of course they are real, and they try to come into our country all the time
Luke Collins
Yeah she's just trying to distract you from her impending criminal charges.
Cameron Cox
If they are or not is irrelevant, it's just another card to arrive to the presidency.
Anaways if she wins and open those Area 51 files, they will only show what they can and if there's an Area 51, there is an Area 21,67,1 ..
Landon Phillips
Yes, ancient assonauts came here in the remote past.
Matthew Miller
her husband tried this meme Obama is trying this meme she is trying this meme and you know what? the same thing will continue happening. nothing and broken promises.
Christopher Morgan
Bentley Sanders
XD no for real now i also think, that if they say they show us what is in there, they will just show some meaningless bullshit and not reveal the existence of aliens, if there ever were any to begin with
Tyler Lee
Aliens are real. if you want to see one go look in the mirror
Alexander Perry
What if it's real ?
Up until very recently we were in primitive societies where catching a cold or scraping your knee could kill you. The all of a sudden our technological advancement has been rising exponentially.
coincidence ? I think not
Eli Rogers
they are just all trying to appeal to the paranormal crowd which by estimates is actually pretty big. just like the republicans do with pretending to be christians. i doubt they would release anything worthy its been like 20 years of the same old promise.
William Torres
why is it so hard for people to believe that humans can accomplish great things? build things? develop and advance on their own? Why does every little thing have to have been handed to us or stollen from someone? what's so hard to believe we as a species accomplish things?
Jace Evans
It probably is a prepared headline incase she is indicted
Ayden Harris
Ethnic Europeans are descended from aliens ?
Samuel Wright
well i do not think techonlogical advancement points to the existence of aliens furthermore most ufo cases can be explained away through natural phenomenons - since most of them are lights and regarding those cases, where people saw solid objects, that do not resemble any aircraft we now, I think it is perfectly reasonable to assume that they could be some secret military airplanes so I do not think that there is any ecidence for Aliens visiting earth - although i am not reluctant to that theorie Furhtermore i also think that there is no evidence for abductions, people tell stories about lost time and experiments and stuff like that, but there just is not any evidence for that
Carson Jackson
Dude, Humanity is like 200'000 years old but we only have 8'000 years of recorded history.
They was literally no major scientific advancements until the past few centuries.
Why did we all of a sudden develop when we stagnated for 99.9% of our history ?
Something is clearly off
Noah Edwards
"Americans can't handle the truth"- Bush
Anthony Allen
That's what I hate about those goddamned ancient alien shit shows. They discredit man. All they have to say is, no way man was smart enough to do this alone. Well we were and we are.
Aliens, sure they're out there, but way too far away for us to see, and if we could see em out that far, we'd see them as they were in the past since light takes so long to reach our eye from there,and that's how they'd see us or earth, buried in the past with dinosaurs roaming. So let's give man the credit he deserves. He was smart enough alone to do all those things, and will continue to do great things with or without intervention.
Pic def unrelated.
Carter Ward
ayy lmao
Christian Garcia
>something is clearly off.
Yes you, you idiot.
Connor Evans
>implying aliens exist >implying it's not a government psyop >implying those '''''aliens''''' are not demons >implying God and His son, Jesus Christ can't save you
Noah Johnson
Topkek you can't make this shit up
Chase Peterson
Jason Evans
Not an argument
Leo Reyes
Candidates have been promising that since Jimmy Carter.
In the end, there's no alien stuff going on but the location is used for sensitive research and testing. So they will likely never completely open up the area and documentation on it.
Zachary Jenkins
watch this video OP, youtube.com/watch?v=2FTT5RPMDws even Chief Conspiracy Theorist, Bill Cooper says that they don't exist, and its a hoax put up by the government to unite the world (aka New World Order) under one global socialist like clusterfuck. Also Top Occultist Aleister Crowley said while tripping that he saw demons, which he later described as small grey creatures, pic related reminding you of something?
Carson King
They just announced Comets contain amino acids all life is Alien to Earth.
Easton White
K If aliens are real isn't globalization a good thing ?
