Why is using nukes not seen as a sensible approach

to wars?

Nukes are safe, can be deployed fast, kill enemies in a wide area and put the fear of God in enemies.

ISIS would not be in power long if a few nukes would hit key ISIS cities and/or military areas.

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>Nukes are safe
>Weapons of mass destruction are safe

Because there are larger implications when the first country uses nukes for conventional warfare.

I don't think you know anything about nuclear weapons
it's time to start reading
Literacy is a good thing

that's why you retard

Western militaries usually aren't even willing to blow up the occupied oil refineries, because we want them functioning when the fighting is done. Not to mention how we cry over collateral damage. You really think we're willing to use nukes?

If america nuked ISIS we would just have a world deeper sunk into degeneracy, with Muslim polygamy dating sims, 8 year old sex dolls, and Arabic anime.

because radiation, fallout, wind, international laws, and M.A.D.

Plus some thermobaric weapons have massive yields comparable to nukes without the aforementioned problems.

Because other nations with nukes will chimp out. Nukes are for feel safe and keep your independency. If Russia or Murrica start throwing nukes to the shitskins, howdo you think that will act countries like Iran, Israel, France, Pakiland, Poondia, and such?

trust me, if i had nukes, i would nuke the entire middle east, Sweden, Africa, and Germany and the world would become 99% better

sorry you have to die as well but you are beyond redemption at this point

Know what's worse than muslims? MUTANT MUSLUMS


>international laws
Who cares about international laws?

And MAD does not apply to ISIS. ISIS does not have nukes.

>and Germany

Yes but they will retaliate and so will all the others who support them

You syrup drinking queer

Merkel would OPEN THE FLOODGATES to all the survivors and Hans would let the mutants fuck his wife to get their population backup out of guilt

they need to die as well

>Nukes are safe

Wars aren't made for killing people. Deaths are a kind of side effect. Using nukes cause in thousands killed people.

>Yes but they will retaliate and so will all the others who support them

Pic related is a picture from Hiroshima - people were burned into walls looking like shadows.

How can shadows on a wall retaliate?

>nukes are safe

MAD is just a meme, putin knows this.

So what's the problem?

Smoke out all the rats in one go.

Thermonuclear weapons have much less potential for fallout and radiation contamination because of how they are powered by fusion reactions. An efficient fusion reaction produces harmless byproducts like deuterium and helium.

Sure, our thermonuclear weapons aren't that efficient and will spread around stuff like plutonium and uranium, but not in major quantities that are extremely dangerous. The area that had the bomb go off in it would be contaminated probably less than a week, and people could survive in the area within hours.

Nuclear weapons aren't nearly as scary as people make them out to be.

Because ISIS is everywhere not just the nuking point. It's not like they are all going to stand in the same area unless you nuke the Mecca

Creepy af

Becaus they are not going to all stand in one place. They are a plague.

>Because ISIS is everywhere not just the nuking point. It's not like they are all going to stand in the same area unless you nuke the Mecca

I am pretty sure you can nuke all areas in which ISIS is right now simultaneously. No more ISIS.

This is why you aren't allowed to control the nukes stationed in your country, Germany.

Yeah we know that. But it is an issue that isn't avoidable

>annex Canada when?

PR mostly, people are terrified of nukes and any country that used one would be vilified globally.

>Nukes are safe
Have fun with the fallout.

You can't because there is ISIS in your city's in my city's and all of the west. Not just the middle east retard

but does russia really give a shit?

It's the fear of shit spiraling out of control. Nuking a few ISIS HQ's/cities here and there is fine, but it's when every country who has nuclear abilities thinks it's okay if they use them is when we have a problem.

Nuclear-capable powers are going to be blowing each other off the map and when the dust settles, the only places left in the world are going to the places we set out to destroy in the first place - 3rd world shit holes.

>>nukes are safe
What is fallout

That's how we'll end up with something like The Chinese Republic of Western Denmark becoming the new world leader.

>What is fallout
What are nuclear tests? There have been a shitload of nuclear surface tests.

We are talking about tactical nukes here which would eliminate ISIS. fallout is negligible. We are not talking about 10MT warheads but Hiroshima or Nagasaki style 0.01MT and 0.02MT warheads.

Germany needs a purge, like all western europe, but using nukes agaisnt european countries is a nonsense.

Might as well piss o them from helicopters if you're not going all the way

Car bomba or bust

>implying flooding a country with shitskins it not more effective and way cheaper than an atomic bomb

Why did you stop buying pork from Serbia?

Because no matter who uses modern nukes, no matter where, it would engulf the whole world in a nuclear winter for at least 20 years causing most people to starve to death. That's why.

This is why you should consider anybody who seriously means that they would "push the red button" as insane.


I forgot about the winter may may

If you nuke your enemies, they win

>one nuke goes off and nuclear winter hits

>If you nuke your enemies, they win
ok, because of the 72 virgins?

>nuclear winter

It's like the 60s/70s all over again with dumb kids these days.

It's a total meme. People argued that the burning oil fields in Kuwait and Iraq during the gulf war was going to lead to an apocalyptic event because of the massive amounts of carbon being released (you could see the smoke from orbit).

It didn't happen. It's a shilling meme.

Interesting, but I'm skeptical of that infographic since it comes from Vox.

>Western militaries usually aren't even willing to blow up the occupied oil refineries, because we want them functioning when the fighting is done
Neutron bombs motherfucker

Nah, it's something retarded that our country's retarded-ass leader said. "If you kill your enemies, they win".

I do like your spin on the idea of killing Muslims though.

But user, you are the first and only country to use them.

By that logic, you'd defeat ISIS and solve global warming in one swoop.