frank Giustra are going to sink her and a lot of the stench around her.

Hillary will probably never go to prison or want for wealth. However, she will be faced with the living hell of being publicly reviled as the worst example of cynical, arrogant self-serving corruption in modern history. She will live long enough to see school textbooks describe her exactly as she is.

If you have the stomach for it:


What is the original link?

There is nothing which this faggot says about himself linking him to Huffington Post.. he writes on his own blog and is just a craven degenerate....



The only reason for FBI to have a connection to the retard is because he is probably a basement dwelling pedo



>no meme tabs

this is no time for meming my friend

Never know, people that are assigned to monitor places like this might end up redpilled and lurk in their free time. If anyone notices they can just say "It's for work" though and nobody will bat an eye.

>I’m a gay married guy originally from California
>Far left liberal, socialist, and opinionated.
>The user name K1nsey6 refers to the Kinsey scale, which I am a 6. But sexuality is fluid and that number can fluctuate anywhere between 1 and 6. I have yet to experience anything below a 4.

He's in more "trouble" than if he went against hillary. He would completely destroy her.

there's more


She was just playing sum Dark Souls u casul

It's more important we meme now than it ever has been. We can't turn our backs on who we are.


links to the non-existent HuffPo article

Shills done fucked up

>Joe 'Hello sweetie' Biden

archived it here:

here senpai

this thread is shit

>TFW the DNC convention is in my home city

Is there a term for putting out a fake story that is the opposite of the truth so that people jump on it and discredit themselves by referencing it?

Literally the same article.

Are you guys incapable of reading past the headline or something? This is an opinion piece that no doubt contains some elements of truth but is not indicative of any HAPPENING.

Read Clinton Cash if you find this interesting, it's pretty much talking about the same thing.


yah, sounds highly credible...

So can anyone post a self authored article on a section of Huffington Post that the editors might decide doesn't pass the sniff test and can it?

libel trap. i think

He's cool, i like him.
Sorry for his son - can you imagine burying your child?



bruh wtf no tabs? uncultured barbarian

because they took everything down and I'm trying to look into it

I've only been able to find 1 tweet about it

it's a bit spoopy but I've never seen an that technically exists get redacted by a large media outlet so quickly

I want to see something about 'indictment' in the article but it's just not coming through. Maybe I'm retarded, can a friendly user help?

I really want this to be true, guys.

makes you think..

This is that thing Karl Rove did to Dan Rather about GWB's TANG service.

>saves them the time of actually having to type a headline
Just how slow do they type?

God damn.. Joe Biden would cause WWIII to assure his other son's success in the Ukraine gas biz... fuck him

So let's make him run against Trump who will bring up all those creep shots, huh?

not confirmed yet

idk why the fuck Huffpo would even do this

are they trying to tell us something?

The ride never ends

It's literally fucking nothing, this thread has no substance. Let us congregate to some another thread.

Idiot trapping.

seems like a story they had ready got posted accidentally. might be something more to it but without more evidence it's speculation. happy hunting.

Right? Fucking shills.

>No reports anywhere else
Wrong, here it is uspolitics24.com/hillary-clinton-indicted-federal-racketeering-charges/
and it's still up

is obvious shlling a meme now or something? Did I miss the new meme again? I always miss the new memes.



Wow, a no-name on twitter posted a fake link to a non-existent article. It sure is happening.

>without more evidence it's speculation

you realize his wife and kid died in a car crash when he was younger too, right? biden is based and definitely a bro. seems like a fun dude to chill with and he's overcome a lot.

Here's the article


Do you think it's a prepared headline ?

No it's not, it's also not the huffpo, go to the link you fat lazy bastard


yo wtf is this??

some1 screen cap, shilling confirmed.

huffpo link for the record

God, I do not like that woman and hate that dems treat her like she is owed the nomination (for... what?) but this email "scandal" is clown shoes. Its so trivial that I'm fairly confident it was planted by Hillary's team to give the opposing team something to froth about that leads precisely nowhere, instead of looking into real issues like Whitewater.



Fake threads? Fuck off kid

>joe biden
literally who, he doesn't even have a vagina, most of the support for hillary was literally because of her vagina.

It redirected me to a host gator or whatever it's called 404 page the first time I opened it.

The second time it worked fine.




every bernie voter will vote trump if hillary is indicted and they just give biden out of the blue all the delegates. They will be so pissed lol its going be fun to watch.

It's nearly word for word the same, interesting nonetheless.

Huffpo probably jumped the gun by accident and will republish after official announcement

somebody fucked up



Nice bait proxy fag

Maybe we should start something preemptive. #creepyjoe



Knowing the retards in this country, they'd still probably elect her with some bullshit excuse like "Trump's cronies made it up because he knew he couldn't win."

Nah faggot, it is a big deal. I worked in SIGINT and it's never authorized to send classified material over a personal communication method. If anyone else had done that, they would have at the beast least had their clearance revoked and fired.


You're retarded

It's nothing yet. The article just said that some organization will submit a recommendation to some Attorney General that Bill&Hill be arrested likely for racketeering. I've no idea what that is.

Will she be pardoned? It would be the stupidest thing for them to do if they did it.

>nearly word for word the same
Yeah, it is basically a snip job. Minus the 6million Bernie links that the huffpo had at the end