Bentley Turner
>obama says that anyone who wants to expose ayys won't get elected because "the aliens won't let you" >then this pic >threads after threads of ayys on Sup Forums What's happening?
Carter Jackson
So because a top conspiracy theorist says it's true then that makes it fact? Do you know how many habitable planets there are? How many times NASA has cut their live feeds when a mysterious object appears? Also, pic related
Oliver Harris
Where is this from?
Jaxon Morris
I got it from here, people just MAGA'd about it.
Evan Flores
We didn't even make fire. That Greek nigger Prometheus had to steal it for us.
Chase Young
she will find a shitload of aliens in US jails
Eli Torres
>watched from outer space >visited from other planets
this is another lie. aliens do not exist in our temporal space time fragment. they are entirely from another dimensional rift.
Benjamin Johnson
their Socialist-style-dictatorship New World order agenda code named Globalization is far from good everybody knows that. NASA is full of shit when it comes to 'aliens' and 'UFOs'. UFO is unidentified flying object to the observer, but the top level secret air-force bases actually make them and test them. Also let's not forget NASA is a GOVERNMENT agency, don't you think maybe they do that kind of stuff intentionally just to fuck with you and make you think it's 'aliens'?
Gavin Cooper
We've not been agricultural for 95% of that time.
Hudson Morgan
And we should believe Hillary because she has a long history of telling the truth right?
Chase Sanchez
So what proof do you have of aliens being demons besides some occultist's picture?
It's a Marxist agenda to make us believe in aliens to unite us under a one world government. Notice the increase of shilling for aliens lately? Gee I wonder why.
Watch this video of Bill Clinton, he basically supports the agenda, along with Obama and Hillary youtu.be/gZqLlHRepSo?t=2m15s
Luke Wood
If I remember correctly, she's been interested about aliens long before her presidential run.
Connor Cox
aliens always existed throughout history. before being reptilians they were frog men and then before that known as goblins or faeries. read folk literature its all in there. myths memes dont just happen for no reason.
Julian Carter
what proof do you have of 'aliens' existing? those area 51 pictures are faked btw. Crowley was a freemason, meaning he had a lots LOTS of connections with top level people in the world, he was probably the authority for their ceremonies, whatever they were, it's not a coincidence that the demons as Aleister called them, are very similar to the average normie alien we now know of, they're demons, he called them that for a reason, he was well educated man both on the field of philosophy and religion. Aliens are demons.
Austin Hill
Those are just cryptids that live here, not demons or aliens.
Leo Watson
nice disinfo shill, go masturbate to David Icke some more
Cooper Butler
Don't know about aliens, but there does seem to have been a tutor species in ancient times.
Kevin Watson
Gavin Allen
fuck off shill
see here they've been shilling this shit so hard on Sup Forums the past week or so
Alexander Campbell
Nicholas Sanders
absolutely fucking this.
Jackson Jones
>billions and billions of stars in the milky way galaxy >scientists confirm almost every star has at least one planet >trillions of galaxies in the observable universe >"ayy lmao aliums arent real area 52 amirite?"
Yeah fuck off cunts they were here before we knew to wipe our asses
Zachary Long
Prove to me the photos were faked. Also, you're going to believe what a top occultist that worked for the Freemasons, a group that is constantly twisting and suppressing the truth, over people who have actually been to space and seen UFO's and EBE's?
Ryder Evans
Even if they are, which I don't doubt, isn't anyone else simply fucking tired of this bullshit? They are WORSE than those "documentaries" about ayys. They've been doing this shit for centuries, for fuck's sake space faggots, just come out of the closet already.
Gabriel Diaz
Of course they exist, but none have ever visited this planet. There would be some proper proof by now if hundreds and thousands of craft had visited in the last 50 years alone.
People just want to believe in them because they are bored and dissatisfied with life. It's the same deal with ghosts.
Jason Wright
What's wrong with prepping the Earth for alien invasion... just in case. We built bunkers for a nuclear holocaust that hasn't happened yet. And if we are forced into a galactic civilization, you can say goodbye to local politics.
Christian Taylor
See pic related in
Andrew Sanchez
>What's wrong with it
Marxism, that's what's wrong with it.
Might as well ask what's wrong with prepping the world for a demonic army that will appear out of a wormhole in the sky. It's just fucking retarded.
Benjamin Ramirez
Aaron Parker
Why does a global Earth have to be a Marxist Earth.
Angel Ramirez
Ancient astronauts theory is actually an interesting one and to take in consideration (no troll)
Tell me how many different cultures have identical pyramids and how primitive peoples built such complex megastructures that even with current technology would be impossible to make
Believe any bs what they're selling to you, like I said, NASA is full of BS, not every time but good 60-70% of the time. Freemasons back in the days were picking very talented and very well educated people, Aleister Crowley was one of those people, Masons are known for their knowledge and wisdom, they cant deny what he saw during his trips. Too bad now Masons are actually have much lower standards than years ago...
Aiden Jackson
even if there are aliens, we will ether never find them, or will only find them in hundreds of years ago from now.
think with me here. the percentage planets that can support life in the galaxy are like 0.00000000000001%. and then again, even if they support life, how can it be sure to even evolve? it can easily be wiped out. and speaking of being wiped out. the only reason we are here is because an asteroid hit the earth and killed the dinosaurs.
what i'm saying is, if there is life in any other planet, the chance of it even being intelligent enough to communicate is extremely small
Jace Adams
I don't doubt that some life is out there but come this is some serious nerd pandering
Nathaniel Rogers
everything's wrong, it's a fucking psyop, they want you to believe 'muh aliens' so w will unite under ONE WORLDS SOCIALIST LIKE DICTATORSHIP, wake up, aliens don't exist
Easton King
Bill is giving that look like he's reluctantly dancing with the drunk secretary at the holiday party
Christopher Reyes
shit i never thought that pol would be so bluepilled about demons and n shiet. i though they were fake too until i went into a catholic church and see an exorcism happen before me eyes. that shit was fucking scary af not to mention it made me change my beliefs on religion. anyway i do think the world will unite but it wont be because of some aliens. the bible actually states that the world will unite against Christians and believers alike and ultimately Christ who would return back to earth from the heavens.
Connor Wright
You fucking retarded faggots really don't know how to read between the lines don't you? >looking away and down when saying "there are no aliens down there" >prepping the public to alien contact by saying "increasingly likely to have aliens out there" >says nothing about the hundreds of sightings of UFOs >"it's NOT like independence day" >means that we won't have a threat that would unite us in the form of an space invader >even if there aren't ayys on 51 it doesn't mean there aren't ayy spacecrafts >shaking like M.J Fox during his speech >Automatically shakes his head making an yes after is asked "ohh you trying to give me a hint that there are aliens"
Lucas Morgan
Stacking stones on top of eachother up to a fixed point is the easiest damn structure you can make. I'm surprised the Portuguese couldn't pull it off.
Camden Garcia
>identical pyramids
They don't though, internally they are completely different. Egyptians used a unique method of pyramid construction.
Joseph Foster
They're real, but whether they've come to Earth is debatable. It's possible they could've just observed instead of interacting. OR they didn't, since if they did they may have decided to uplift us.
But in reality, the whole alien thing is irrelevant, we got better matters the attend to.
Chase Kelly
about the Kepler planets >NASA - GUYS WE HAVE FOUND EARTH LIKE PLANETS! EVERYBODY WATCH! OF COURSE IF YOU HAVE PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP ON USTREAM TO WATCH OUR POWERPOINT PRESENTATION AND SOME GUY SPEAKING ON THE PHONE >after a while telescope malfunctions everybody forgot what was Kepler they are teasing us like never before people! I never said demons don't exist, I said that those 'aliens' (small grey big head ones) are not 'aliens' but demons
Christopher Carter
Learn to fucking greentext I don't even know what the fuck point you're trying to make.
Grayson Clark
Anthony Cooper
Europeans gave that technological adcancement you ignorant cunt and it was wasn't muh yoomun beans.
Why is it so hard for you to stop using commie language?
Christian Carter
How do you know they're real? Have you ever seen an alien in person?
Weird looking aircraft != aliens
Oliver Moore
>Sees convincing acting >Is convinced demons are real
Luis Long
Back in the 90's one of these things flew over Phoenix in broad daylight. Thousands of people saw it. The Air Force dropped some flares a few hours later but it wasn't the main event.
Nathan Gomez
Kayden Mitchell
There's a significant number of national socialists on Sup Forums, and what is Earth among other inhabited planets but a nation unto itself. You use dictator as a pejorative, when they're the only leaders who can slice cleanly through bureaucracy.
Jordan Foster
>man shaped rock into perfect squares with a stick and pushed them 500 miles each trip
That's the pyramids alone. No one is trying to discredit what man has done TODAY, which is far more impressive than ritual buildings. Man fuck this why am I even trying. Just fuck off alright? Ur gay.
Easton Roberts
Hell yea they're real nigga. Can't wait for Obama to blow the cap off the lid, introduce us to Lord Xenu, then forcibly convert the planet to Scientology
Jason Martin
A lot of government influence hinges on the public believing that the government is withholding outrageous secrets from them, because inevitably the ordinary folk are just going to accept that there's most likely a good reason why it's undisclosed to the public, like national security issues or the prevention of mass paranoia/panic.
They play on the public's belief that they have more up their sleeve than they actually do, because it puts up an intimidating front toward other nations.
The president has the opportunity to speak in front of millions of people every day. Because of this massive potential for highly sensitive state secrets to spill, the president doesn't know shit; but it helps establish his leadership if he pretends like he does.
Luis Sanchez
Just like when Obama closed Guantanamo and all.
Hudson Sanchez
>"perfect" >"squares" Have you even seen the pyramids close up?
Nolan Price
Do I need to vomit digested information down your throat for you to understand?
He was shaking, means he was extremely nervous. Acted like a bad liar when saying there are no aliens on area 51 Says to the public that contact is increasingly likely Says it won't be like on independence day When asked if he was giving a hint about alien sightings being real he made an yes movement with his head. Movements with the head indicating yes or no are exceptionally hard to control, which means he was lying when he said verbally "no".
There is it easier to understand now burger?
Logan Gonzalez
Literally Project Blue Beam.
Don't believe any of the bullshit Obongo or that fucking witch put out. It's all part of the staged "invasion" where we'll never see the "aliens" in the flesh.
It's just a testing site for prototype military aircraft, there's nothing special about it. It's just a ploy for votes on $hillarys part.
Charles Jenkins
hologram is cool but they cant fake sound
Caleb Gray
From what can be gathered off the internet this is the closest to the truth we'll ever get
>Be humanity 12000- BC >society has a kind of stone technology that's ancient even by that time >realise there is a higher form of consciousness through drugs, rituals, transcendental states and therefore that means God is real >"Prometheus"-tier aliens show up and offer the same kind of transcendental experience through other means and represent themselves as gods in their own >This is where the mythology of one vs many gods originates >These aliens have a connection with humans in some ways >Cataclysmic event happens, either by design or by chance >allislots.jpg >Through archeology we patch up bits and pieces of information >UFO phenomena happens >some UFO's are real, others are weirder >aliens/demons connection made
The true redpill is knowing God and demons both exist, but one is a truly 'extra dimensional' being, and the other is just a race of biological beings advanced enough to mimic the effects of the real thing.
Connor Long
Lincoln Gonzalez
Technological advancement is exponential. Because we know more, we can discover more.
It's practically a mathematical impossibility for aliens to not exist. But I don't think they're in area 51 or regularly visiting the planet. I don't think they'd bother fucking around hiding from us unless they just wanted to observe us for research or something - which wouldn't make a difference to us anyway. A species capable of interstellar travel (literally defying physics as we understand it) wouldn't need to resort to Jew tactics to rule or exploit this world.
Jackson Adams
Is she fucking stupid? Area 51 is where we test airplanes, weapons and future technology. It's our edge on the world
Xavier Bell
What if they were interested in our well being what would be the easiest way to reduce the fear that common people have of aliens?
Henry Hernandez
Yeah totally couldn't make a movie somewhere and edit the sound to be whatever you want.